Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1187

The crusade is over.

I thought I would be entangled for a few more rounds, and the repairer fell down.

Luo glanced at the dead restorer’s body and said that the injury should not be fatal, but he didn’t know what happened, and the restorer died suddenly.

Regardless of the process, this result is acceptable anyway.

Luo gently envelops the group’s chanting group, and the longer they touch, the clearer the sense of familiarity.

You can’t be wrong, this is the soul of Stryki.

Luo’s mind was settled, and she didn’t have time to think about the various ensembles flying away from the pages of the restorer’s book, and her eyes stopped in the spherical ensemble, waiting for the effect of burning fairy grass to come out.

If it weren’t for the physical injury and the chanting group to protect Shuangji with mental strength, Luo would not stand there and look at at, and would try to move towards the spherical chanting group and lose an air blade.

The cyclone that erupted before the repairer fell down caused extensive injuries to the body and slowed down the healing speed of the burned grass.

In order for the injury to recover as quickly as possible, Luo obediently stood still.

After a while, the wound had been healed more than halfway, and the spherical bolus that was glowing in the air had stopped.

Luo looks at this scene, thinking that when the injury has recovered, I will check the situation of other teammates. I just hope that this ball group will not cause him trouble.

In the air, the bright intellect on the spherical chanting group is slowly introverting and disappearing.

As the rays of light become lighter and less visible, the spherical bolus reveals the shape.


After seeing the shape of the ball group, Luo frowned.


After the group was wrapped in cobblestone, it turned into a puppet?

In addition, there is basically no change in appearance, but the body color has become white.

Luo suddenly became vigilant.

“Why did you do that to me!”

A pair of bamboo-like wings spread out on the 2 side of the sphere, and a pair of scarlet eyes opened slowly above the swollen body.

Within those eyes, at this moment is full of grievances.


Familiar hunted thousand reasons, Luo instantly identified his identity.

The big-mouthed group had been aggressive before, but it turned into a nourishing resurrection?

Luo didn’t know the reason, and didn’t try to figure it out. He quietly controlled his mind and was ready for battle.

“Why do not you speak!”

I saw a hint of anger.

“If you don’t want to die the second time, just leave me alone.”

Luo’s eyes grew cold and his tone was rather cold.

He doesn’t have time to entangle with him now, and he doesn’t want to fight against him while protecting his soul.

Xun Wenyan became more and more angry, and the wings of the bamboo branches slammed ka ka.

As he was about to say something, Luo’s cold gaze glanced over.

Suddenly his body became cold, and he forcibly swallowed what he was going to say.

She didn’t forget the horror of this human being in front of her, saying … huh?

Suddenly noticed the restorer lying on the ground, the dry and miserable appearance immediately put her into a deadly silence.

What’s happening here?

How could the restorer …?

I was shocked, and I looked at the corpse of the restorer.

Shouldn’t be given by this human …?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Humans simply have no resistance in front of the restorer. How could it be possible for the restorer to behave like this?

I don’t know how long her nerves and reflex arcs are, and her focus is always out of place. When she was resurrected, she should focus on why she was resurrected, not to ask Luo why she treated her like that.

Now the attention is drawn away by the repairer without warning.

Seeing the uncle’s attention being attracted by the repairer’s body, Luo turned and wanted to check on the situation of other teammates.

One more thing is worse than the other. Furthermore, it is necessary to take into account Shuang Ji’s soul. As long as I don’t take the initiative to find trouble, Luo won’t go to her.

Just a few steps away, Luo saw the black smoke rising from the ground in front of him, and then turned into a black cat.

“The baby was scared to death and thought he was going to die.”

The black cat showed a terrified expression.

When the cyclone broke out, he was already not far from Luo, which was one of the most dangerous places.

Fortunately, he was witty and fast enough to switch shapes before the cyclone came and then drilled to the ground.

It’s just that he didn’t expect the ground to be so hard, causing him to waste a lot of thought.


The black cat looked at Luo who came over, and found a tissue-like look. After a few vertical jumps, he jumped on Luo’s shoulder.

At this moment, the black cat saw the corpse of the restorer not far away and the puppet suspended in the air.

“Why is that guy alive?”

Seeing the tragic appearance of the restorer, the black cat was at ease, wondering about the appearance of the puppet.

“Go find someone else.”

Luo didn’t answer the black cat’s question, but asked him to help find the whereabouts of Bisji.

“it is good.”

The black cat complied and flew out in smoke.

Luo stabilizes his mind and senses the whereabouts of everyone through the ability characteristics of the hand of God.

“Fortunately, nothing is wrong.”

First of all, first confirm that the page pages of the teammates are not black at all, and everyone in the plan is alive.

“Is it closest to … Bisji?”

Luo tilted her head looking towards a direction and walked away.

At the same time, 4D apartment.

Noble entire group looks at the black screen projected on the wall, everyone has a solemn look.

The formidable power erupted by the cyclone was strong enough to destroy the Mind Power mechanism, and instantly crushed the Small Fox boarding in the black cat body, so that the picture was disconnected.

Without a live broadcast, they do n’t know anything about the outside world, do they know if Luo is gaining an advantage, or the restorer is at a disadvantage, or is it still fighting?

Knowing nothing about them, they were not allowed to return to the outside at all. For a moment, they had no idea at all.

“How to do?”


Noble without the slightest hesitation.

“But outside …”

“Anyway, all we can do is wait.”

Nob takes a deep breath, assuming Luo and the restorer are still fighting, if they go out now, it may be messy.

As for assistance, even if you can know the battle situation outside, with their battle strength, they can only do so.

“And Luo has a spare key for the apartment. He will open the door as soon as the battle is over.”

To increase persuasion, Nob mentioned Luo’s spare key.

Others heard the words and suddenly had nothing to say.

A moment later, the door of the room was opened, and the sound attracted everyone’s attention.

Luo came out of the door, controlling a mass of thought in his hand.

“Old white, Sambica, ready to help Bishig them.”

Luo walked into the room and left a word without giving Nobu the chance to question him, and went straight to the ice coffin where Shuangji was placed.

He knows that gold and silver-haired women are still entangled in the game space, but he must first settle the spirit of Shuangji.

Luo just entered the room, and Bi Siji came in.

Everyone’s body was more or less injured, slightly or severely, and Uvogin was the worst.

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