Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1068

There was an uninvited guest on the ground, and everyone in the ruins underground knew nothing about it.

In the former Safety Sector room, both Netero and Biyangde unleashed the strongest thoughts.

Golden Avalokitesvara is a Netero’s 100-style Avalokitesvara.

After gaining insight into the hardness of the room, he had no psychological burden and was able to attack unscrupulously.

Under Yang Dequan’s body, there is a layer of surging thoughts, which is very aggressive.

He lifted his head slightly, looking at the Golden Avalokitesvara at Netero behind, and there was a scorn of disdain deep under his eyes.

Regarding Netero’s 100-style Guanyin, as a son of man, he knows the truth and knows that it is the result of 1000 hammer Hundred Refinements.

However, he believes that the results should fall on the **, rather than objects realized by a group of minds.

Of course, he knew the reason why Netero would host the results of the 1000 hammer Hundred Refinements on the materialized body.

Nothing but because of old age.

But understanding and understanding does not affect the way that Yang De disdains.

Bi Yang De’s eyes that looked toward golden Avalokitesvara were suddenly covered with countless palms that reflected the brightness.

“Well, at first, do your best, and yes, you are old, naturally you love do it quickly.”

Than Yang Dehuo lifted up the double-handed and greeted the palm shadow that hit the sky with his body.

Golden Avalokitesvara is the palm, and Bi Yangde is the fist.

The two sides collided together at an extremely fast frequency, making a dense, rattling sound, and the violent gas waves rolled towards the four sides.

Fissures are created in split second.

The palm of Guanyin, which has never been among the enemy’s preferred targets, was actually a point of Crush in the collision with Biande’s fist.

One arm, two arms, three arms …

In a series of collisions, Guanyin lost all his arms.

Netero stopped waving and looked at Bi Yangde with a smile on his face, and couldn’t help but admire: “You, grow up.”

Tone barely fell, he removed the Golden Avalokitesvara, but his ability to return to within the body was quite limited.

This is because most of the mental power that has been embodied in Guanyin has been put on the arm, and the arm has been destroyed and exhausted, and there is certainly not much mental power left to return.

“It’s not that I’m growing, but you’re going downhill.” Bi Yangde raised his arm wearing a armband, coldly said: “The same is Enhancer, but now you neglect the root and pursue the tip.”

“Do you say … neglect the root and pursue the tip?”

Netaku’s mouth Kakuzu suddenly flickered and turned out to be laughing.

I have never given up my hope of going further, and I haven’t let go of the slightest slack in the pursuit.

However, he could not refute Biyangde’s claims, and he did not need to refute.

Golden Guanyin once again appeared in a complete form.

Shaped in air, but in a matter of seconds.

It does n’t matter if you are destroyed, you can break through the mirror anytime, anywhere.

“Useless work.”

Bi Yangde stepped on his feet and rushed towards Netero.

Seeing this, Netero jumped in place, avoiding the collision that Bi Yangde swindled, and immediately waved out.

The sloping golden Avalokitesvara suddenly struck Hayate like a torrential rain, like countless cylindrical golden lights falling to the ground.

“Everything that is remembered by my body is impossible to cause any harm to me.”

Bi Yangde’s double-handed fiddled with afterimage in front of him, forming an indestructible transparent wall, blocking out all the palms shot by the 100-style Guanyin.

That is not pure defense, but with a reflection-like characteristic attached to the defense, so that when the Guanyin arm hit by the force rebounds away, it becomes a point of thought in the most primitive state.

Soon, the ineffective 100-style Guanyin lost all his arms once again, and Netero in the air could only perform a real-time retraction.

However, although the height in the room is not low, it is quite limited, so the height of Netero is not high.

Although it can be retracted in a very short time, this height also gives the enemy a chance.

Than Yang De rose to the sky, carrying the invincible momentum, forcing Netero in the air with nowhere to borrow.

If it is hit by Yang Yang’s attack that can destroy Guanyin’s arm with one punch, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even though Netero has a general understanding of Yang De’s strength, he is afraid to easily try to resist the frontal blow.

“Fatigue is obviously weaker than Bi De.”

Eyes at Bi Yangde attacked from the bottom up, Netero sighed in his heart, but on the bright side he was unhurried.

Golden Avalokitesvara once again became apparent, but came faster than Yang De, not to mention clapping at Yang De, he couldn’t even rush to build a line of defense.

In other words, summoning 100-style Guanyin under such an urgent time, not only has no effect, and the effective time of can be counted on one’s fingers is wasted.

“Not only you lost your teeth, and forgot how to chew?”

Bi Yangde’s eyes suddenly became extremely indifferent. The teeth he said in his heart contrasted with Netero’s aging body, while chewing corresponded to Netero’s accumulated combat experience over the years.

In a short time, he thought that Netero’s misjudgment was enough to fall into the abyss, and he never thought about keeping it. If next moment can kill Netero, he will also without the slightest hesitation.

This is the same for both parties.

But was Netero’s choice to call Guanyin really a failure?

The targets that Guanyin’s palm can encompass are not limited to the enemy, but can also include itself.

A golden arm, with just a slight movement, pushed Netero’s body in the air aside.

It was this slight push that pushed Netero away from the trajectory that Bijand could attack.

In this way, Bi Yangde and Netero passed by, punching a punch through the body of golden Avalokitesvara, and then straight to the ceiling.

I thought it would be a failure to call the 100-style Guanyin at that time …

Slightly surprised than Yang De, but did not affect his subsequent actions.

He quickly adjusted his posture, kicked himself on the ceiling, and shot straight at Netero’s back.

The golden Avalokitesvara, which was penetrated by a punch, broke apart, but soon became apparent again.

But at the moment of manifestation, it disappeared instantly.

Netero used [Hidden] to hide the body of the Type 100 Guanyin, but the price was to reduce the accuracy and hardness of the Type 100 Guanyin to the bottom.

However, this time Netero called out Guanyin not to fight back, but …

The body of Guanyin, who was removed by [Hidden], once again caught Netero’s body, and slanted out to one side, avoiding Bi Yang De’s kick.

Then, it was used again and again, and Guanyin became visible again. Then he grabbed Netero, and then threw it to the left of Bi Yangde’s body that rushed to the ground. He just performed a [v] shape shift in the air with nowhere to borrow. .

Both sides are in motion.

Netero came to the left side of the defensive Beyond’s body, then saw the stitches, and stabbed his palms together under his left armpit.

He chose to strike straight instead of slapping in order to follow in the footsteps of the previous 100-style Guanyin attack.

Entangled with a strong palm, he successfully stabbed Bi Yangde.

Suddenly, there was a sound of broken bones in the room.

Immediately, it was louder than Yang De’s laughter.

Netero flew upside down.

He did pierce Biyangde’s underarm side, and even if he could not penetrate and hurt the internal organs, he could Crush off the ribs.

However, it wasn’t Bi Yang De’s ribs that broke the bones, but his right hand hand.

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