Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1184

Holding a black harp, and that familiar dress, who could be Stuart?

Moreover, it is not transformed by a mirror, but directly embodied by a restorer.

Therefore, the eyes of Sturgeon are normal, unlike the other replicas, which have a pair of Ultraman eyes.

Luo stopped in place and looked at Shuang Ji, who had been realized. Expression was rather ugly and worried.

He wasn’t sure whether the front of Strijki was fabricated by the restorer out of thin air, or whether it was based on the spirit of Strijki.

If it’s the former, it’s okay to say that if it’s the latter, you can’t shoot at will.


Luo body’s thoughts showed waves, and Rin’s eyes turned towards the restorer.

Stewart moved a few steps to the left, blocking Luo’s gaze from the restorer.

The restorer closed the book itself, and withdrew back a distance.

Those graffiti eyes that could not see any emotions were staring at Luo and Shuangji quietly.

Obviously, you can rely on powerful thoughts to apply the potential of thunderbolt, but the restorer did not do so, but used some small means.

It’s playfulness or bad taste, no one knows.

Stefanie caressed the harp, and expressionless stood there, just like when she first met, her eyes were empty and her body exuded dangerous black thoughts.

The flying light debris was blackened by the mind in silence, and then shattered, just like ink splashed into the water, spreading out the ink rhyme.

Luo brows tightly knit, but for a while it was out of ideas.

Not afraid of 10000, but afraid of 10000.

In this case, it is difficult for him to strike at the front of Shuang Ji.

However, in order to restrain the restorer, it is obvious that he must first pass through the stigma level.

“Black cat.”

Luo defensively, thinking about it, can only let the black cat come out to hold back Shuang Ji.

“I don’t want it, Stony’s strength is so terrible, I will definitely be killed by instant!”

Before Luo spoke, the black cat seemed to guess what Luo wanted him to do.

Want him to deal with Sturgeon?

Don’t make a joke, letting him deal with Tonpa’s clone is pretty much the same.

In the distance, Tonpa has a dignified look at a replica near the near meters, which is also a dignified look at Tonpa.

The mental strength of both bodies is in a very stable state, but there is no willingness to take the initiative to attack.

They looked at each other like this, their bodies were not moving, but their eyes were moving in 4 places.

“The enemy won’t move, I won’t move!” Tonpa thought.

“The enemy won’t move, I won’t move!” Tonpa thought intently.

“If the enemy moves, I will hide!” Tonpa thought.

“If the enemy moves, I will hide!” Tonpa thought intently.

Tonpa’s eyes were as sharp as a knife, and Tonpa’s replica eyes were Leng Rushuang.



The two sneezed at the same time, their faces suddenly changed, and they could not care about the 2 splashes of saliva and quickly made a defensive move.


As if nothing had happened, the two remained deadlocked.

Ah, who said bad things about me behind the scenes?

Regardless, I must now take the trouble to contain this silly fork transformed with a mirror.

In short, even if it is climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, you must not drag the team behind!

Tonpa focused on the replica, and the brain cells turned at the maximum power, simulating the attack trajectory that the replica could take.

“Hmph, it’s not a duplicate of me, I can find even such a tricky Kakuzu degree, but in front of my ability, how tricky you can attack, it also impossibly hurts me!”

Tonpa snorted coldly in his heart.

On the other hand, Black Cat physically and physically rejected Luo’s proposal.

To be honest, not to mention Tonpa, even if he was asked to deal with gold, it would be better to deal with Sturgeon.

In those many battles, the battle strength demonstrated by Sergey was impressive.

“You didn’t have a choice, and she gave it to you. Remember, you must not hurt her.”

Luo sent an ultimatum to the black cat with an idea exchange.

“You are what it is to be a strong cat. What else can’t hurt her, I’ll be fine without her pulling off a few layers of skin!”

“Less nonsense.”

The ultimatum had been issued, and Luo was too lazy to care about the black cat. He shook the back of the hand and threw the black cat out.

It was also at this time that Sergei suddenly started.

The string sound of the wind blowing in the wasteland suddenly rang through the spot, shaking the flying light debris into a wave shape.

With the sound of the piano, the Shape Transformation of the speed of light became a long spear with 100 shots, moved towards Luo and the black cat slamming.


Luo’s gaze was fixed, and he raised his hand to pinch the black cat in the air.


The black cat’s face suddenly changed, and Luo was thrown out.

100 long spears, with the sound of the piano.

The black cat yelled a curse, quickly switched the shape, turned into a smoke, and passed through the gap of long spear.

On the other side, Luo had already hid to the side, and wanted to pass through Shuangji to the restorer standing behind.

However, Si Yanji ignored the existence of the black cat, and her eyes turned to Kakuzu peripheral vision, and her hands moved quickly like a jerky song, which instantly improved the rhythm of the piano sounds by several grades.

The 100-bar long spear that passed through the black cat suddenly dissipated, turning into a force of thought, and returning to the stigma’s within the body at a speed that spans space. Immediately through the sound of the piano, weaved a piece of inescapable net with clear goals To Luo.

Just then, a burst of black spikes came to the air, and came to the front of Stony Ji.

The consciousness flowing on the harp reflexively converged into a shield and stood in front of Strange Ji.

ding ding ding ~ ……!

The spikes hit the shield, splashing sparks, and then bounced to the ground.

That spike was the hair of a black cat.

Deep in his strength, even though the black cat is very clear that he is a long-range Mind Power player, he dare not approach it easily, so he uses long-range methods to attack.

However, the results have been minimal.

Blocking all the hair spikes, Stuart never kept the black cat in her eyes, the goal was still to want to cross her Luo.

The mental power of the shield returns to the harp, and the rhythm of playing is rising steadily.

The surging turbulent thoughts flowed out with the sound of the piano, and turned into a serpentine blade, blocking all the directions of Luo’s advance.

“Black cat.”

Luo raised her eyelids and was dissatisfied with the black cat paddling.

Seeing that Shuangji poured most of the firepower on Luo’s body, the black cat could only brace oneself.

Keeping in mind that it was not possible to hurt the request of Sergey, the black cat became larger, and recently began to harass Sweezy.

After several harassments, teleportation finally gave part of the firepower of Shuang Ji.

There was the restraint of the black cat, and Luo relaxed here.

After all, the fire coverage of Stefanie was so outrageous that it was not easy to simply evade.

Soon, Luo got rid of Strijki’s fire blockade and rushed to the restorer who was not far away.

Look at Luo who rushed over, but the restorer did not continue to turn the page, but raised the branch pen.

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