Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1186

At first, when the black energy slot appeared in the white smoke font, Luo thought that it was the white smoke font that saved the overflowing grudge Energy in this style.

Over time, black Energy has accumulated more and more, which has gradually confirmed the guess of Luo at first.

However, Luo was groping and found that this Energy slot is not only used to store the spilled Energy, but also has a similar effect of [increase].

As long as the energy in the energy tank is extracted, Luo can break through the upper limit of apparent energy, that is, break through the racial framework of being human.

For example, 10% of the mental power is accumulated in the Energy slot. Luo can directly bless the apparent energy by extracting half of the mental power, and then defend and attack.

This blessing is equivalent to an increase in the amount of significant gas, that is, an increase.

If the Peak of the Demon Beast family has an apparent energy level of 10, then the Peak level of humans should be around Level 2.

Luo can be said to be at the peak of humankind. However, if you want to raise the level to a higher level, you can never do it unless you find another way.

Because that is already the ceiling of Human Race.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Luo is, his apparent energy level can only hover around Level 2 at most, but as long as he uses the energy in the Energy tank, he can turn “2” into “x”, that is, Unknown.

Depending on the quality of mental energy in the Energy tank, it is impossible to calculate the upper limit without a clear and unambiguous reference.

This magical use of the Energy Slot was that Luo came to slay the restorer’s confidence, and it was also why he absorbed the puppets before starting the war.

If this Energy tank is not available, Luo will have to look for it if he wants to come to the repairer.

Although there is confidence, before the start of the fight, Luo prepared psychologically in advance.

But he didn’t expect everything to go so smoothly.

The increase in the energy of the energy tank, coupled with the spare key of Noble’s apartment, created the scene in front of him-a knife piercing the restorer’s body.

No matter how powerful the renderer is, at least, it is not invincible at this moment.

Luo glides through the aisle in Luo’s eyes, and the striped black consciousness flows in the bright rays of light around him, converging to his legs, but also to his arms and even the sword of Allah.

He can’t kill the restorer directly, but he is about to take a breath.

Therefore, under the premise of gaining the initiative, he will collapse the repairer’s control of the body one by one.

What plays a key role is still the energy in the Energy tank.

It can be used to attack, and can also be used as the energy structure of [God character].

“God character …”

The black striped thought waves spread out, while expanding through the area, it extends toward the ground like a vine.

The restorer’s eyes were pierced by Allah, but Luo could still feel the sight of the restorer.

Even in such a critical situation, there is still no emotional wave in the sight of the restorer.

Ka-cha !

The arm that moved slowly, sent the branch pen forward a short distance, a dark space crack suddenly appeared, and swallowed the branch pen and even the arm of the restorer.


Sudden changes made Luo complexion slightly changed.

Ka-cha !

If the sound of glass shattering, the space crack quickly resembles the lightning flashing over the black Yoruichi, spreading to the arm of the restorer and a small part of the body on the right, and it spread to Luo’s arms in an instant.


Luo gritted his teeth, and his body disappeared when he was full of energy.

A space crack spread and blood pours down in the air.

The space crack not at all that was originally released by the restorer disappears, still engraved in the air and on the ground, and the dark edges are glittering with lightning.

Luo was forced to retreat by the restorer’s counterattack, but there was not much space to retreat, he could only retreat to 7 or 8 steps.

After stabilizing, Luo simply didn’t have the energy to look at the injuries on his arms, but stared coldly at the repairer standing still.

The space crack that spread from the right hand arm of the restorer directly swallowed the restorer’s side into a large gap, and the wound that passed through the mouth of the bowl made the restorer look very embarrassed.

On the other hand, on Luo’s side, the double-handed disappeared more than half, and blood was continuously splattering in the wound with a smooth cross-section.

All disappeared together, including Allah who was just held in the right hand.

In that short moment, it was all swallowed up by a space crack.

“Overrated …”

His arms were torn, and Luo remained calm.

I thought that one by one after releasing the energy in the Energy tank, we could completely suppress the restorer, but didn’t expect to overestimate the black power in the Energy tank.

The repressive effect is there, but it is not thorough enough, so that the restorer can make a Danger Land counterattack at the cost of self-destruction in that situation.

Luo sighed in his heart, and regretted that Allah had just been swallowed up by the space crack, after all, it was the weapon that has accompanied him to this day, but it said that it would be gone.

Regretfully, Luo drove the realm into the within the body with the new burning fairy grass that he carried.

Less than a moment, the wound stopped the blood, and clusters of pink granulation were wriggling, and new flesh and blood tissue was born with the speed visible by naked eye.

The new burning fairy grass is a unique medicine strengthened by throwing the burning fairy grass, nitolomi, and lichen into the surprise magic box. Considering the success rate of strengthening and the scarcity of materials, Luo only made one. A newly-burned fairy grass as one of the cards against the restorer.

Now it is indeed used.

Supplemented by Nitolomy and lichen, not only can enhance the speed of burning the grass to restore the limbs, but also will not have the side effects of reducing life and exhausting the mind. It can be said that it is the strongest medicine.

In just a few breaths, Luo’s lost double-handed arm was restored as before, but Allah swallowed up by the space crack couldn’t get back.

On the other hand, the repairer who lost his eyes is still standing still. The space crack on the body side does not continue to spread, but there is no meaning to disappear, and the repairer’s body side depends on the extremely dangerous Space-Time Crack.

Suddenly, the restorer’s Matchstick People-like legs softened and fell to his knees, and the book leaned forward slightly.


Luo silently looks at the exhausted restorer, holding up the newly restored right hand, condensing a disc-shaped air blade.

call out!

The air blade flew out, chopping on the surface of the restorer’s body in an instant.

The a light sound, without the black blade of energy, only left a slight trace on the body of the restorer, that is, the smashing and splashing, and the restorer did not move, but suddenly spoke.

“Where do you come from?”

“What about that Strength?”

“Also, your name …”

“No, it’s not your name that violates you, but your existence.”


The illogical murmur ended in vain.

The body of the restorer’s book trembled very quickly, and the amplitude of the tremor was abnormal, and even a series of subtle afterimages trembled on the edge of the corpse, much like an Incursio program infected by a virus.

It may also be because of physical changes and damage that caused his words to stop abruptly.

looks at this scene, Luo takes a deep breath and prepares to attack.

He didn’t take the words of the restorer into mind, and now he just wants to end the battle as soon as possible.


Luo’s body disappeared over the space crack in place and came to the restorer who was still.

In that split second, Luo still felt that the restorer’s eyes fell on his body.

However, Luo attacked the restorer without hesitation.

In the raised palm, the Uzumaki chanting group formed by the striped chanting power is thinly sprayed out.


The palm pressed down, driving the Uzumaki group to press against the restorer’s body.

Just then, the body of the restorer swelled in vain.

Luo’s eyes changed, and the Uzumaki group was already on the body of the restorer.


The Uzumaki group with black streaks of thought burst apart.

The aftermath of the explosion shook Luo back, and the repairer’s bulging body fell to the ground directly.

Luo receded backwards, cautiously avoided the space crack, and immediately stabilized.

When he dropped the attack, he also left the seed of the god character on the feet of the restorer.

“God character, imprisoned.”

Luo looks at the bulging restorer, raised his right hand, and turned into a fist.

The god-shaped seed reserved under the restorer’s feet sprouted instantly, quickly spinning and turning into obscure black characters, which framed the restorer’s body.

However, the body of the restorer was trembling sharply and continued to swell, causing the body to slowly cross the edge of the word of God.

Seeing this, Luo wondered whether he should strengthen it, but there was a subtle sense of danger that made him hesitate.

“You, your, origin …”

“This, Strength … actually, unexpectedly … can, disturb … ping …”

The body of the repairer was slowly bulging, like a balloon suddenly blown into a big breath, and its volume swelled several times.

Immediately, the book began to flip, and the various but very vague thoughts of each and everyone emerged from the rapidly turning pages.

The voice of the restorer was annihilated by the sound of the group of flying thoughts.

At the same time, a cyclone appeared out of nowhere under the restorer, silently, shattering God’s word reserved by Luo to pieces.

Luo was amazed, and his gaze was swirling around the flying thoughts and the restorer.


Luo nerve micro-jump, conditioned reflex out of the field.


The silent cyclone suddenly turned into a monstrous scream, moved towards all around swept away.

The light debris, and even the fissures in space, were all destroyed by the cyclone that grew to the extreme, and headed further away.

Luo felt shocked and hurried to the ground to reduce the area under stress.

At this time, the horrific cyclone came very fast, passing Luo’s body, shattering him into countless thin bloodshots.


The cyclone wrapped around everything along the way, including the ash-gray Tribulus terrestris, pushing it farther away.

When Luo got up, everything around him was razed to the ground.

The ground has lost rays of light, flying light debris has disappeared, and the space cracks that previously spread around it have disappeared.


Luo’s heartbeat speeded up, and when he was looking for the silhouettes of his teammates, his gaze was directly fixed by the current condition of the repairer.

The group of thoughts flying from the pages of the flip book flew to the sky like Meteor rain, and some vague outlines could be seen.

“what is this?”

Luo, who was bathing in blood, looked up at the not just group that looked at him, and was surprised.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar ensemble, and his eyes changed immediately.


With almost no hesitation, Luo just squeezed the field aperture into a cylindrical shape, and infused the force of thought into it like waves, which made the long aperture aperture quickly extend, and brought the familiar thought group flying in the air into the field.

There are big and small chanting groups, and the chanting groups captured by Luo are very small, about the size of a basketball.

Take back the captured group and take a closer look, and Luo’s eyes appear surprised.

Above the reading group, there are hidden features of Stryki.

On the other hand, the groups that are flying in the air are also vague in appearance.

Luo cautiously guarded the ensemble that might be the soul of Shuang Ji, as if suddenly thought of something, a chill immediately began to spine from the spine.

If this group is the sergeant who was taken away by the restorer, then, aren’t these groups that are flying out of the restorer within the body representing …

Luo looked up again, and looked towards those who fly through the group became different.

He didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but whether it was good or bad, things had happened …

As the group continued to fly out, the restorer’s swollen body was slowly drying out.

Luo thought that it would be dangerous to continue to stay. In addition, he caught the group who should be the soul of Shuang Ji, so he wanted to stay away from here.

But after the heel moved, there was a tear-like pain under the muddy body.

Then he realized how terrible his body was.

Luo frowned, silently enduring the pain, immediately controlled a piece of burning fairy grass into within the body, waiting for the injury to recover.

At this time, there were two ensembles flying out of the book, and they suddenly turned a corner, one moved towards Luo, and the other passed over Luo’s head.

Moving towards the appearance of the group he came from, he could vaguely see that it was an unknown creature with a big mouth, as for the other, there was no time to pay attention.

Eyes at the thought group rushed forward, Luo’s first thought was to avoid, but his body couldn’t support his thought.

Without a choice, he moved his finger towards the Nintendo group and popped a thought bullet.

call out!

Nian Bo penetrated the big mouthed Nian Tuan and beat its form near disintegration.

However, the big mouth reading group was very tenacious, and it was holding on to the body that was about to collapse, and fell on Luo’s body.


The Big Mouth Tear ripped Luo’s field protection and got into Luo’s within the body.


Luo body’s clothing was torn apart, a cobblestone wrapped around a big mouth and flew out, flying irregularly in the air, like a headless fly.

“That is……?”

Luo touched his unscathed body, and immediately looked up at the cobblestone wrapped in the big mouth thought group, completely confused about the status quo.

Originally thought that the chanting group might be directed at Shuang Ji, didn’t expect was the cobblestone left over from Sang Ji.

“The injury is still recovering.”

Luo reluctantly stepped back, keeping his eyes on Cobblestone and the Restorer, and the number of chanting groups that were decreasing.

Until about ten steps from the exit, the restorer stopped turning the pages, and his body became very dry. No thought group flew out of the book pages, and the cobblestone wrapped by the big mouth thought group was undergoing bright changes.

Energy in the state of energy, materialized at a slow speed.

The fuzzy outline seemed to be a sphere.

Not far below, there is a silent restorer.

Luo is watching the changes in the chanting group and feeling the recovery of his physical injuries.

“I don’t know how other people are doing.”

Luo couldn’t tell if the operation was a success or a failure.

Vaguely, he always had a hint of bad feeling in deep in one’s heart.

It seems like … the Pandora’s box was opened.

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