Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1238

Where there are giant divine characters, there will be heavy treasures left by ancient humans.

This view is recognized by humans.

In fact, no matter what kind of humanoid, they are always looking for the treasures left by ancient humans.

Even so, Dong Fulishi is not very sure, after all, the other party has 2 post-mortem thoughts, so the purpose of this trip may be simply to resurrect the 2 post-mortem thoughts.

“Yes, that red dragonfly …”

Jin Yanlu’s grave expression, considering the red dragonfly beast that the last humanoid had realized at the cost of life.

Luo heard that, the red dragonfly appeared in his mind automatically.

The body side is like a wooden stick, and the wings are still normal, but the eyes of the pair are abnormally large, not in harmony with the body, and the eyes have a black ripple.

“If I’m not mistaken, the last human consciousness should be teleportation in the red dragonfly.”

“Aware teleportation?”

Luo and Jin were slightly surprised and immediately thought about it.

Indeed, among the Manipulator Mind Power, a small group of people will use manifested beasts or certain smaller creatures as temporary carriers of consciousness, by manipulating the beasts or small life forms, to achieve detection. efficacy.

However, conscious teleportation can also be said to be soul teleportation. The ontology needs to bear greater risks, but it is not enough to pay life, and it is also the consequence of the whole body’s blood evaporating.

“This ability should be created by him temporarily, so he has to bear the constraints of life, and there is only one reason for him to do so, which is to pass information.”

“Although there is a great possibility of conscious teleportation, assuming that this is his temporary creation ability, and in such an emergency situation, there should be no energy to think carefully.”

“So, compared to the possibility of conscious teleportation, the possibility of ‘willing teleportation’ passing information back is a bit higher.”

“Of course, no matter what the possibility, the only certainty is that intelligence will be taken away.”

In a gentle tone, Dong Fulishi told various speculations about the red dragonfly.

Either a higher level of awareness teleportation, or a lower level of willingness teleportation, is for the service of [information transmission], that is, when the red dragonfly leaves, it also represents that their intelligence is taken .

“If that’s the case, then there is not much time left for us.”

Luo’s eyes calmed down, and he immediately glanced at the treatment of Lao Bai.

“That’s true.” Dong Fulishi expression calm.

“But we have to stay.” Luo took a deep breath.

“Oh? For the relic hidden under the word of God?”

“not quite.”

Luo shook his head slightly, probably explaining one of the constraints of the 4D apartment.

However, after experiencing this tribulation, he didn’t want to miss the unknown relic hidden under the word of God.

“It turned out to be.”

After listening to Luo’s explanation, Dong Fulisi was lightly nodded.

“This rosary, let’s get 5 5 points.”

Luo prepares to gather people, then leaves the apartment to dig out the treasure hidden under the word of God, but before that, he wants to divide the harvest first.

The harvest this time is ten or eight rosary beads.

If East Ricoh does not come to help, they may have to pay a great price, so Luo intends to divide half of the number of rosaries.

Hearing Luo’s words, Dong Fuli could not help but startled, and did not expect Luo to have such a plan.

He did not respond to Fenbao’s proposal, but said: “Taking the rosary as an evolutionary object is the lowest risk in the evolution of all foreign bodies. Moreover, the predecessor of the beast that can leave the rosary is very unusual. , May be able to obtain a capable beast at a minimum cost. “

“Apart from this, the rosary also has a lot of functions, it is a very precious material, so you are sure to give it to me in half? You know, I don’t have much strength in this battle.”

“I’m sure this is what you deserve.”

Luo didn’t hesitate.

No matter how precious the rosary is, how to divide it is how to divide it.

“Then I accept it.”

Dong Fuli Slightly nodded, and did not evade it, but simply accepted 9 rosary beads, but the rosary he chose were all relatively weak life aura.

The contrast between the front and back was so dramatic that the black cat’s eyes were about to stare out, and only sadly looked at Dong Fulishi to put one after another rosary in his pocket.

Damn, that’s too arrogant. It’s 9 pieces for one delivery. How good is one for me!

The black cat shouted wildly in his heart.

Compared to the black cat’s response in motherfucker, Kim is more calm, because he thinks this division is no problem.

Luo squatted down and put away the rosary one after another.

Every time you encounter a rosary, the white smoke font gives you the option to absorb it.

Luo hesitated to absorb 2 rosary beads to replenish the Energy slot.

Considering that the stock of black mental power is also about 20%, if it is sufficient for the time being, there is no need to rush to absorb it.

After receiving the rosary, Luo went to check the progress of the treatment. It was still very fast, but there were not many people who could walk away.

Luo thought about it and told his teammates what to do next, and then decided to bring only Jin.

Originally, it was intended to bring even Sergei, but considering that the 4D apartment is not absolutely safe, you can only leave Sergei in the apartment, and there are some factors to guard against the skeletons in it.

Luo is going to dig out the unknown relics under the word of God, and Dong Fuli will surely follow.

However, I also insisted on following.

Looks at This is always unwilling to [dedicate] the same type of weapon, Luo thought for a moment, then agreed to your request.

Using the key to open the door, Luo led Jin, Dong Fuli, and Xun out of the apartment and returned to the cave.

They left for a while, and the cave was still filled with slightly pungent blood.

“Dong, do you have experience in this area?”

In order to save time and energy, Luo took the initiative to ask Dong Fuli.

“The key is hidden in this god character. Of course, you can also use violent means.” Dong Fuli went to the center of the giant god character and silently observed the giant god character under his feet.

“Excluding the means of violence, how can I find the key?” Asked Jin.

“Analyze the word of God and find the ‘useless’ scores and nodes,”

Jin Wenyan turned his head and looked towards Luo, and asked, “What do you think?”


Luo without the slightest hesitation Kaidou.

So, 2 people started to analyze again.

With the previous pavement, and looking for the node that is [useless], it is much easier.

Dong Fulisi was not idle, and took the initiative to help.

On the accomplishment of God’s words, Dong Fulishi has been immersed in this word for hundreds of years and is better than Luo and Jin.

With his help, the 3 people quickly found the [Key], and then pressed the organs set in the God formation one by one.

As ordinary rocks fell down, the ground shook slightly, as if some heavy machinery was operating.

The thought of the unknown relic was about to appear, Luo and Jin couldn’t help getting excited.

“What good would it be?”

As they thought, they knocked down the last two organs.

“hōng lóng lóng !”

The rocky ground where they stood disappeared in vain, revealing the dark abyss.

Lost their foothold, the 3 people who were not aware of it suddenly fell down.

Luo expression changed slightly, immediately threw away the field, pulled Jin and Dong Fuli over, and then wanted to kick the air back to the ground.

However, a layer of invisible gravity pressured from above hit them directly into the abyss.

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