Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1069

Netero used his skills to fight back and successfully hit.

However, not only did he not hurt Biyangde, but he suffered 800 losses.

Netero did not call out the 100-style Guanyin to force his body to stop, but instead flew out by this rebound force, pulling the distance ahead.

At about the same time, it is to adjust the posture and land firmly.

There was louder laughter than Yang De in the room.

Netero glanced down at the right hand hand, broken slightly wrinkle.

It was thought that only blunt injuries with a large coverage area would rebound, and didn’t expect that even puncture injuries would rebound.

It was a failed attack, but anyway reminded Netero.

It’s just a broken hand that won’t affect the release of the 100-style Guanyin.

Because the cultivation success of a lifetime is pinned on the body of Guanyin, even if the palm of your hand is injured, you can use the idea to show Guanyin and strike the enemy.

This is Lee.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be promoted to Peak.

Netero calmly looks at Bi Yang De who laughed for some reason, while the latter smiled and looked at Netero.

Laughter gradually converged, and Yang De stretched out his index finger, pointed to his chest, and said seriously: “that was close, if you succeed, this battle is over.”

“…” Netero expressionless raised his left hand and stroked the fractured right hand, and immediately forcibly straightened the hand.

“Maybe it’s because you are old that I accidentally made such a low-level mistake.

With a long sigh, Yang De looked a little annoyed.

“However, that counterattack was just wonderful!”

The annoyed mood first appeared and disappeared quickly, but turned into an undisguised surprise.

“Let Guanyin’s ability to act on his body, and use” hidden “to eliminate the shape of Guanyin, so as to achieve the effect of free movement in the air.

Big Young took a big step forward, followed by step 2.

His eyes were full of praise, but in Netero’s eyes, it was even more dazzling.

After all, Netero is the father and Bijand is the son.

The positions of the two sides seem to be reversed.

No wonder Netero was dazzling.

The body’s mental strength is as stable as a rock when it is bigger than Yang De.

That’s a completely different extreme from Giles, and it’s different from Netero’s stagnant mind.

It is necessary to put forward a contrastive statement, that is, yin and yang.

Netero goes from prosperity to decline, thus becoming overcast.

Byangde is from declining to prosperous, thus becoming yang.

Judging from the form of mindfulness, Yang Yang is full of vitality, and vitality is the foundation of mindfulness.

“If it was before, you would never take that approach, well, now you can choose to run away, I will not chase you.” Bi Yangde suddenly raised his hand to the side entrance.


Netero smiled suddenly.

“Did you wake up at that moment? I can break your defense, but you can’t. This is the most fundamental gap between us, so no matter what you do, the only end is defeat.

Seeing Netero’s response, Bi Yang naturally let go of his hand and converged all his external emotions.


Netero smiled again, but this time the smile was cold.

The 100-style Guanyin was influenced by Netero’s unyielding will, and the apparent speed could not be accelerated, but the original apparent speed was fast enough, so it could not be reflected.

The golden light once again broke through the energy rays of light in the room.

Bi Yangde’s eyes were once again filled with the golden light of Guanyin.

Stubborn …

At this moment, Bi Yangde finally stopped suppressing his killing intent.

No matter who he is, if he dares to stop him, he will destroy it without mercy.

The slap of the 100-style Guanyin was like a heavy rain, and Biyangde splashed into the stride.

bang bang ……!

Than Yang De walked, double-handed turned out to pull out a film of fist shadows, blocking Guanyin’s palm like a heavy rain from the fist shadow.

It wo n’t fall, it ’s accurate to the hair!

He seems to be able to see all the trajectories of the 100-style Guanyin, or … passive memory?

Because the 100-style Guanyin only needs to adjust the trajectory or order of one of the palms, it can generate different moves.

Based on this conclusion, the style change of the 100-style Guanyin is Supreme-limited. If it is pure evasion, it is actually not difficult for a master of Yangde’s popularity.

However, Bi Yangde took over all without fail.

Fight head on!

Keep going!

Bi Yangde was in the middle of walking, smashing the violent slam of the 100-style Guanyin.

Even Ant King cannot do this.


Netero looked silently at the golden light dissipating in front of his eyes.

A Type 100 Guanyin without an arm is equivalent to a snake with its fangs removed.

It only takes energy and effort to rebuild it, but the fundamental problem is not the loss of mental power, but the stronger offensive and defensive power than Yang De showed.

“Muscle memory? Or … neural memory?”

Faced with a stronger advance than Yang De, Netero pulled back a distance.

Netero’s idea of ​​Bi Yangde’s idea is not 2 but not completely mastered.

On the contrary, Netero’s idea is better known than Yang De’s. Even if the difference in age and physical fitness is not taken into account, it is not a fair fight in the sense of ability intelligence.

Up to now, Netero still hasn’t figured out the principle of Bi Yangde’s reflection damage, but he can be sure that it was what Bi Yangde did with his own **.

Only by figuring it out can you win.

If you lose your mind before you figure it out, you will lose all possibilities.

“It can’t hurt the enemy close, but it will damage 800, and the effect of the 100-style Guanyin is very small, which is very tricky.”

Netero called out Guanyin again with a calm eye.

The inferiority of several confrontations, not at all made him a little bit depressed.

On the contrary, the fighting intent, which was not revealed on the face, actually rose in the chest.

With the fighting so far, the negative emotions that Netero has produced have only a trace of regret.

He regretted that at the moment when the hand was injured by a rebound and fractured, he didn’t have extra energy to check on the muscle dynamics and mental condition of Bi Yangde.

Since you didn’t see it clearly the first time, try to see it clearly the second time.

Netero narrowed his eyes, prayed, and raised his palm.

After rebuilding the Guanyin several times, he again fearlessly attacked Biyang De.

“No matter how many times you come, the result is the same.”

Beyond welcomed the palm shadow from the sky.

He can defeat the 100-style Guanyin offense without pressure, but he can’t get a counterattack.

The reason is that Netero’s speed of Guanyin is too fast. If it is not in the air, as long as Netero backs up and releases Guanyin, it is difficult to get closer than Yang De.

However, than Yang De was not in a hurry.

So he didn’t expect Netero to take the initiative again.

When Guanyin collapsed again, Netero rushed.

Bi Yangde’s eyes flashed a strange color, but the movement in his hand was unequivocal. In the most accurate and desperate posture, he cast an inescapable net on the active attacking Netero.

It was a deadly Kakuzu blockade enough to surprise others.

However, Netero still stubbornly broke through. He used the retractable characteristics of the 100-style Guanyin, which is a customary trick of the modernization system, to first let Guanyin face a blockade counterattack by Biyang De.

Subsequently, at the split second where the two sides met, decisively withdrew Guanyin, allowing Beyond’s strength to overflow, and then slightly deformed the movement.

To do this, we need to grasp the right timing, but Netero has succeeded in doing so with great experience.

The moment Biyang De’s movement deformed was when the blockade appeared a gap.

Netero released Guanyin again in this short split second.

One arm attacked Bijand and one arm helped Netero.

One attack and one defense, like a lotus blooming between the arms of Guanyin.

So Netero came to Beyond’s side again, but this time he changed to the other side.

The same five fingers close together, lingering enough mental force, immediately stabbed directly to the side of the underarm that was higher than Yang De’s left hand.

Ka-cha !

Netero flew out again, and Guanyin also swelled with it.

There is no doubt that the sound of the fracture was not Biyang De’s sternum or ribs, but Netero’s left hand.

Once the extremely similar scene happened, Bi Yangde did not laugh out as before, but expressionless one-footed pedal, chasing Netero upside down in the air.

He died quite quickly, but in a short time, there was a tendency to catch up.

Netero’s eyes look at Biyang De, who was carrying Rin and killing intent, but his mouth was grinning silently.

At this moment, his left and right hands were severely fractured. Normally, he could not make an effective attack, but he smiled.

Bi Yangde also saw Netero’s smile, without being affected in the slightest, with the straightest punch in an attempt to dispel all the vitality of Netero.

However, Netero’s potential energy is still full. Regardless of when and where, he did not consider the reasonable use of thoughts, directly called Guanyin, pushed his body in the air, and avoided Biyang De’s. Chase.

The two sides just separated again.

Judging from the consumption of thoughts, Netero has repeatedly put 100-style Guanyin on it, and the consumption of mind is extremely obvious, but it is not much consumption than Yang De.

From the point of view of the physical injury, Netero double-handed hand fractured and was intact than Yang De.

This shows that Netero is at an absolute disadvantage.

But when the two sides separated, Netero’s external appearance did not seem to be at a disadvantage at all.

The two sides landed on each other and looked at each other from a distance.

Netero held up the double-handed of the broken hand, and lowered his head and sighed: “Is it 1000 hammer Hundred Refinements …”

He finally saw the reason why Bi Yangde was able to rebound his injuries and suddenly thought that Bi Yangde was his son.

As the so-called father has his son.

That mind covering Bi Yangde’s body is like the impeccable muscles of the second stage, and then supplemented with the real 1000 hammer Hundred Refinements muscles.

The combination of the two is the key to the complex process of bearing, unloading, tortuousness, and rebound in split second.

Even though Netero was called monster by everyone in the circle during the Peak period, at this moment, he would simply throw the adjective monster into Bieder’s body.

In those years of no contact, Bi Yangde should have made ordinary people’s unimaginable efforts for this trip to the dark continent.

In this regard, Netero did feel it.

Physical fitness is monster level.

Enhancer mental exercise is also monster level.

That’s Return to the Natural State, and it’s the simplest Enhancer application.

From these confrontations, Biyang De’s offense or defense seems ordinary, without any fancy, but it contains the delicate skills that are not compatible with Enhancer.

Compared to this …

Netero put down the double-handed with severely fractured hand and looked up to look towards expressionless Bijand.

Forced by age and physical changes, the selves who seek other ways are indeed not qualified to meet with Young.

However, the original intention of this battle was not to satisfy his own battle **, but to complete a highest-level commission in history as a professional hunter.

At the cost of self-destructiveness, it is clearer than Yang De’s strength that Netero’s fighting intent has not been affected. On the contrary, it can be said that it is rising

Deep in the underground ruins, multi-party battle circles came into confrontation.

Maybe it is tacit understanding, or rational judgment.

No matter which battle zone is in the room, not the passage.

It is also a large room with walls and ceilings embedded with energy stones.

Compared to the room where Biande and Netero are located, there are not many energy stones here, so the brightness is not so exaggerated.

The structure and area of ​​the room are practically similar, but they are full of … debris and brick walls.

The wreckage is well understood and comes from the copper mechanical lifeform.

However, at the depth of the underground ruins, every inch of the building’s Kakuzu has a very high hardness, so the origin of the broken brick walls in the room is puzzling.

Ten 2 Chenlong Porter of the Earthly Branch.

His tall figure, like a crane standing among chickens, broke into the room here.

Calm and sharp eyes quickly swept over the messy Stonehenge in front of him, and despite his limited field of vision, he was keen to smell a touch of danger.

Breathing, odor, sound, and even fluctuations in mental strength can prove that there are no signs of enemies hidden in the room here.

It was just that, from the moment he entered the room, Poteb was determined to have enemies hidden there.

That determination is not the result of judgment, but the intuition of being a 3-Star level terrorist hunter.

“Is it homogeneous in terms of identity …?”

Porter walked towards the messy brick wall wreck.

Passed along the way, avoiding any possible setting.

“It is truly a 3-Star level terrorist hunter of the Hunters Association great and famous. Some of the conventional traps often used on the battlefield are, in your eyes, just like the trick of a small child?”

A steady and powerful voice came from the debris mountain above.

“Of course, we didn’t expect these small traps to hurt you or expose you to a weak spot.”

Listening to that voice, Porter looked up expressionless, looking towards the sharp-eared blond man who appeared voluntarily, wearing a military uniform.

“Mou Haier, Team Stone Wall.”

Potter directly revealed the identity of the other party.

His profession is related to this aspect, and of course he knows the stone wall team called Legendary in the mercenary industry.

Miao Haier kicked Kakuzu and suddenly said: “pa!”

The words didn’t fall, and the wreckage of Potter’s body suddenly exploded, and the high-temperature heat engulfed Potter in it along with the air waves.

“The trap is not the only type of passive triggering.” Miao Haier said indifferently.

“you are right.”

The next second, in the unresolved flames, Potter’s calm voice came.

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