Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1067

In order to get closer to the sky, humans will constantly work at the height of the building.

6 In cities on the mainland, can be seen everywhere high-rise buildings, and here, under the pressure of survival, human beings will not die to make the building higher and higher, but go the other way and extend their homes to the ground.

This large site is a standard in the standard, and a unimaginable large-scale building extends underground.

Therefore, the buildings exposed to the ground appear to be relatively thin. The tallest building is not even 2 meters high.

The scarecrow who chased the Hunters Association stood on the top of the tallest building. For several months, he didn’t move half a step, didn’t make any sound, and didn’t eat or drink …

In such a dull wait, its eyes never looked up, nor left or right, but it always kept its head down and looked at the ruins.

But when that silhouette came to the edge of the ruins, the sight of the Scarecrow standing on the ground for several months finally changed.

It looked up at that silhouette.

Surrounded by densely packed copper mechanical life forms such as ant colonies, they have no eyes on the exterior structure, but can make people feel sight.

When the scarecrow looked at that silhouette, they also turned their bodies, looking towards the silhouette at the edge of the ruins.

The arrival of silhouette attracted the attention of almost all copper mechanical life forms and scarecrows.

That silhouette, with a pole-like figure, is more than 3 meters from Gundam.

The double-handed is long, up to the knee.

Brown leafy clothing was left open at will, revealing a lime-like color.

On his face, he wore a smooth white mask without any holes, covering any Kakuzu in his face.

At the back of the head, the black hair seems to be moistened with strong setting water, and is shaped into a spike.

Three white swallowtail butterflies circle and circle around this silhouette.

This body structure resembles the existence of a human being. Facing the eyes of the copper mechanical life form and the scarecrow, he took steps and walked towards the ruins.

“ga ga.”

There was a slightly weird sound under the sleek white mask.

As he walked, he raised his right hand arm, which was as thin as a bamboo pole, with five fingers spread out, knuckles slightly bent, and covered with a mask.

Then, pull your palm down slowly and forcefully.

The slightly longer nails were scratched on the mask, making a sour noise.

However, as the nail slipped to the bottom of the mask, it was seen that the mask was still smooth and there was no trace left.

When his right hand fell, his left hand was replaced, and the mask was also scratched with his nails.

The two hands alternated in this way, using that slightly longer nails, constantly shaving the mask, and frequently made a sound of toothache.

With such a strange behavior, the masked man gradually walked into the ruins.

A copper mechanical lifeform extremely sensitive to the Incursio is attacking the Masked Man immediately.

However, without seeing any movement, the copper mechanical life body that flew past the nearest, but broke into pieces and fell to the ground silently and silently.

An amazing number of copper mechanical life forms, just like the moth flies into the flame, have been turned into fragments and fell on the road ahead of the masked person.

“ga ga.”

The mask man crooked his neck slightly and stopped to look at the pile of wreckage in front of him a short time later.

As if thinking about what to do.

After a few seconds, he thought of a solution.

That is, bypass the hills where the wrecks pile.

The masked man traversed a distance to the right, and then continued toward the inside of the ruins.

He changed the course, and the copper mechanical life form also changed with his course.

The body made of copper gears did not make any noise when it broke in the air, and only when it landed, it made a short sound.

They moved towards the Masked Man, one after the other, and turned into pieces in silence, in a short time, diagonally pulled up a wall of wreckage.

The scarecrow standing on the top of the building calmly looks at the masker who is also an outsider, suddenly makes a squat motion, and then changes to a sitting position.

It was sitting there, quietly looking at the bronze mechanical lifeforms, which were turned into piles of endless debris by unknown means.

In this way, the mask man almost stepped on the wreckage of the copper mechanical life body and headed for the entrance to the underground ruins.

After a while, the mask man finally came to the nearest entrance.

Before entering, he suddenly glanced at the Scarecrow sitting on the roof of the building, wondering why the Scarecrow was here.

However, he did not waste time thinking.

Because if you want to think about it, you might have to let him stay here for more than ten minutes.

After only a pause, he followed the stairs into the underground ruins.

The copper mechanical life body that struck him from behind turned into a wreck, blocking the entrance to the ruins, and blocking the copper mechanical life body that went on and on.

The masked man soon came to the negative ground with a faint light, and the 3 white swallowtails flying around him exuded bright rays of light.

A series of light spots, like powder, are scattered from the body of the swallowtail butterfly.

“ga ga.”

The weird voice quietly spread out.

At this moment, the Hunters Association and the Beyond team at the bottom of the ground finally began to face each other.

Both parties have maintained a high level of patience in their struggles over the past few months, and have not rushed into a crossfire. Instead, they have each collected important information about the current environment.

In this way, each step by step, until today, they officially collided together.

The number of Hunters Association is double that of Yang De’s team. Normally, with more people, the fault tolerance rate will increase accordingly.

But here are all copper mechanical life forms with the ability to [rust], so more people have more targeted.

The Hunters Association lost several members for the first time, and which which is included 2 members of the 2 Earthly Branches.

Although Ge Er’s body was not found, everyone knows that maybe the rusty powder scattered somewhere in the martyrdom may be the proof left after Ge Er’s death.

Although the number of associations is more than that of Youngde’s team, the one to emerge victorious is not yet known.

In the room in which many energy stones were embedded, Netero and Beyond took the lead in fighting, and in other parts of the underground ruins, the association’s people and Beyond’s people met one after another.

However, for several months, both sides have regarded their environment as one of the conditions for winning, so even if they face each other, they may not be in a hurry to decide the winner.

Operate slowly and win.

This is an idea that almost everyone has.

Only a few people are different, such as Netero and Bijand.

Do not use the environment, nor use the copper mechanical life in the underground ruins.

Within the room, the golden light suddenly started.

The solemn and solemn golden Avalokitesvara is bathed in the rays of light released by the energy stone.

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