Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1185

Until this moment, the two sides counted as a face-to-face collision.

The restorer was stunned by the pitch-black stripes used by Luo.

Luo is also jealous of the upper limit of the mental power possessed by the restorer.

No one is pleased.

Focusing on Luo who rushed over, the restorer held a branch pen, shaking it up and down twice, and acting like a music conductor.

As the branch pen trembled up and down, in the white space filled with sky light debris, the black cracks carrying electric light at the edge of the road were cracked in vain. The extremely fast speed spread towards Luo’s location.

Aerial, ground.

Passing along the way, the visible feathers and the milk-white rays of light emanating from the ground were all torn into the dark space.

Space … cracked!

Area, Speed, no matter which point, it is several grades better than Noble’s [Window Opener]. No, it is not something that can be described by several grades. It is completely not comparable.

Of all types of Mind Power properties, only space-type attacks are the most unsolvable.

It’s like a 10000-energy eraser. If you touch your body, the result is a lore.

No matter how defensive Mind Power is, they cannot resist attacks with spatial properties.

The fixer can’t do it, let alone Luo.

Eyes at an amazingly dense space crack spread, and the nerve under Luo’s entire body was strained to the extreme in this brief moment.

The black space crack that came with all the light, blocked all the areas that he could move forward to, and the speed of the space cracks on the left and right sides spread faster and faster, as if an opening Big hand, hold Luo tightly.

At this time, Luo must retreat at the fastest speed to avoid the horrific moves released by the restorer.

However, Luo didn’t want to retreat.

His fighting thoughts at this moment are different from ordinary people.

When others encounter such a closed-type large-area space capability attack, they will only want to avoid this move first.

However, what Luo thought was an offensive opportunity.

He speculated that the restoration of the mirror spirit had already produced a lot of apparent energy, coupled with the realization of the heyday of Shuang Ji, it must have scored a lot of energy.

On the basis of these two, the restorer also released such a horrific large-scale space attack, and it is definitely necessary to derive most of the apparent energy.

In this way, the repairer’s ability to act on his own defense must be pitiful at this moment.

So this is a chance!

As time erupted, the madness erupted in Luo’s eyes.

In the 4-dimensional apartment, with the ability of Small Fox to transmit pictures in real time, logistic members are watching the battle outside.

Everyone was horrified when they saw the large-scale space attack released by the restorer. In their experience, how have they ever seen such a terrible attack.

Especially Nobu, the blood on his face faded away instantly.

He is a Mind Power player of a spatial nature, and it is more difficult than anyone to know how difficult it is to exhibit a restoration method like a restorer.

No, it should be said to be impossible.

No Mind Power person can do this, absolutely not!

“Luo …!”

Zambia’s double-handed was unconsciously entangled.

“Why didn’t Luo back? Hurry back!”

Seeing the picture, Luo showed no sign of backing up, and some of the logistics members were suddenly anxious.

Then they saw a more crazy scene.

Instead of retreating, Luo took the initiative!

That’s right, in the face of a large-scale space attack that can be described as unsolvable, Luo did not retreat, but moved forward.

“As long as I can get through …”

Luo’s eyes narrowed, and between his hands, he threw a drop of ink-like thought, and moved away from the narrow gap vacated by the space cracks.

Immediately afterwards, Luo not at all retracted the palm that stretched out, and instead drawn a circle in the air, directly opening the entrance and exit of the 4-dimensional apartment.

Without any hesitation, Luo jumped out and pierced his body into the entrance of the 4-dimensional apartment.

Before the space crack hit, the entrance turned into a Little Black dot, and then disappeared.

And the drop that was previously thrown away can create a 4D apartment entrance and exit thoughtful and dangerous to pass through the gap of the space crack, moved directly towards the restorer.

In the dangerous situation of 10000 points, Luo not only planned to take the initiative to attack, but also calculated the passing trajectory of Mani Di, and he could find the most correct one among the complicated routes.

Who else didn’t expect, including the restorer.

That thought came to the restorer, and immediately expanded the circular exit of Great Accomplishment black.

At the next moment, Luo pierced through the exit. Right hand gripped the handle of Allah, holding his left hand into the palm of the hand, pressing it against the end of the handle, thus driving the tip of the knife from top to bottom, piercing the restorer’s eyes.

Just as Luo judged, the restorer realized the mirror spirit, Shuangji, and the space attack in this range, which is to take up most of the apparent energy.

At this moment, the restorer’s defense can be said to have fallen to the bottom, and it is also an excellent offensive opportunity.

Luo seized this opportunity to slip away without paying attention.

The restorer did not expect that Luo would get closer in this style. When he reacted, the sharp black blade tip streaked into his eyes.


Graffiti-like eyes suddenly cracked into fine cracks.

Allah’s rusty blade pierced the restorer’s body, from top to bottom, into the ground shrouded in milk-white rays of light.

“Get it.”

Luo’s body stagnates in midair, glittering in her eyes.

His gaze was on Allah who pierced the restorer, but he did not notice that the restorer’s hand holding the branch pen was moving slowly.

At this time, Luo’s thoughts greatly mobilized the black energy saved in the white smoke font space.

Beware of the 10000, even if these black energy are not easy to collect, he intends to squander all at this moment, just to ensure that the restorer is subdued.

In other warring circles, the replicas transformed by the mirror suddenly stand still, as well as the sergeant who is directly embodied.

Except Tonpa, everyone is startled.

Silent in a 4-dimensional apartment.

Nob tilted his head slightly, and a layer of light floated from the frame, hiding his eyes inside.

The two lines moved 2 minutes of tears, and they just slipped from behind the frame, and then converged to the chin, and fell to the ground like a spring.

“My thoughts … can be used in this way … it’s my Supreme … honor!”

Nob’s mind kept circling Luo’s technique of using the 4-dimensional apartment to quickly get closer.

It was repeating the picture of not just, piercing his heart like an arrow.

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