Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1155

The sun is shining brightly, and in the daytime, there is a ray of light. The fireworks are more glorious, glittering like blossoming silver flowers.


Luo gazes at the natural phenomenon in the distance.

The black cat heard the words, stopped and moved forward, and stood still in the air.

“What it is?”


Looks at a natural phenomenon in the distance, everyone’s expression is condensed.

From afar looks at, it’s like someone suddenly put a lot of fireworks during the day.

But there was no sound and no smoke.

Yes, it’s just fireworks with 2 eyes more than sunlight.

Among the crowd, only the unexpected expression came out.

Obviously, she knew what the day fireworks were.

“Fire tree silver flower.”

I wondered what I thought, and my mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

Fire tree silver flower, an ancient large appliance controlled by the gatekeepers, will appear here at this time, mostly for her.

Being able to achieve this level, the profile also shows the importance attached to her within the clan.


Take a deep breath.

I’m afraid she will disappoint them.

“That’s the fire tree silver flower.”

Goo’s sudden speech made everyone start lightly.

“Fire tree silver flower? What is it?”

“Is it a fire tree, a silver flower?”

Bruna looked dumb.

“Haha, how could that be.”

Lao Bai laughed, pats Bruna’s head, and said earnestly: “The word fire tree silver flower sounds like an adjective, but you can’t understand it so plainly, you know, little Nana.”

“Well, I am understood!”

Bruna is nodded.

On one side, Buha saw this, bowed his head subconsciously, thinking about the tree that was not on fire, the flower of silver.

Tonpa looked at Bai Bai, and fluttered softly, “Here, it’s not surprising that anything appears, maybe it’s a burning tree, what about the silver flower?”

Old Bai shook his head and determinedly: “It’s impossible, if it’s a burning tree, a silver flower, I’ll jump from here.”

Luo glanced at them and looked helpless, then looked towards Go, with the intention of asking.

“It’s a large ancient relic controlled by my tribe. Although the potential energy and formidable power are not as good as humanoid black discs, they will not be weak.” Gu explained.

Is it a large appliance?

Luo frowned gently when he heard the word, because of this, Gu not at all took the initiative to say it.

Although the work of recording intelligence information is not over, it cannot be ruled out that Gou was concealed intentionally.

“So, your same race came aggressively to save you or to get revenge?”

Jin Mito looks at Go, in his words, it contains needles.

“Just ask what you want without knowing Tibetan mastiff.”

Glancing at gold, she heard a harsh sound.

Kim nodded, straightforwardly: “If they are here to save you, explanation they know you are not dead yet, so do not rule out the possibility of you keeping in touch with them secretly.”

“The reason they knew I wasn’t dead was because the” Book of Truth “provided them with information.”

“Let’s talk about these things afterwards.”

Luo interrupted their brief conversation, looking at the approaching fire tree silver flower.

As the distance narrowed, everyone finally saw the appearance of the fire tree silver flower.

After seeing clearly, everyone couldn’t help looking towards Lao Bai.


The old white-mouthed Kakuzu was twitched, and said bitterly, “You, you guys, don’t you really want me to jump from here? The ghost knows how there can be such a crap.”

“Come low-key in the future.”

Tonpa spoke graciously.

Old Bai was speechless and glanced quietly, thinking that it was too kind, and did not remind him.

The approaching foreign body was really a giant tree on fire.

The blazing flames were burning in the oval lush canopy.

And among the canopy of burning flames, blossoming flowers of glittering silver light bloomed in the flames of orange red, forming a strong sense of visual contrast.

The thick brown trunk is covered with lava fissure-like red veins, and straight to the bottom is a tentacle-like root spread out at the bottom.

The fire tree was flying obliquely, and above the root beard, it was also burning with blazing flames, and it continued to spray hot white steam, which seemed to be the source of power to propel the fire tree.

Everyone looks at the fire tree and silver flower leaning over. Compared with the large appliances that I saw before, after thinking about it, it is more reliable to bomb the mountain boats of the ancient labyrinth city, at least majestic and spectacular, giving a feeling of overcast clouds.

As for this giant tree on fire, they do not know how to describe the feeling at the moment.

The burning flame was very powerful, but it was covered by Silver Flower, as if two different Energy were hedging, which was quite contradictory.

What’s more, they didn’t understand the idea of ​​ancient human beings to create such a means of transportation.

“What to do? Looks at very not to be trifled with.”

Everyone looked at Luo who expressed calmness, and then he couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

They haven’t forgotten their identity. At this moment, can it be considered an unstable factor?

Fortunately, the key to Go was controlled by Luo. Even if the gatekeepers drove ancient large appliances, Go could not make any waves.

Gu staring at the fire tree silver flower, could not help but sigh.

The gatekeeper’s residence is built in a valley, deep underground, where Extreme-Cold Qi will be transported to the ground for many years, making it difficult for creatures to approach.

The residence of the gatekeepers is built around the fire tree silver flowers, relying on the heat of the fire tree silver flowers to resist the cold from the ground and provide the energy for the gatekeepers to survive.

At present, the red shadow came to control the fire tree and silver flowers, which is tantamount to rooting out. Presumably at this moment, the family’s residence should be full of lupus.

“I’ll take care of this.”

Goo stepped forward and came to the crowd.

Luo was silent for a while, nodded and said, “OK.”

After receiving the answer, Gu soon rose into the air, and the spikes on her ears changed into a pair of wings, dragging her body and flying in the air.

At the same time, Go’s body is gradually getting bigger, so that the gatekeepers in the Fire Tree Silver Flower can notice her.

“is this okay?”

Tonpa came to Luo.

Others also look at Luo.

“Trust is one of the basic conditions for cooperation, and I believe she can handle it well.”

Luo’s eyes crossed Gu’s body and fell on the fire tree silver flower.

What a … good thing.

Large-scale appliances left by ancient humans, if there is such a thing, the difficulty of exploring the dark continent will decline geometrically.

Whether it is to counter the threat of restorers and humanoids, or to break through the airspace barriers of the World Tree, the importance of large appliances is self-evident.

In other words, if this fire tree silver flower is erected, it is really a bit of a rocket.

If used on the summit World Tree …

Luo blinked.

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