Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1234

With the fall of Tick, it also meant the destruction of the entire humanoid army.

It was just that the bloody dragonfly that finally flew out, like a thorn, rested in the hearts of Luo and Dong Fuli.

They silently look at Tick’s face dries up. After a moment, they look away at almost the same time, and then look towards each other.

Two curious and inquiring eyes collided in midair.

Not far from the aisle, the Skeletons saw Luo and Dong Fuli work together to solve all humanoids, and they no longer thought about it.

He even looked after human corpses, and imagined that as long as the bones in human corpses were absorbed, his strength should be able to improve a little.

He avoided the sight of Luo and Dong Fulisi as much as possible, and walked towards the nearest human body.

At the same time, King and Suzuki have settled the seriously injured Nobunaga and the others, and are now paying attention to the situation on Luo’s side.

Also at this time, Jin Cai had the time to take a good look at this legendary character-Dong Fuli.

Until now, the weirdness in his heart had not gone away.

However, he is grateful for the timely assistance provided by Toflix.

If it wasn’t for the arrival of Dong Fuli, then their team would definitely not be better.

Even if Luo finally broke out, several members would have to be sacrificed.

Fortunately, the results were good.

On the court, Luo and Dong Fulisi looked at each other for a long time.

After that, Luo took the lead.

“Thank you.”

He solemnly thanked Toflix.

East Ricoh laughed, nothing.

Seeing this, Luo could not help but smile, and immediately looked towards Skeleton Man.

I noticed that Luo’s gaze was sneaking at the human skeleton. The gaze of human skeleton suddenly froze, cautiously greeted Luo, and the upper and lower cheekbones with a little silver light collided a few times, It seemed like an awkward smile.

“Skeleton brought you?”

Dong Fulisi stunned for a while, nodded and said: “It’s right.”

Most of the information about Luo’s team is basically provided by Skeletons.

He will come to Luo to take the initiative, mainly because he is very interested in Luo’s team, and at the same time, there is a deep reason that needs to be verified.

But it cannot be denied that if there are no skeletons, then he would not know the information of Luo’s team, and it is impossible to come here to Satomi to Luo, and it is even less likely to see the power of resentment used by Luo.


Luo couldn’t help feeling that he had let the Skeletons leave in the first place, but actually gained a glimmer of vitality.

Had it not arrived in time, I would have no idea what would happen.

Suddenly, he thought of the situation at Nob’s side, and turned to Jin who looked towards behind, and shouted: “Jin, it’s not time to meet your ancestors … the elders.”

He wanted Kim to greet Dong Fuli first, and then he hurried back to the 4D apartment to check the situation.

After hearing Luo’s shout, Jin’s face was slightly broken, and he was covering his forehead and didn’t know what to say.

A few moments later, King came to Dong Fuli, a formal meeting, and unlocked a unique achievement among human beings-meeting with his Old Ancestor, this is not over, and may talk about it later.

If you ignore the relationship of Bloodline, Jin will consider Dong Fulishi as an idol, but there is such a layer of relationship, but he always has a little weirdness.

On the other hand, Dong Fulisi looked at his offspring with great interest.

The traces he intentionally left on the 6 continents are not only the book of New World Travel, but also the lichens and Fire Element lifeforms left on Whale Island.

Those things can be regarded as road signs.

Now, future generations are following the signs.

How does this feel?

It’s as if he, as Old Ancestor, left a piece of property somewhere, and then left a treasure map that required clues to find the property.

Then, a few hundred years later, a descendant finally came along the treasure map and successfully found the family property.

This feeling should be said as a relief, or a feeling of emotion. It is difficult for Dong Fulishi, who has lived for hundreds of years, to say clearly.

The only thing that was certain was that he was happy.

“Just call me East.”

Dong Fuli took the initiative to extend the hand towards Kim.

Looks at the hand that Dong Fulishi stretched out, and gold is also free and easy, no longer care about identity issues, extend the hand and hold hands with Dong Fuli Shi.

That split second, he felt Dong Fuli’s attitude. It was pure and did not incorporate other factors. It was just a meeting between a senior explorer and a new explorer.

“Gold R & F.”

Kim introduced himself very seriously.

Luo looked at Jin and Dong again. He really wanted to see what would happen after that, but he couldn’t wait any longer, said hello to 2 people, and entered the 4D apartment from the passage that Nob had opened before. .

Upon returning to the 4D apartment, I immediately saw Lao Bai and Sambika being treated for Nobu, and Machi was in a good condition, that is, he had too much blood loss and his face was relatively poor.

Seeing Luo returning to the 4-dimensional apartment, Machi froze and rushed to Luo without a word, hugging him tightly.

“never mind.”

Luo appeased.

“Uvogin how are they?”

Machi let go of Luo, worried.

“Serious injury, but there is a burning grass that barely stabilized the injury. For the time being, there is no worry. However, it must be treated as soon as possible.”

“That’s good……”

Machi was immediately sighed in relief, but she didn’t realize that her double-handed clenched Luo’s hand tightly.

“I’ll see Nob.”

Luo pats Machi’s hand, motioning her to let go.

Machi nodded, let go of his hand obediently, and then came to Nobu with Luo, looks at Lao Bai and Sambika are concentrating attention completely treating Nobu.

His eyes glanced from Nobu’s body, which was basically blood, which was rather miserable.

Luo’s gaze was faint. He was sure that Noble’s ability should be [evolution], so in that case, to move Machi teleportation to a 4-dimensional apartment, it was not clear what kind of constraints Nobu needed to bear.

“Fortunately, there are Lao Bai and Sambica, as long as they did not die on the spot, they are acceptable results.”

Eyes at treatment could not be completed in a short time, and Luo did not affect the work of Lao Bai and Sambica, went straight back to the hole, and explained the situation to Jin and them.

Subsequently, the crowd brought some seriously injured Baha’i, and even the skeleton man and Dong Fuli returned to the 4-dimensional apartment.

Before entering the apartment, the skeletons did not forget to take the human body with them. Anyway, no one said anything about him.

As for the black cats who did not contribute much in the battle, they did not forget to bring those eighteen rosary back to the four-dimensional apartment.

In fact, he used rosary as a snack, but he also knew that Luo would definitely not let him eat it.

“Dimensional space …”

In the 4-dimensional apartment, Dong Fuli Silently looks at the ceiling, even if he has lived for hundreds of years, it is jealous.

Space ability is the ability that all intelligent races of the Dark Continent are craving, including him of course.

If there is space capability, it can reduce the risk of exploring the dark continent and also guarantee survival.

East Ricoh bowed his head, looked towards Lao Bai and Sambica who were applying the healing methods, and couldn’t help but lightly nodded.

This is a team with very mature and perfect configuration.

He judged so in his heart.

Suddenly, he noticed that the black cat was playing with rosary.

A flash came to the black cat.


The black cat looked up and looked at Dong Fuli, who was standing in front of him like a mountain, only felt that a certain flower was tight.

“What are you doing?”

He asked alertly.

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