Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1082

Is it a creature other than a copper mechanical life, or is it possible to come in here?

Both are possible, but Luo prefers the latter.

But judging from the area where the vines re-grow, it should be a while.

Of course, under the premise that the speed of vine growth is not clear, the approximate impossibility is to calculate the approximate time.

Luo will not waste energy on this kind of problem, lead the team, continue to light up the map in the underground ruins.

Time goes by, 2 hours, 3 hours …

Coming along the way, they found that the area of ​​the underground remains is very wide, and it is no wonder that when they are on the ground, they can’t see at a glance.

It is regrettable that apart from the traces of vines that have been picked and the encounter with a growing number of copper mechanical life forms, there are no other findings.

The most unwilling to say is probably Saling.

She believes that the inside of such a site with such artificial traces should be able to unearth a lot of human life tools and ancient human characters.

But it turned out to be none.

No trace of human beings has lived here either in the passage or in the room.

The team did not stay in one place for too long, and they never forgot the scarecrow on the ground.

They knew that the intense hostility shown by the Scarecrow at that time would surely chase into the underground ruins, so this is a hidden danger that needs to be paid attention at any time.

If the Scarecrow appears in front of the team, they will certainly do their best to solve the Scarecrow.

If the number of copper mechanical lifeforms on the ground was too horrible and exaggerated, after the Scarecrow made an attack on them, there would be good reasons to kill the Scarecrow.

The team went on for more than half a day, and found an amazing discovery in the recessed wall of Kakuzu.

A pile of rusty iron filings were mixed with a few pieces of clothes and shoes, but the most amazing thing was that Luo had pulled out a missing … hunter license!

“Before you die, you must be desperate.”

Kim looked at the pile of powder that could be called ashes, and he could easily imagine what was happening at the time.

It should be … a hunter was forced into this Kakuzu by a large number of copper mechanical lifeforms.

At that time, it must be that the sky should not be called the earth, and it was in an extremely desperate situation.

Everyone heard Kim’s words, expressions revealed a trace of Rin, but also passive brain to make up for the situation.

Luo carefully looked at the missing hunter license.

Unfortunately, the damaged part contains the code on the hunter’s license, otherwise you can find out which hunter’s license is based on the code.

“Should this license not belong to Torich?”

“There is no possibility.”

“Well, after all, this hunter’s license is too new. Furthermore, when East R & F was still on the 6th continent, maybe the Hunters Association had not yet been established.”

“And Dong Fulisi has been on the dark continent for hundreds of years, how could it be planted in a bunch of cogs?”

“That hunter license …”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the missing license in Luo’s hands.


“People of the association?”

Each gave a guess.

“It’s all possible.”

Luo handed the hunter’s license to Kim, and immediately looked towards the passage ahead, showing a thoughtful expression.

The license found can connect the artificial traces found before.

In other words, those picked vines are most likely made by hunters who carry this hunter license.

More members than Yang De’s team are from the association, so most members have a hunter license.

Needless to say, the Hunters Association is licensed.

Now that a professional hunter has been killed here, the plan is better than that of Youngde ’s team, or the Hunters Association ’s team is here. There is even another possibility, that is, both sides are here.

“Do you think that the Master of this license will be Bi Yangde’s or the Association’s?” Old Bai asked.

“do not know.”

“Unfortunately Number is gone.”

Luo glanced at his teammates and speculated: “No matter what team they are, they may still be in the site. After all, you have seen the situation above.”

“If it’s Bi Yangde, then we …?”

“If not necessary, of course, try to avoid disputes.”


As long as there is no clear motivation and reason, you can avoid war.

After all, meaningless fighting is not good for either side.

“Let’s go on.”

The team moved on, and when the light falling from the gap in the ceiling disappeared, they realized that night was coming.

Tonpa lasted for a long time in the high-power investigation circle, so it was the first person in the team to stop and rest. On the other hand, other people did not bear the investigation pressure, so stamina and energy were good.

“Having a half-hour break, or taking lichen?” Tonpa looked at Luo asked tiredly.

“Take a break.”

Luo looked towards Bi Siji, who knew, and called out Miss, and asked her to massage Tonpa.

Tonpa, too, simply lay on the ground and let Cookie Cookie massage.

Within a short while, he fell asleep without any sense of crisis, after all, his teammates were nearby.

“Black cat, go ahead and explore the road. The time cannot exceed half an hour.”

Before Tonpa regained his stamina, Luo gave the investigation to the black cat.

The black cat took the lead and turned into a plume of smoke, and moved towards the front, while everyone was sitting or lying down, trying to restore some stamina and mental energy as much as possible in this short half-hour.

After 20 minutes, the black cat returned.

He changed back to solid and said, “I found an entrance to the ground floor.”

Everyone who closed his eyes heard the black cat’s words and opened his eyes almost at the same time.

Second Layer …


The masked man walks on a downward and extremely steep ramp, but his walking posture looks like he is walking on flat ground.

The speed at which he walked was fast, and the speed at which the three Papilio incited the wings seemed slow, but he followed the mask firmly.

Just go down like this, walk for about ten minutes, and finally come to an end.

In front of the mask is a heavy stone gate!

Whether it is a ruin building on the ground or a ruin building under the ground, in fact, there is a thing that is normal, that is, the door.

However, there is a stone gate here.

The masker stopped in front of the stone gate, and the frequency of scraping the mask and the speed suddenly increased, seemingly excited.

At the same time, a series of obscure syllables were emitted under the mask.

“Core energy, core energy …!”

He was repeating a phrase that seemed to be the destination of his trip.


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