Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1195

Luo has no time to deal with the goo thing, so she will let the black cat give birth to a child.

He can see Gu’s emphasis on race continuity, and he can also guess Gu’s mind.

Taking this as an entry point, it can be concluded that most of the gatekeepers are unable to pass on the line.

Only for this reason can we explain the great contrast between Go and Before and Go and attach great importance to the unborn children, even cooperating with them.

Until now, even the [100 lost] words can be said, somewhat is crazy.

However, the black cat should be happy.

Luo talked about Kakuzu slightly. Let the black cat have fun first, anyway, sooner or later, he will be woken up by a wolf fang club.

“You … have been to many places.”

My ears filled with surprise words.

Space abilities are the abilities of various intelligent races.

However, I was rather bland about this aspect, and didn’t feel much about the 4D apartment. She was surprised by the dark mainland native products that are actually stored in various parts of the room.

“Not much.”

Luo glanced at her for a moment, and immediately looked towards Shuangji, who had almost recovered, facing her gently nodded.

Stryki Lengruo had a faint smile on Frost’s face.

After waking up, bloody aura on her skin also gradually emerged, so that she would not be alive at one point.

He followed Luo’s eyes and saw Shuangji, his wide eyes narrowed slowly.

From the body of Shi Ji, she felt the breath of [similar].

“Isn’t she from Holy Land?”

For fear of Luo’s disgust, when he came to the apartment as a “captive”, he kept refusing to say “why”.

“Why do you say that?”

倏 The wings of the bamboo branches spreading out from the sides of the body suddenly shrunk and glanced at Luo deeply.

Hum, don’t you say [why]?

Luo frowned, wondering at the eyes of unfathomable mystery.

Seeing Luo frowning, he shivered and said quickly: “Because she is like me from nothing.”


“Well, I can feel it.”

There was a flash of thought in Luo’s eyes.

He knew very well how Sturgeon was resurrected, and it was not bad to put it in [from nothing].

“The woman I killed is also your kind?”

“Yes, but she ranks higher than me.”

“Level? You mean strength?”

“No, I mean the degree of phenomenon of life strength. She is a perfect body, but I am not, and your companion is also a perfect body. The real life body evolved by life strength …”

“So it’s no wonder I can suck …”

Luo closed his mouth in time, but I still heard it and shivered.

“How long have you lived?”

When Luo’s words turned, he impossibly revealed the existence of the white smoke font, even a little clue.

“I didn’t remember, because I was asleep most of the time. Only then can the speed of evolution be accelerated.”

“How long don’t you remember?”

“Well, it should be more than 1000 years old.”

“What about silver-haired women?”

“I don’t know. She usually has nothing to do with her, but she is a Medusa Sha forest who came more than 800 years ago.”

“is it……”

Luo pondered.

The restorer, the gatekeepers, and the dead silver-haired woman, also the puppets in front of them, these intelligently existing beings are the products of mental phenomena.

Survived by thoughts after death, but also strengthened by thoughts after death.

However, no matter what kind of group, there will always be strong and weak.

Strong phenomenological products, such as the restorer also the gatekeepers, have already evolved, and eventually converted into a true life by the mind.

Weak phenomenological products, such as bad luck Crow in the foggy forest, and puppets, are half-living creatures that have not yet completely evolved.

So much so that the white smoke font has different effects on the two.

The former must strikes to kill in order to be absorbed by the white smoke font.

The latter can be directly absorbed by the ability of white smoke fonts with just one touch.

Phenomenalization of life strength, like 啾啾 said, can also be understood as the phenomenon of mental strength.

From the literal and essential point of view, there is indeed a difference with the realization.

However, can the difference between the two be used to define the so-called true life form?

For example, she is now a real living body, so isn’t it the black cat?

Their looks and abilities are very similar, the only difference is that the black cat was embodied by Luo’s mind.

If this is ruled out, what is the difference between a black cat and a goo?

This problem, Luo didn’t get too deep, and soon didn’t think about it.

It ’s easier to unlock the memory than to talk to my uncle.

Thought of this, Luo shot without warning, using the palm as a knife, and slashed at the puppet.

“Again ?!”

Suddenly her eyes were in despair.

Then she was split in half by Luo again.

“Kim, Sergei, you look at her, if she doesn’t rest, kill him.”

“it is good.”

Stefanie summoned the black harp, expressionless looks at the halved cymbals.

Compared with the conscientiousness and dedication of Stanley, Kim seemed to be a slinger.

He squatted down, looked at the grieving puppet with interest, and then took out three yellow, blue, and purple balls from nowhere, and seriously said, “Do you play a game?”

Don’t play, get out!

He did not say this sentence, but fell directly to the ground and pretended to be dead.

She can see it, Luo is a pervert, a complete pervert.

Who knows if this man in front of him is a big pervert again.

Seeing that he didn’t care about himself, Jin didn’t care, said with a smile: “Don’t be so indifferent, I’m not Luo, and I’ll chop you off every moment.”

Yan Wenyan, his face suddenly became unsightly.

“Come here, let me help you together.”

Kim took the initiative to ask, and under the helpless look of Si Ji Ji, put the upper body of the grandma on the lower body, and then did not know where to pull out a roll of tape, and rushed it up several places.


啾啾 Close your eyes and ears cleanly to make the entire world clean.

On the other side, Luo went to the planting area.

Because of the previous preparations, Nitolomi’s inventory is not much, the life aura in the room is not as strong as before, and only 5 Nitolomi are left in the planting area.

The other Nitolomi trees have not been around for 100 years, let alone bear fruit, not even flowering.

After hearing about Nick, Luo went straight to the bottom of the tree bearing Nitolomy, and immediately sat in the swamp, consciously sinking into the white smoke space.

About 150 black and white chantings, still hovering near the Energy Slot, and not far away, there are rampant white misty memory clusters.

Luo thought, and turned on a white thought.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a large gap was opened in vain, and dazzling rays of light poured in from the flood.

The half-empty and half-solid pictures are thus revealed in the glare of rays of light.

“Is it just the picture …”

Luo was a little disappointed.

What he wants is to experience the memory of the restorer as an onlooker, not this rigid picture.

The half-virtual and half-solid picture floats in the air, forming a semi-circle.

The dazzling backlight shines on the illusory shadow, making it more blurred.

Luo looked at carefully, only vaguely seeing another repairer in a different form, which made him very uncomfortable.

Several attempts have failed to change the status quo.

Luo was slightly annoyed, and rushed towards the picture.

Unexpectedly, those half-realistic pictures suddenly turned into a line of rather dense text, lined up in the air.

Immediately after, the words flew towards him like a tide.

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