Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1154

After waiting for many days, the black disc finally showed signs of leaving.

At this moment, Luo is in the process of intensifying the synthesis of the second new Nitolomy, and not at all people notice that the black disc is leaving the ruins.

The intensive synthesis of the second new Nitolomide was smooth and successfully released.

That can speed up mental strength recovery Speed, it is worth Luo to synthesize a sufficient number, so that everyone wears a strain.

At present, he plans to do the same.

Although some materials may be lost during the synthesis process, there is sufficient inventory and Luo has the confidence to accept the loss.

However, before the third new Nitolomy started to synthesize, Nick discovered that the black disc in the projection screen had disappeared and promptly uttered a reminder.

The crowd couldn’t help but look towards the projection screen on the wall, their expressions were slightly moving.

In the monitoring screen, the black disc is indeed missing.

“Finally there is movement.”

Luo put down Nitolomy and the lichen decisively, and moved towards Small Fox first.

The others followed closely and came to the projection wall.

According to Kakuzu’s fixed surveillance screen, no black disc was visible.

Luo looked towards Sheila, asking, “Can Xiaoai adjust Kakuzu?”

Sheila shook her head: “No, before sending her out, the order I gave her was to stay where she was.”

Luo nodded, signaled to him that he immediately realized the spare key of the apartment Nob created for him.

When it is not usually used, it will become a mark of a part of the body, and when it is used, it can be realized in one thought.

“I’ll go out and see the situation.”

“Be careful.”


Before Luo left, he caught the black cat who was slightly depressed.

Because, Nick’s Small Fox can only hang on the black cat body.

Luo went out with the black cat and was able to synchronize the picture to everyone in the room.

A stone pile was left, and a dark circle suddenly appeared from the ground.

Luo’s head protruded out of the circle. At this time, day and night were alternated. Yu Hui landed on Luo’s upper body, rendering a layer of orange red shimmer.

There is no sound at all, as long as the circle is released, there will be no living body around.

Luo got out lightly from the entrance of the apartment, crouched behind the stones pile, and took a quick look at the surroundings.

Soon, he saw the silhouette of the black disc in the sky far away.

When the last afterglow between Heaven and Earth disappeared, the shape of the black disc suddenly merged into the night, disappearing out of sight from nothing.

“have they gone……”

Luo stared at the direction the black disc was leaving.

Waiting for many days, this stumbling block is finally gone.

Luo called out the black cat, and then gestured toward the black cat.

The gesture was shown to Kim.

After a while, reappears a black circle above the ground.

The gold entire group leaned out of the black circle.

“Hu, it’s finally out of the air.”

Lao Bai stretched his waist, greedily breathing the air at night.

“Which direction did the disc go?”


“Is there a conflict with where we are going after?”

“You have to ask.”

Everyone looked towards Goo going back and forth in the wasteland.

“The forest of Medusa Sha is not north.”

Facing the eyes of everyone, Gu Gu looked calm.

She bowed her head and quietly looked at the ground full of fine sand and gravel, then looked up, looking towards the stars that gradually appeared in the night sky.

When I came here a few days ago, I didn’t expect that I would walk to such a field today.

Anyway …

In the eyes staring at the starry sky, the sharp rays of light were slowly exposed, completely covering the starlight reflected in the eyes.

She will use the strength of this human team to find a way to recapture her son from the restorer.

No matter what the price will be, we will spare no expense.

The gatekeepers are favored by eternal time, but the price is the loss of reproduction ability, which is why their family has never been able to grow, or the restrainer has deliberately put them on their body.

Why would Hongying launch reforms? Because of this.

He believes that adherence to the status quo will only be chronic death.

What if you get eternal life? Without the ability to reproduce, a race will definitely not go far, and will only gradually reduce its staff in a long pass.

Therefore, Gu was shocked when he realized that he was pregnant.

However, from beginning to end, Gu rarely reveals too much information in front of Luo entire group.

So far, Goo hasn’t figured out what makes the black cat pregnant.

Gu Gu wanted to figure out the reason, but her position determined that she couldn’t do much.

In front of people, she was extremely indifferent to the black cat, even to the point of completely ignoring it.

In fact, the black cat has become an indispensable planter in her heart.

If the black cat knows the true thoughts in Gu’s heart, I’m afraid he will fly to the sky.

Unfortunately, Gu Impossible revealed the idea, so waiting for the black cat will only be a long and tormenting wait.

The evening breeze blew across the bodies of everyone.

Fine sand slammed on his face, tingling slightly.

The faint starlight fell on the relic ground, reflecting the bright spots in many places.

Looking from a distance, it is a beautiful view.

“Luo, I want to see it again.”

Kim pulled the entrance to the underground ruins from a pile of rocks.

The potential danger was lifted, and Luo did not refuse.

“I’ll accompany him.”

Lao Bai is not a free master.

In the end, even Nick, Sarah, Sheila and the others want to follow Kim and go down to see the ruins.

Nick may be heading for the vines, Sarah and Sheila and the others, maybe because they thought they were about to leave, so they wanted to take a good look at the ruins at the end.

Presumably, Kim had the same idea.

It’s just that, before making a big noise, the ruins should be seriously damaged.

The gold entire group formed a temporary team, and then entered the ruins.

Luo only gave them 2 days of free time.

Subsequently, the remaining people returned to the 4-dimensional apartment again.

When they return, the team will leave here.

Until then, Luo continued the enhanced synthesis of new Nitolomy.

Surprise Box couldn’t help secretly seeing that Jin hadn’t returned, but after thinking about it, he would still fall into Jin’s hands and be dealt with tragically.

Luo threw 80% of his inventory into the surprise box, and the success rate was still acceptable, remaining around 60%.

Although a lot of material was lost, Luo was still acceptable.

After the synthesis, Luo not at all stopped, wondering if he might take the opportunity to strengthen Nobunaga’s weapon.

The enemies facing the team in the future are the level of the repairer, so it is necessary to enhance the overall strength of the team.

Luo told Nobunaga about this idea, and Nobunaga naturally had no reason to refuse.

However, there is no need to worry about this matter. The more important thing is still to record the information disclosed by Gu.

After 2 days, Kim returned.

At noon the next day, the team was ready to leave, and they came out of the 4-dimensional apartment one after another, ready to leave the place.

The black cat grew larger, carrying everyone and heading towards the periphery of the ruins.

After flying for about an hour, there was a day fireworks in the distant sky.

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