Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1196

This change is very sudden, but Luo’s thoughts are Motionless As Mountains.

In the white smoke font, Luo doesn’t think that these memory thoughts will affect and hurt him.

“Ancient text …”

Luo looks at those flying text, which are similar to hieroglyphics.

While still thinking, the text penetrated Luo’s thoughts.

Suddenly, the picture combined with text information became clearer in Luo’s deeper mind.

The information about the restorer and even ancient humans gradually entered Luo’s head.

There is not much information contained in a memory chant, until the end of the transmission, the information received by Luo is only related to another restorer.

“Does the restorer in charge of the text …”

Luo received all the information of a white memory meditation without hindrance, and probably understood the system of the restorer and the original intention of the ancient man to create the restorer.

[Presence with Void. 】

[May 10000 things be as firm as rocks. 】

This is one of the original intentions of ancient humans to create the restorer, and it also has a record and an idea of ​​inheritance.

They created each and everyone restorers, and divided the categories for restorers. Then they divided the work and cooperated, turning what they have seen and heard on the path of life, based on mental power, and turning them into words or illustrations. .

For them, they just left [Memory] and [Thoughts] in the book, thereby ensuring that the soul was Eternal Inextinguishable, and 10000 things would become rock solid.

Unfortunately, as far as the results go, they failed.

But right or wrong, their starting point is right.

Luo silently interpreted the information brought by the white chanting, and went deeper to understand the repairer who controlled the text.

Each restorer represents a different field. If there is one thing in common, it may be storage and creation.

The restorer killed by Luo is in control of the soul of life and death. It can plunder the soul of the living body, and then seal it into the book, so as to simulate the soul with the power of mind and embody the same life body.

This materialization is not the use of the soul, nor can it be said to be a complete copy. A more reasonable statement is simulation.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the repairer’s apparent energy is, its simulation has limits, and the principle of equal exchange must be observed.

The text-fixing restorer described in the white rosary is another system.

It is responsible for the text. It is understood from the standpoint of Luo. In popular terms, it is the wide-ranging and profound god word. From the standpoint of the silver-haired woman and the aunt, it is called a spell.

There is no difference between the essence of the word and the spell, and the words of the spell are the father of the word.

How can the unimaginable metamorphosis be repaired by the gods?

You know, the silver-haired woman just gave Luo a good lesson on how to use God Words recently. To what extent can Heaven Knows control the repairers in the God Word field?

Just imagine that the God Word Repairer opened the pages of the book, and then machine-gun-fired a number of God Words that contained the “binding” feature.

Luo carefully remembered the image of the God Word Repairer, thinking that if he encounters in the future, he will have to run far away.

He would rather face the restorer who controls the soul of life and death than the God restorer who has never met.


Luo doesn’t think about the repair of the God Word for the time being, this time he clicked on the black chant.

Suddenly, thoughts and body sensations shook slightly, and the picture in front of them suddenly changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

When came back to his senses, it was no longer in the white smoke font space, but was above the sky, more precisely, it was above a rock suspended in the sky.

“White chanting is a text picture, is black chanting a memory experience?”

Luo has absorbed that many grievances and has long been familiar with the experience of experiencing memory as an onlooker.

When Shikai (Initial Release) read White Ball, Luo was disappointed that he was not memorized, but after reading White Ball, he prefers the style that puts the text picture directly into his head, because it is more straightforward.

Luo began to observe the surrounding environment.

The stone at the foot is about the size of a playground. The ground is uneven and near the center. There is a set of stones that look like tables and chairs. Apart from this, there is nothing else.

Luo walked to the edge of the stone and looked down. He could only see the black and white sky and clouds. At the end of the line of sight, it was white, like a mosaic.


Suddenly, a human with a height of about 2 meters appeared in Luo’s vision, wearing a white robe and a hood, covering his hair, eyes, and nose. Only the mouth painted with Purple juice was exposed.

The human is moving towards the suspended stone, and every step out there will be a staircase of staircase transformed from intellect. When he takes another step up, the staircase will change back To his within the body.

In this way, relying on the modernization ability that can be freely retracted, the human is moving towards the suspended stones at a slow and unpleasant speed.

Luo observes the ability used by that human, expression is a little dignified, and he also vaguely guesses the origin of this person-ancient humans.

Realize the real ladder, lightweight and casual.

If you change to the Mind Power of the 6 continents, who will be full and support, to waste [memory] with the useless ladder.

Moreover, even if the ordinary ladder needs to be realized, it can be regarded as a considerable project.

The ancient human in front of him could obviously walk on the group, but he just wanted to show some operations.

What is this explanation?

explanation Ancient humans did this as easily as drinking water.

In this way, as an onlooker, looks at this ancient human ascended the rock, and then sat on the chair in the center.

His double-handed was safely placed on the stone table, paused. I saw that he lifted the double-handed, gently clapped, and then spread it out slowly. There was a ring-shaped strange monster piece on the palm, with a shape like God rare treasure’s gas bomb.

To say the first impression, maybe it is some kind of musical instrument?

Luo couldn’t help but take a few steps forward, standing directly next to ancient humans.

I saw that the ancient man put the strange monster in front of his mouth and played it.

Although Luo couldn’t hear the sound, from the actions of ancient humans, he could conclude that the strange monster was indeed some kind of musical instrument.

Although he couldn’t hear the sound, Luo could see the morphological power of the sound wave transmitted from that instrument, and it was moved towards all around, and then it fell to the ground like a raindrop.

Suddenly, flowers and trees, butterflies, and birds appeared in a vacuum.

Luo looks at this scene, there is nothing left to say.

With the instrument as the medium, the split second embodies that many things, ancient humans were lightly nodded, put away the instrument, then embodies a book, and placed it gently on the stone table.

Luo silently looks at, and his heart rises.

He understands the truth, but how is ancient humans different from modern humans?

The same is the use of mental power. Why did ancient people so easily realize their imagination into reality?

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