Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1083

After the stone gate, it is the purpose of this trip.

Unlike the Scarecrow, he would not take the initiative to eliminate human beings.

However, if he encounters it, he will also regard it as a roadblock.

Matthew was actually bad luck, and met the masker at the passage.

If at that time he turned and fled without hesitation, and would not be used as a roadblock by the masked person, he might still survive.

In the eyes of the masked man, the act of killing Matthew is like an ordinary person walking on the road and then kicking the stones with his feet. Its importance is terrifying.

This stance of killing casually made Matthew’s sacrifice so cheap.

The masker came to the heavy stone gate, and the three white swallowtails never left the masker too far.

“Core Energy Core Energy!”

Since seeing the stone gate, mask people have come and gone thinking about a language that sounds obscure.

The stone gate has a large area and can accommodate dozens of people at the same time.

The edges and even the top of the door frame are all un-carved native megaliths, with rough surfaces, not even as good as the masonry in the ruins passage and the ruins room.

From the perspective of appearance alone, it has a rather heavy sense of presence, and it is difficult to determine the specific thickness of the stone gate.

Moreover, dozens of equally rough scores were carved on the facade, intersecting like spider webs.

The gleam of energy spar is flowing in these dozens of nicks, just like Fire Insect in the night when it is bright and dark.

The masked man kept repeating the sentence while standing in front of the stone gate, but instead of pushing the stone gate, he raised the double-handed.

In this way, with that pointed nail, moved towards stone gate penetrated deeply.

The seemingly hard stone gate, like tofu, was penetrated by masked people with nails with no difficulty.


Instead of pushing the stone gate, the masked man is digging.

His double-handed speed is gradually accelerating, and the amount of debris on the ground in front of the door is increasing rapidly.

But for a moment, the stone gate forcibly was dug out by the masker.

Maybe the reason is getting deeper, the mask man is obviously a bit excited, and the double-handed inserted is more vigorous!

In this way, he dug through the stone gate.

The rays of light unique to the energy crystal spilled out of the hole he dug out and reflected on his smooth, unmarked white mask.

“Core Energy”

The masked man’s upper body suddenly penetrated the hole, double-handed and stretched straight forward, then hurried to the left and right, and then pulled sharply, expanding the area of ​​the hole with a violent style.

Later, he walked into the room on the other side of the stone gate, landed flexibly, and stood upright.

The three swallowtail butterflies followed, flying around the masked man.

This is also a large room, flooded with soft energy crystals of light.

However, this is not a Safety Sector. There are no suspended crystals, and there are no thorns like sea urchin spikes, thorns on the wall, or suspended in the air.

The source of crystal rays of light is a stone platform located in the center of the room.

To be precise, the source of rays of light is the ring-shaped crystal on the stone platform, which looks like a genetic factor, spirals upwards and extends to more than 3 meters in height.

On the top of the crystal, a white-haired human covered with red fruit is lying on his back. The double-handed and legs naturally hang down, and the back is connected with the crystal.

On the ground below the stone platform, there are 100 crystals with a thick hand that extend like spider webs to the bottom of the wall around all around, as if penetrated into it, I do not know where to go.

After the masked person entered the room, his eyes locked on the white-haired human being on top of the spiral crystal.

“Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!”

He burst into intermittent, entirely human laughter.

He can easily hear his emotions of excitement and ecstasy from his voice.

So, is he human?

Is the one on top of the crystal a human being?

The swallowtail butterfly flying next to the masked person suddenly turned into a mass of thought, printed on the masked person’s mask, and turned into three lifelike swallowtail patterns.

Then, the masked man stepped on his feet and came to the stone platform at the fastest speed.

Without any hesitation, he reached out his right hand, held one of the spiral crystals, and immediately drew force to lift the entire stone platform.


The stone platform was lifted by the masker, and the top 100 crystals extending from the bottom suddenly broke, making a sound like glass shattering.

The white-haired human being topped by the spiral crystal was completely motionless, as if glued there by force.

At the same time, nearly 100 Safety Sectors in the underground ruins suddenly lost rays of light.

If this is a game map, then within a short period of time, nearly 100 maps in the map are suddenly darkened.

The crystal of Safety Sector lost the rays of light, and also lost the production line of copper mechanical life forms.

At the same time, it loses its role as a Safety Sector.

Both Biande’s team and the Hunters Association team used the Safety Sector as a temporary combat base.

They were inside the Safety Sector, and the crystals suspended in the air suddenly darkened, like a power outage, leaving the room in darkness.

That split second, everyone is thinking about not the reason why the crystal loses rays of light, but here the Safety Sector also does not block the effect of the copper mechanical life body.

Beyond the side of the team.

Originally, Luo Te and Jao Luo, who were visiting the Safety Sector, were reporting about Matthew.

That was the first victim of their team to come to the dark continent, and there were many places where the explanation was unexplainable, so that Bijand took it seriously.

As they discussed it, the whole room suddenly fell into darkness.

But the next second, Gray had a searchlight in his hand, flung it around, and instantly lit up the entire room.

Bi Yangde looked up at the crystals hanging in the air, with an expression of interest on his face.

“It’s not good.”

Paris Stone squinted.

“How do you say?” Someone asked.

“Normally, it should be unsafe here.”

Paris Stone’s gaze moved away from the crystal, and he turned to the entrance of all around.

After watching for a moment, teleportation reached the shell of Luo special, and reminded: “As soon as you hear the movement, remind us immediately.”


The shell of Luo special looks solemnly nodded.

At the other end, the Hunters Association also uses mental means to create a source of light to illuminate the room.

Their judgment is the same as that of Biyangde. They both think that the loss of rays of light in the crystal means that the Safety Sector has failed. In other words, the copper mechanical life form should be able to enter the Safety Sector.

Above the ground that the two sides could not see, it caused a fierce super riot.

The entrance structures on the site that can be counted on one’s fingers were all destroyed by copper mechanical life forms.

They smashed into the underground site from the entrance to the site around all in a crazy gesture.

The split second of the riot occurred when the masked man detached the stone platform.

At the same time, Luo entire group came to the entrance of the negative 2-Layer.

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