Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1235

There are Lao Bai and Sambika in the team, which is top in terms of medical conditions.

However, there were too many injured players, and the injuries were not small, so after taking Dong Fuli to the 4-dimensional apartment, Luo went to help deal with the injuries.

Although his treatment system is not as complete and stable as Lao Bai and Sambica, but he is still very experienced.

Because the focus was on treating the wounded, so that Dong Fulishi as a “expert” was left aside.

To this, Dong Fulisi didn’t feel anything, but when he was watching the 4D apartment, he was envious and noticed that the black cat who was playing rosary was just sitting idle, so he went directly to the black cat.

Facing the black cat’s guarded vigilant look, Dong Fuli’s withered face slightly twitched, said with a smile: “Can you show me this bead?”

“Do not.”

The black cat swept the beads into his arms, and refused extremely simply.

Although you are very difficult to deal with, you are not Luo.

The black cat thought like this.

“Just look at it.”

“That’s not OK.”

“I promise not to hurt the slightest bit of beads.”


Even if Dong Fulishi used the tone of the request, the black cat still refused it with no human touch.

Well, he wasn’t human at all.

Dong Fulisi leaned against his chin, somewhat helpless.

He can see that the black cat is serious, so he does not continue to entangle, and instead moves to the skeleton who is studying how to reasonably absorb the human skeleton.

The black cat watched Dong Fulisi turn and leave, actually didn’t expect the other party to be so interesting.

“This is the best way to save my time.”

The black cat let go of double-handed, and the greedy looks at the eighteen rosary simultaneously.

“Well, I really want to try one, but Luo must have counted it beforehand, if one is missing …”

Thinking of some consequence, the black cat shivered.

“You can’t eat it, but you can lick a few more times.”

The black cat first felt distressed, and immediately looked at the situation around the head and head. When no one noticed this, he lowered his head and slowly extended his tongue.

Mind moved slightly, the tongue sticking out of Paulie’s mouth split into ten 8 strands, and fell on ten 8 bead above surfaces, and then licked up and down.

“Well … this smell, well, full of life aura.”

The black cat narrowed its eyes and was intoxicated. The tongue, which was divided into eighteen strands, was unambiguous and licked wildly.

Not far away, Dong Fuli’s back was facing the black cat, but through a mirror, the scene where the black cat licked the beads crazy was captured.

The hungry appearance could not help but make Dong Fuli smile.

“Interesting beast.”

He smiled lightly, thinking that Luo body must have an unknown secret beyond ordinary people.

Because, whether it is the power of freely controlled resentment, or this unique and unmatched beast, it is impossible that it appears in the same Mind Power body.

He is very determined, because Luo is not an indigenous of the dark continent, but from the six continents …

Nor did he look down on the 6 continents. Of course, the 6 continents still have many [inheritance] and [history] brought from the dark continent, but compared to the Power System of the dark continent, no, or in other words, there is no comparability between the two. .

After all, the mental system of the 6 continents is just a little fur from the dark continent. Tracing back to the origin, the real system is still from the dark continent.

The fundamental reason for restraining the 6 continent mental system is also the continent’s cognition of constraints and vows. Furthermore, it is because humans cannot escape from the cognition of constraints and vows.

A deep-rooted cognition, that is, a rigorous cognition in order to obtain a stronger Strength.

Therefore, East Ricoh does not think that a Mind Power player in the 6 continent mental system can develop the ability to transcend the system.

To paraphrase an improper metaphor, how can a frog in well know the vastness of the sky before jumping out of a deep well?

Compared to the existence of black cats, it is not impossible to set up only a few harsh constraints.

But the ability to use resentment freely is extraordinary.

Taking a step back, if there is no black cat, then East Ricoh may be reluctant to accept the existence of [resentment], that is, the two coexist, and they will feel magic.

Dong Fuli folded the mirror and looked towards the bodies of skeletons and humanoids, but in his head was thinking of the mysterious color rendered in the Luo body.

An unknown secret …

He was very interested and curious.

However, he would not have to explore Luo’s secrets because of curiosity and interest.

Converging on the floating thoughts, Dong Fuli went to the skeleton man.

At this point, the Skeletons have begun to absorb humanoid bodies, to be precise, they are absorbing skeletons.

“If you need calcium, don’t touch the ore of their body.”

Dong Fulishi pointed to the bar-shaped ore on the human body, and the friendship reminded him.

“Ore? Well, isn’t this skeleton?”

The Skeleton Man staggered a bit. He used to start under the ribs, so he hasn’t touched the very conspicuous strip ore of the humanoid body yet.

“This is a type of ore called Resfa, which can independently reserve life strength. Although it has been integrated with humanoids, there is basically no change. If you rashly absorb it, then your Energy within the body will be out of balance. then……”

Dong Fuli’s double-handed touch made a slightly dull sound.

“It’s like this, the powder is broken.”

“Dong, you … must be scaring me.”

Skeletons were reconciled, and also doubted Dong Fuli’s claims.

“Believing or not by you.”

East Ricoh looks serene.

The skeleton was silent for a long time, very worried.

Ah, don’t touch the head office.

The skeleton man sighed in his heart, compromising Dong Fuli’s claim.

“Resfar ore? The reason why these humanoids are so strong is because they transplanted this ore?”

Behind, suddenly Lou’s curious voice came.

The treatment over there no longer needed Luo’s help, plus Jin was reviewing the divine characters set in the cave afterwards, so Luo came to greet Dong Fuli.

Hearing Luo’s voice, the skeleton man subconsciously put down the humanoid body, and Dong Fuli turned, looked towards Luo, his eyes moved slightly, and then fell on the black cat body that Luo single-handed stung.

“They are not transplanting risfa ore, but they have adapted their body to risfa ore, so as to achieve the effect of evolution.”


Luo left the black cat casually, and subconsciously looked towards the scales Kakuzu on the neck of Dong Fuli’s neck.

“Yes, that’s adaptation.”

Dong Fulisi noticed Luo’s sight and didn’t care. He opened the collar generously, exposing a complete and dark diamond-shaped scale.

“This process of adaptation is what they call … foreign body evolution.”

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