Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1237

Soul theory, placed on the social networks of the 6 continents, has always been a phenomenon of dual polarization.

If you are willing to believe, you will believe without thinking.

If you don’t want to believe, no matter how much scientific evidence comes, you will simply reject it.

For Mind Power people, putting soul theory and mind together is quite persuasive and credible.

If we say that the consciousness of life is the soul, then when life dies, the consciousness will be stripped from the body instantly, and there will be nothing left with Life Energy and emotions such as sex.

But also as Torich said, after death, people will leave more or less grievances due to certain specific conditions.

After the death of the unconscious beast, the rosary will be left behind, which is also equivalent to the load of the soul.

Well, Dong Fulisi has assimilated the rosary left after the death of the dragon, so he can obtain a stronger physical fitness and strength.

In other words, rosary can be used to raise the upper limit of human possession.

Luo took a few steps forward and kicked the black cat with a light kick, revealing eighteen rosary beads hidden by the black cat.

The black cat landed on the ground, rolled for several laps before stopping, with a resentful look at Luo who was following the rosary.

“come here.”

Suddenly, Luo raised a finger.

The black cat suddenly shivered, almost dying, thinking that it was a sin to even lick the beads?

“Let you come over, don’t you hear me?”

Eyes at the black cat did not respond at all, Luo urged it again.

The black cat swayed its stiff limbs and slowly walked towards Luo, like a prisoner rushing to the execution ground.


Looks at black cat slowly, Luo can’t help frowning.

The black cat’s body shook, he quickly speeded up his steps, and stood obediently in front of Luo, a pitiful appearance that he should be beaten if he had mistakenly acknowledged it.

Aside, Jin Hedong silently looks at a black cat with a changed personality, thinking that everything has its nemesis.

Luo grabbed the black cat in one hand and waited for no response from the black cat. The other hand went directly into Paulie’s mouth, which was opened by fright, and pulled out a few rosary beads from it.

Later, Luo threw the black cat and looked at the pink rosary in his hand.

This rosary was a rosary left from the absorption of the golden pot.

Combined with the information provided by Toflix, I think it should be the rosary of that little girl.

“Is the soul carrying something …”

Luo stared at the pink rosary of crystal clear and near-transparent, and could not find any trace of it that could indicate that the little girl was beastly.

That is to say, the rosary left after the death of the beast alone cannot reveal the appearance and even the identity of the beast.

“This is also a rosary.”

Dong Fuli first glanced at the eighteen rosary on the ground, then looked towards Luo pink rosary pinched between his fingers.

“Well, this is what I left after disposing of an item. That item is a mind product, but it is attached to a mind animal.”

“Is it a dependent beast? Actually, it’s very rare.”

East Ricoh pinched his chin.

Among the beasts, [command type] is the most, because the realization difficulty is low, so that the call level is also low, followed by [active attack type] and [passive defense type].

The reason why these types of mind beasts are more common is that the development is difficult.

Mind beasts like the Dependent Type, and autonomous souls like the Black Cat, which have souls, are very rare. In contrast, the development difficulty and the realization difficulty are extremely high.

“When it comes to dependent beasts, I have one in my hand.”

Luo grabbed the black cat again, using the same style, took out the surprise box from the black cat mouth Paulie, and then left the black cat aside.

The black cat lies on the ground, above his head, as if shrouded in layers of black clouds.

“This thing is called the surprise box, and it is also a post-mortem thing. It has a wide range of functions and can be used to strengthen the synthesis of certain items and even life.”

Luo handed the surprise box to the interested Dong Fuli.

As soon as the latter took the box, the clown of that box opened his eyes in vain, and the ghost cried, “Surprising surprise! This Sir flashes …”

At the end of that, it stopped abruptly.

Clown looks at the close-looking horror Dong Fuli, those eyes that seem to open wide like ghosts, closed in vain, when nothing happened.

In fact, he was almost scared, so how dare he continue to impudent.

Dong Fuli didn’t care, flipping the surprise box, feeling the grievance field close at hand.

Without a doubt, this is indeed a thought product left after death.

Capabilities are strengthened and synthesized, and the target range includes living beings.

Just extending the imagination a bit, it will inevitably be surprised by the role of this item.

Dong Fuli really did imagine it, and then, when it came to some possibility, he was no longer surprised …

Since life forms can also be used as synthetic materials, can the rosary and life forms be combined to avoid the risk of death?

Thinking of this possibility …

Dong Fuli’s stable gas field could not help but stir up.

Clown, who was surprised by the surprise he held in his hand, immediately panicked, and the exaggerated makeup face shrank directly into a plan.

The reaction of Dong Fuli not only shocked Clown, but also surprised Luo and Jin 2 people, and they could clearly feel the excited emotion of Dong Fuli.

For the first time since meeting, they have seen Dong Fuli show such obvious emotions, just because of the surprise box?

The turbulent aura lasted only a moment before it was calm.

Because, Dong Fuli suddenly thought of [restriction].

Judging by the appearance of this thing, it is obviously from the 6 continents.

Then, even if it is a post-mortem thing, depending on the strength and breadth of the ability, it must bear the corresponding restrictions.

“Can the surprise box be restricted?”

Just thinking of this, Dong Fuli’s excitement and excitement calmed down instantly.


Luo nodded.

“Was it easy to tell me?”

Dong Fulisi sighed in his heart. Although he probably guessed the answer, he still asked to a question, when already knows the answer.

“Enhanced synthesis has a chance to fail. If I am not mistaken, the failure rate should be related to the Required Level. The harder the synthesis needs, the higher the failure rate.”

Luo simply revealed the bottom of the surprise box.

“The consequences of failure …?”


“Oh, it’s too simple for me to think so whimsically, I want to use the surprise magic box to avoid the risk of assimilating the rosary.”

Dong Fuli smiled slightly, and returned the surprise box to Luo.

After hearing the words of Dong Fuli, Luo and Jin looked at each other and instantly understood the reason why Dong Fuli was just excited.

It is also true that if the surprise box can be used to avoid risks, then a rosary can directly create a powerhouse.

But this kind of thing …

“That group of people should be coming for the rosary?”

Luo suddenly thought of it.

Dong Fulisi thought for a while and said, “Since they brought 2 thoughts after death, they should be trying to resurrect the” rosary “as a” replacement “, but they should not just come to the rosary. “

“Because there are giant god characters, there are usually treasures left by ancient humans.”

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