Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1081

Clothing rags were scattered on the ground. At first glance, the total amount was quite large. It should be a whole piece of clothing, including underwear.

The edges of the rags are straight and should be cut by some kind of sharp weapon.

However, there was only one rag at the scene, not even a little blood.

The shells Luo Te and Jie Luo Mu remained highly vigilant, and even if they saw a rag, they did not approach the scene immediately, but instead ruled out potential threats to the surrounding environment.

After a while, the two of them confirmed what was happening around them, and then slowly approached the rag scattered on the ground.

“From Matthew’s signal of encountering the enemy, it was only a minute before we arrived.” Jay Luomu squatted in front of the rag, his expression dignified.

“To be precise, it’s 58 seconds.”

Luo special eyeballs have been turning up, down, left and right, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

“58 seconds …” Jay Luomu picked up a rag and suddenly asked: “Shell Luote, what do you think of Matthew’s strength?”

“It’s better than me.” Shell Luo answered very simply.

Jay Luo Mudun was speechless, thinking that more than half of the people in the team are better than you?

He sighed in his heart, and then continued: “But it only took 58 seconds for the other side to solve Matthew, and even shorter. This explanation is very strong, and …”

“And what?”

“Shell Luo, your ears are good, but your nose doesn’t look good?”

“Jie Luo Mu, what do you mean by that?”

“Have you not noticed yet? There were hardly any traces of fighting left at the scene, and there was no smell of blood.” Jay Luo got up, let go of the rag in his hand, and stared at the slowly falling rag.

With the reminder of Jack Luo, the expression of the shell Luo changed slightly, and the eyeballs that stopped turning suddenly stopped and fixed on the rag in one place.

Even the underwear and underwear were cut into rags, but there was no blood left, which is strange in itself.

“In other words …” Shell Luo thought something, his expression became clear.

“Yeah, maybe …” Jay Luo looked solemn.

“The enemies Matthew encountered were perverts ?!”

Jie Luo hadn’t finished talking, and was almost swallowed by the words of Luo Luo.


Jay Luo opened his mouth, and eventually swallowed the swear words to his throat, helplessly said: “It is alive without Matthew being ruled out, but the probability is very low. Now the most important problem is that Matthew encountered Who is your enemy? “

With that said, Jay Luo’s eyes changed inadvertently.

He actually thought of many possibilities. One of the most terrifying possibilities was the existence of the fourth person in the underground ruins.

“Except for the members of the association, the copper gear is strange, is it possible that …” Shell Luo suddenly took a moment to glance, with a slightly frightening look at Jay Luomu.

He also thought of this possibility.

“Yes, there may be other things here.”

Jie Luomu glanced at the darkness beyond the light, his eyes narrowed, said solemnly: “Anyway, the rags in this place are impossible from the hands of the cogs. If Matthew meets the people of the association, then It may have been caught alive, which could also explain why there was no blood on the scene, just … “

Having said that, Jay Luomu looked again towards the rags all over the ground, thinking: “With the information we have, there is no suitable object of suspicion, and you are too slow?”

Shell Luo asked, “What happened to me?”

Jack Luo raised his hand, nodded his ears, and said, “Aren’t you hearing well? In addition to hearing the signal from Matthew, can you also hear Matthew’s voice?”

Shell Luo especially heard the thoughts immediately, and his hearing was really difficult to deal with, but he could not filter out the other sounds, so when the type and number of sound sources increased, as long as he was not attentive, he could not go alone. Capture] One of the sounds.

If you think about it, you really didn’t hear other voices about Matthew on the way to support Matthew.

Even with a scream, he could [capture] the weakest value.

“If …” Jay Luomu was still staring at the darkness beyond the light, with an extremely dignified tone of voice: “The enemy Matthew encountered was not a member of the Association, then, this sudden enemy, Definitely a scary guy. “

“At the very least, Matthew has no resistance in front of him.”

Shell also realized the seriousness of the matter, his lips wriggled a few times, and said, “I remember Matthew’s ability is … Emitter’s clone?”

“Yes, he can show 3 layers of clones outside the body surface.” Jao Luo frowned. “I don’t know how his attack Power is, but the defense is definitely at the shell level. . “

Shell Luo subconsciously looked towards the rags all over the floor, Kakuzu’s mouth twitched slightly.

Ah, it was just weird at first, but now it was suspicious of Jay Luo Mu’s self-perception.

“Let’s go back to the Safety Sector first and tell Captain them about it.” Shell Luo’s tone seemed a little impatient.


Jay Luom nodded.

Before they left, they brought all the rags left by Matthew.

They do n’t have to worry about whether there are any traps or dangers hidden on the rag, because when they came to the scene, they immediately looked at the surrounding environment with coagulation and naturally checked the rag.

The underground ruins are negative.

It has been more than an hour since Luo entire group entered the ruins.

The identification results of vines, crystals and copper blocks have all been released.

Vines are highly edible non-toxic plants.

Brass gears are commonplace and nothing fancy.

The crystal is a kind of spar that can provide energy. It has a similar effect to electrical energy, but it is not electrical energy in essence.

That kind of energy is where the source of copper mechanical life is.

The black cat tried to swallow a few energy crystals, but it did not respond at all.

This explanation, which is an energy-rich crystal, cannot be used to convert mental energy.

After all, even the black cats with the strongest adaptability can’t do it, let alone humans.

After grasping the necessary information, Luo entire group walked quickly in the ruins. On the way, it encountered many copper mechanical life forms, all of which were destroyed by them, and the energy crystals that had been knocked down were collected. .

It is a pity that these crystals cannot be used as a power bank.

They wandered around the site for about an hour and then stopped in front of a wall.

Above the walls, the plentiful growing vines are missing several holes.

Although the traces left were largely obscured by the regrown vines, there are still some things to be seen.

This vine has been picked.

Of course, other creatures are not excluded.


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