Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1194

The black cat with a very rich inner heart suddenly thought of an important thing.

If the partnership is terminated, wouldn’t it be possible to stay with Gu after that?

That’s not okay, it’s hard to cultivate feelings (feeling good about yourself).

If you go, it means that the cooked duck to your mouth is flying away. (Live in dreams)

Thinking of this, the black cat quickly looked towards Luo, and blinked frantically.

Before Luo answered the words, Luo noticed that the black cat was blinking quickly, looking like a cramp in his eyes.

He used to ignore the black cat, and then looked at calmly, said curiously: “Why, you don’t want to see the end of the partnership? Or is, you have another purpose?”

“Yes, I want to find the child.”

Goo is very crisp.

Luo glanced down at Gu Gu’s body and swallowed back the words “Isn’t it recovered?”

After all, he also knew that the returning child had become a stillbirth, so he didn’t say anything to stimulate him.

“you did it.”

Luo was very euphemistic.

“No, child is gone.”

Gumou looked towards the black cat.

That posture scared the black cat.

“So, I want him to pay me ten, no, 100!”


The black cat was aggressive and felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Luo and Skeletons are silent. If there is a female heroine award now, they will be awarded to the Go without the slightest hesitation.

Their response did not affect Goo at all.

A moment later, Luo asked tentatively: “Are you … serious?”

“I do, I do too!”

Goo didn’t reply yet, and the black cat freed from the aggressive state jumped out suddenly, his expression and tone were very excited.

Sure enough, the perseverance that perseverance will usher in spring is right, although I don’t know which celebrity said it, but I do welcome spring.

That’s right, my persistence has finally been exchanged for Gu’s love.

The black cat had a little tear in his eyes, and felt that all his efforts were worth it.

Luo habitually kicked the black cat aside and looked at with his eyes.

“If it wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t stand here.”

He glanced at the black cat who had been stung to the ground, and then turned around, calmly gazing at the scrutiny glance that Luo looked over.

For the dawn of ethnic continuity, she was cut off, no face or body was needed.

Luo pinched his chin, looking at thoughtful looks at go, and vaguely guessed.

However, he did not confide on the spot.

“Go in and say.”

Luo no longer entangles this issue, and walks straight into the entrance of the 4-dimensional apartment. Compared to Gu’s question, he wants to get in touch with the memory chant of the restorer as soon as possible.

looks at Luo walked into the 4D apartment, squinted his eyes, followed Luo’s footsteps, completely ignored the existence of the black cat.

In her eyes, the black cat is a fertility machine. What kind of love is that it is absolutely impossible.

Even if it were possible, she could only give it to the black cat.

The black cat didn’t know Gu’s inner thoughts. Seeing that Luo seemed to agree with Gu to stay, his mouth was almost crooked.

“Hurry up?”

Luo’s urging voice came from the entrance of the apartment.

“I’m coming.”

The black cat ignored the skeleton man who stayed in place and went directly to the apartment.

The entrance was then closed and disappeared.

Skeletons silently look at the ground where the entrance and exit disappeared, and until now, there was no response.

“Why did you suddenly let me go?”

Skeletons were glittering, thinking that Luo had just let him absorb the calcium of silver-haired women, so as to return to the original, and then let him go now?

No matter what he thought, it made him feel strange.

Is it…

What the skeleton man thought of, suddenly felt nervous about his sexy bones.

After absorbing the silver-haired woman, the skeleton’s skeleton has a few extra silver wires, which can be faintly illuminated by the sun. It can be seen that it is different from the past.

Obviously, his bone quality is now much better than before.

After some self-feeling, the skeleton did not find anything wrong.

He looked at the slightly desolate flat ground around, and looked at the ground where the entrance and exit of the 4D apartment disappeared.

After a short pause, he shook the head.

What do you want that many to do? Anyway, now freedom is restored, go wherever you want!

The Skeleton Man no longer hesitated, took a random direction and strode forward.

Just took a few steps and stopped unconsciously.

A moment later, he moved forward again.

This time, he didn’t stop or look back.

Everyone gathered in the 4D apartment.

It’s just that there is one less skeleton person and one more puppet.

When I first came to the 4D apartment, I was curious about sweeping around the room. An urge to [why] sprang up, but she was afraid of attracting Luo’s resentment.

When Luo came back, everyone welcomed them.

Sambika couldn’t help but rush to give Luo a hug.

When watching the battle in the apartment, she kept raising her whole heart.

Uvogin and Nobunaga stopped, and Machi looked towards expressionless.

The low-handed look of the two people is completely uninteresting in watching the fun, but they are familiar with Zambia, and it is clear that Luo is still sympathetic.

Machi stared at Luo, who was hugged by Sambica. Even if she knew that Luo wouldn’t mess with flowers, she wasn’t generous enough to ignore her own man being held by another woman, and that woman was still Sambica.

After noticing Machi’s gaze, Luo shoved Sambika away without a trace, and said quietly, “I’m fine. I worry you.”

After that, he looked towards Machi, who was lightly snorted, and gave him a back of his head.

Looks at Machi’s reaction, Luo touched his nose.

Noticing the gloomy interaction between the two, Sambika realized that her actions were a bit inappropriate and stepped back in silence.

“Boss !”

At this time, Bu Hazhen rushed over to give Luo a hug, no, Mount Tai was the top.

“You are so amazing!”

Pushing Luo under his stomach, Bu Ha was excited.

“You can’t get up anymore, I will be crushed to death by you.”

Luo teased.

Bu Haji just got up and groaned.

“Everyone should be hungry. Go and prepare dinner.”

“it is good!”

Praha was ordered to rush to the kitchen area.

Nobu looked at at, suddenly a little envious of Buha, able to let go so openly in front of Luo.

“Give me a room.”

There was a gurgling sound in my ear.

“En?” Nobu looked around, his split second pulled back, and asked, “What is it for?”

“Birth child.” Gu said indifferently.


The glasses on Nob’s nose almost fell off, and he couldn’t help looking towards the black cat that was on the side of Goo.

“That’s it.”

The black cat is a bit shy.


Nobu drew his hands to straighten the crooked glasses and looked towards Luo, thinking whether to ask.

Luo actually noticed the situation on Nob’s side, and saw Nob looking over, nodded, and motioned him to do it.

Nobu no longer hesitated, sending the black cat and Goo to the nobody’s room.

On the parting, the black cat gave Nob a meaningful and soothing look, and he could not help tempting the hands of the latter, only to feel that the accumulated impression of the black cat from the past, collapsed in this brief moment undoubtedly.

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