Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1156

Ever since he was exposed to information about large ancient relics, Luo thought, if only he could get one.

That way, they don’t have to take too much risk, even if they go empty.

Otherwise, it will be like now, if a giant suddenly appeared in front of them, they could only immediately retreat in the air.

If it is to fight in air, only Luo can protect himself, and the rest are limited by the environment, and it is difficult to protect himself.

Black panthered black cats stand on the chanting group released by Luo, and Luo them, standing on the back of the black cat, quietly look at the fire tree silver flowers.

The time when Gu proposed to come forward to resolve the matter was when Luo was about to let the black cat avoid.

Now, when Gu greeted the fire tree silver flower, there was no need to let the black cat back.

Regardless of the outcome, Luo is impossibly in conflict with the fire tree silver flower of the gatekeepers here.

If the goo can’t be resolved, Luo will immediately take the teammates back to the ground, and then make another plan.

On the way to the fire tree and silver flower, Gu has made his body bigger than the black cat.

On the other side, the fire tree silver flower flying in the air slowed down the speed and adjusted the tilt attitude to slowly let the trunk stand up in the air.

The roots scattered at the bottom of the trunk, like the jellyfish’s tentacles, are accompanied by flames and steam.

After a while, the fire tree silver flower was completely erected in the air, and the floating style stopped in the air.

The fire tree silver flower stopped, but not at all stopped and went straight to the fire tree silver flower.

Red Shadow did not hesitate to destroy the residence, but also started the fire tree silver flower. One of the goals was to rescue the Gou, the strongest battle strength in the clan.

On the other hand, there are also plans to go all the way to the end after self-destruction.

The interior of the fire tree silver flower is not completely hollow, so the internal space is not as wide as imagined, and it may also be related to the mechanism of the fire tree silver flower itself. The internal temperature is like a stove, extremely hot.

In such an environment, it is difficult for humans to survive.

However, the Demon Beast physique of the gatekeeper family allows them to withstand the high temperature emitted by the fire tree silver flower.

Compared to the human-like black disc, the fire tree silver flower has no sense of technology in the interior, just like digging a normal big tree into an inner hole. Not only is the space limited, but the field of view from the outside is quite limited. Like the black disc, it can monitor the overall situation outside with some ability.

In fact, not only can the fire tree silver flower fly, it can also run fast on land.

In the internal space of the fire tree and silver flower, through the cracks of scarlet-red, Red Shadow and other Demon Beasts, you can see the goo, but you also see the Luo entire group.

At the moment, they can only be confused.

They may have imagined a variety of situations, but there is no such situation.

But no matter what happens, Red Shadow is willing to take the risk to pick up this weird situation.

Soon, Gu came to the fire tree silver flower, and the huge body suddenly turned into a cloud of ink smoke, and then became smaller like a whale, then passed through the scarlet-red crack on the fire tree silver flower trunk and entered the internal space.

As the oldest member of the gatekeeper family, he is familiar with the interior of the fire tree and silver flower. Without going too far, he came to the main control room where Demon Beast and other red shadows were located.

It was a straight room without any equipment, and it was very monotonous on the whole. There was only one platform with a beard.

The roots of each tree were permeated with silver light and flames, illuminating the entire room.

The body of the restorer, the Book of Truth, was placed on the platform, and the roots of the trees that protruded from the dark were silently wrapped around the Book of Truth.

Hong Ying turned his back to the Book of Truth, and looked towards Go who came in from the entrance of the room.

The members of the other gatekeepers are scattered on two sides, and the number is even less than 2.

This number of members is not friendly to a race.

But this is also no way out. Although the gatekeepers can immortality, they cannot grow their race through breeding methods. Coupled with the change that needs to be poured with blood, the number of members has dropped sharply.

Continuing this way, the gatekeepers who can not continue Bloodline will sooner or later fall.

Therefore, Hongying wants to change the current situation.

Rather than chronic death, give it a try.

Sooner or later it will be dead, give it a chance to change.

Many Demon Beast looks at the go in. Without Demon Beast talking, the room was silent.

Goo stopped in the middle of the room, and she smoky, suspended in the air, showing a vertical pupil.

She looks at the book of truth, which is tightly entwined by the roots of the tree, and looks at the red shadows and other members of the same race.

“I have a partnership with that group of humans …”

After a while, Goo didn’t go around and dropped a blockbuster on the field.

Many Demon Beast simultaneously discolor, it is difficult to digest the words of Goo, especially the red shadow, and his face becomes extremely ugly.

It turns out that, no wonder Goo will appear in this style.

However, he couldn’t figure it out, how could Goo come with that group of humans?


Hongying’s tone was a bit cold.

“Among them, there is a beast called a black cat.” Gu said here was paused, indifferently said: “That beast makes me pregnant.”

Usually it will be regarded as a ** thing, when he came here, he said it without changing his face.

Make Goo pregnant?

Hearing this news, Demon Beast was inevitable.

What they immediately thought was that naturally Goo would not mate with the black cat, but that beast called the black cat, could actually make Goo pregnant?

Of all the Demon Beasts, only the red shadow calmed down quickly, his eyes moved slightly, and he fell on the smoky body with sharp eyes.

“Your within the body, not at all other life aura.”

“Because my child was taken away by the restorer, that’s why I worked with that group of humans.”


Red Shadow was startled again.

What’s the matter with the restorer.

At present, the last thing he wants to face is the restorer, because the time is not up.

Gu didn’t seem to want to waste too much time, and simply explained her experience after being captured.

After listening to Gou’s explanation, the red shadow eyes glittering with strange rays of light.

According to Go, the importance of black cats is self-evident.

Thinking of this, Hong Ying glanced at the female members of the eye tribe without a trace.

With the superior physique of the Demon Beast family, the remaining child does not need to exceed 2 months at most, and it only takes a few years to increase the number of members in the family.

“As long as you can control that human!”

The red shadow body exudes a strong momentum.

“You can’t do it.”

Gu immediately poured a basin of cold water.

How strong is that human being?

She did not say such striking words, and among those many contacts, members of the clan had a deep understanding of this situation.

Even Demon Beast, who was the most motivated in the scene, couldn’t refute Goo’s words.

That human being named Luo is really strong enough to be a realm they can never imagine.

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