Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1236

Resfa ore, and foreign body evolution …

Luo looking thoughtful looks at the black scales on Toflix’s neck.

At the foot, the black cat tapped his tiptoe and wanted to leave quietly, but Luo stepped on his tail.

Although it didn’t hurt, the black cat didn’t dare to take the next step. He obediently lay on the ground, waiting for Luo’s sentence.

Dong Fuli glanced at the black cat, and laughed in his heart.

When he refused his request before, the black cat looked like a heroic fearless, but now it looks like a son who has been taught by father fiercely, which is really interesting and interesting.

Soul beast …

This system has played a very important role in the history of the dark continent.

After all, the Mind Beast has the characteristics of [Infinite Resurrection] and can be applied in various dangerous environments.

Therefore, for a Mind Power person, mind beast is indispensable.

However, it is not easy to create a beast with a soul.

Dong Fuli silently looked towards the black cat, to be precise, it was looking at the rosary in the arms of the black cat.

“What is foreign body evolution …?”

Luo looks at Dong Fuli, some speculation, but not sure.

Dong Fuli’s eyes turned, greeted Luo’s inquiring eyes, raised his hand against the black scales, calmly said: “As you can see, I am also a member who has successfully adapted to the evolution of foreign bodies, so I am like them, Can no longer be called human. “

He pointed to the corpse of a human being brought into the 4-dimensional apartment by the skeleton.

“In contrast, after adapting to the evolution of foreign bodies, my Strength raised not just one level.”


Luo could not help but be silent.


Looks at silent Luo, Dong Fulisi calm.

“No, this is also a style for survival, after all, here is the dark continent …”

Luo shook the head.

“You’re right.”

East Ricoh is slightly smiled.

Because here is the dark continent …

“We’ve been to the underground world, where we met ethnic groups, huh? We’ve also encountered … turkeys in the center of the earth, also … ice silkworms, and mermaids we encountered a long time ago …”

Luo originally wanted to mention the thing of chasing clansman to East Ricoh, but he suddenly thought of the foreign body evolution just mentioned, and could not help but think of many creatures he had encountered before.

Chasing clansman, turkey, ice silkworm …

These lives within the body can all be boarded in an item with a strange function, thereby giving birth to a certain quality.

Could it be that they are also living things adapted to the so-called [foreign body evolution]?

“Are you race by race …”

Dong Fuli’s eyelids droop slightly.

Luo looks at East Ricoh, asking, “So, are they …?”

“Yes, the evolution of clansman originates from the chase of flint, so they can survive in the center of the earth, but only on adaptability, there are countless more creatures than humans.”

“Creatures other than humans can also evolve foreign bodies …”

Luo looked dignified.

East R & F silently nodded.

Creatures that are more adaptable than the races can extract stronger Strength characteristics from the chase, so races will be expelled from the home by other creatures.

“Dong, are you old-fashioned patriarchs?”


“Clan by now …”

“I know it’s inevitable to be stared at by black bricks.”

Dong Fuli glanced at the skeleton man who was also afraid to act blindly without thinking, and was quite sorry in his tone.

Following Dong Fuli’s eyes, Luo also looked towards the Skeleton.

“The black brick is a scavenger. If you encounter it later, you can avoid it, and the scavenger is not just a black brick.”


“Closer to home, how much do you know about humans?”

Dong Fuli sits cross-legged directly, freely and casually.

Seeing this, Luo naturally impossibly stood and looked down at Dong Fuli, and also sat cross-kneeed.

“I don’t know much about it. If I don’t count on clansman, I have only met humans wearing white masks and a large appliance called a mountain ship. In addition, these are the humans.”

Luo pointed to the humanoid corpse.

“Humanoids wearing white masks … should be the Blackstone tribe, and these humanoids are the Risfa tribe. They are large humanoids with a large population and better overall strength than the gatekeepers.

“As for the mountain boat you said, the one that can thunder and discharge?”


Luo nodded, surprised.

“That’s the Ben Lei tribe. You should know ‘unmanned stone that can generate electricity’?”

“Know, you wrote it down in the New World Trail.”

“Well, the unmanned stone that can generate electricity is the evolution of the Ben Lei family. As for the mountain boat, the name is quite appropriate.”

Dong Fuli Slightly nodded, the large appliance really looks like a floating ship built by the mountains.

“So, when you met the mountain boat, was it affected by the lightning released by the mountain boat?”

“Yes, I’m impressed.”

Luo thought back to the scene.

At this time, Kim also idled, so came to them.

East Ricoh greeted Kim Nodded.

Jin sits beside Luo with his knees on his knees. He doesn’t answer, and his ears are listening.

“The electrical energy released by the mountain boat is actually … the excrement of the Ben Lei family. They will regularly release the hoarded excrement at one time. Of course, sometimes they will reserve a part to attack the enemy.

“The last time you were affected, you can only say that you are out of luck.”

“Excretion, excrement?”

Luo and Jin were suddenly aggressive.

Dong Fuli added seriously: “This is not a joke.”


2 People stared at each other, speechless.

Regarding the evolution of foreign bodies, they really refreshed their cognition.

Luo shook his head slightly, looking at Dong Fuli, slightly hesitant.

After seeing Luo’s response, Dong Fuli said with a slight smile: “Whatever you want to ask, of course, whether you can answer it or not, it depends on me.”

Luo nodded, asked directly: “The evolutionary thing of the Ben Lei family is the discharge stone, and the evolutionary thing of the Resfa family is also the ore. What is your evolutionary thing …”

Dong Fuli gently stroked the black scales exposed, said with a smile: “This is the scale of the dragon.”


Luo was surprised.

“Do you know the Zoldyck family? Or, do you know the Zoldyck family?”

“I know, but this is with the Zoldyck family …”

Luo said, suddenly thinking of Zeno ’s Mind Power moves, most of them are related to Chinese dragons. In addition, there are also some Chinese-style furniture carved by dragons in the Zoldyck family. What kind of dragon do you know?

“So, your evolution is the scale of the dragon?”

“Do not.”

Dong Fuli looks at 2 people, calmly said: “My evolution is not scales, but Dragon Ball, which is the thing after the death of the dragon.”

Having said that, East Ricoh turned his head and looked towards the black cat.

“Of course, it can also be called rosary, and here are ten or eight unidentified rosaries.”

Luo and Jin instantly understood and looked towards the rosary that was put away by the black cat.

After death … Rosary.

Facing the sight of the three people, the black cat subconsciously hid the rosary, was bitter, and thought that he hadn’t licked enough.

“Once the Mind Power dies, the split second disappears, leaving behind a corpse, which, depending on the situation, will produce a presence such as resentment, a manifestation of the soul.

“As long as there are residues left, there is the possibility of Nirvana Rebirth.”

“And the rosary is mostly the post-mortem of the beast, and it can be regarded as another embodiment of the soul.”

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