Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1066

That voice is better than Yang De’s.

From the first syllable, Netero heard it instantly.

However, his steps did not stop at all, and he strode into the room full of light, as if he had known that Biyangde was here.

The ramp to get here is half-sloped down, but the room is straight and unaffected.

The interior space of the room is very large, and the walls made of brick and stone are filled with energy stones made of copper mechanical life, and the source of light is the rays of light from these energy stones.

Bi Yangde was standing in the middle of the room, his erect body was like a sword, and his whole body exuded an unsharp edge.

After saying that, he walked into the room with a look of steadily forward looks at Netero, and then a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Why laugh?

Not even he himself knew.

“Only you? Sometimes being too confident is not a good thing.” Netero clearly saw the environment in the room at a glance, and the right hand fell to his side for the first time, and returned back more than what Yang De had just said.

“Haha.” Bid Yang laughed loudly and said earnestly: “You are obviously old, but you have to be stubborn. You are forcing me … for you to finish in advance?”

“This is what I expect now from you.” Netero smiled dangerously.

“That’s it, no matter how unwilling I am to bear my uncle’s stigma, now I can only meet your expectations.” A bit of chill gradually began to appear on Bi’s rough face.

Netero’s mouth was Kakuzu’s hook, and a strong fighting intent emerged in his eyes. His knees were slightly bent, his left hand dropped to the lower plate, his right hand was hung over his chest, and his wholeheartedly made a gesture style with both offense and defense.

Trapped here for so long, can’t you wait for this moment?

Capture, or strike to kill in place.

No need to deliberately choose.

In other words, there is no choice.

Eyes at Netero simply put on a stance, but Yang De casually began to check the wearing degree of the armbands. While checking, he used a cold tone: “The people who come with me are not simple. Guy. “

“…” Netero was silent.

“Your people can’t handle that group of guys, so ah, you always do this. Once you are captured by something, you can’t hold anything else.”

Bi Yangde finished checking the wearing of the armbands, and that’s when the sentence came to an end.

Suddenly, the body suddenly emerged with a more dynamic and powerful mind than Netero.

“In the end, you haven’t changed at all, my dear father.”

Bi Yangde also poses in a pose similar to Primal Chaos, with the right hand on the master, the left hand on the master, and the palms of the two hands facing each other.

That posture is quite similar to Netero’s gesture style, but there are obvious differences.

“I won’t end this battle too soon. Before my teammates return, I will satisfy your unreasonable desire to fight.”

Will be right, the soldiers against the soldiers.

This was an opportunity that Netero had been waiting for months, so he ventured.

Had planned to do more than a dozen, the result is more confident than Yang De gave him the most desired result.

And Bi Yangde said that another kind of strong confidence in teammates.

Bijand believes that the professional hunter that Netero sees will be defeated by his teammates.

“It’s hard to underestimate your opponents. I should have taught you countless times.”

Netero’s eyes revealed a sharp edge, but he suddenly started.

The two sides are far apart, with Netero in front of the door and Bijand in the center of the room.

At this distance, it is not enough to start the battle in the split second.

But Netero did it, and it did.

A golden Guanyin arm appeared just above Behind’s behind.

As Netero made a small and light movement, the palm of Guanyin’s arm was smashed into the back of Bi Yangde with a force of 1000 kun.

Than Yang De’s right hand lifted up like a thunder, crossing over the back of his head.

Avalokitesvara’s palm was photographed on the right hand armour of Bi Yangde.

A ring-shaped air wave emerged from the contact points on both sides.

I did not see anything special than Yang De. The Guanyin palm and even the arm, but after hitting the arm armor, Crush became a light spot and dissipated in the air.

It seemed as if he had been wounded to pieces.

in other words, smashed by the power of his palm.

“Belittle you? Although I think your odds are zero, I haven’t underestimated you from beginning to end.” Bi De slowly let go, and when the smile completely converged, his face was indifferent.

“It’s just that your entry point, timing, speed, palm, and most important ‘force’ have been remembered by my body long ago.”

Netero doesn’t say much anymore, while stepping forward, double-handed simultaneously.

The golden Guanyin not at all appeared in the behind of Netero and did not appear in front of Bi Yangde.

Instead, the golden arms seemed to pass through the void, maintaining the existing form before the Guanyin form was fully realized, and moved towards the back of Yang De.

The second palm strike struck, Bi Yangde no longer raised his arms to block, but released the circle with great confidence, and walked at an irregular pace

He thought of things, and clearly understood the trajectory of the slap in a short time, so in that irregular step, he accurately avoided the slap from the back.

“bang bang bang!”

Guanyin’s palm crossed Bi Yangde’s body and hit the ground with a loud noise.

From the scale of the sound, the formidable power of the palm was judged, but several palms fell to the ground without any cracks in the masonry on the ground.

Netero is advancing, and Bijan is also advancing.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Netero increased the attack range with the inconspicuous view of Guanyin, but the same mental power was consumed.

Normally, the formidable power of this attack will be weakened accordingly.

However, Netero’s Guanyin slap was not weakened.

He wouldn’t accidentally block the next strike more easily than Yang De could, but the shot on the ground did not cause any damage, but it surprised him.

And when it comes to accidents, it’s not frustration or doubt, but joy.

He and Bi Yangde lived in an ant nest room deep in the ruins below the ground. If the room collapsed due to fighting, it was not the result he wanted to see.

“In this way, you can do your best.”

Netero concentrate attention completely staring at the distance from Bijand.

However, he did not know that Bide, who had more information, deliberately chose the battlefield here.

Because, as a former Safety Sector, not only is the masonry stone’s amazing hardness, the energy stone embedded in the wall can provide absolute shockproof function, and no matter how much noise, you don’t have to worry too much about the wall being penetrated.

The two sides trapped in the ruins of the ground have been circling for a long time with edible vine plants.

In the end, after thoroughly examining the distribution of copper mechanical life forms, and on the premise of obtaining a large amount of information, the two sides finally launched a short-term contact.

Above the ground, there are still staggering numbers of copper mechanical lifeforms and dangerous scarecrows.

At this moment, a silhouette came quietly, breaking into the vision of copper mechanical life forms and scarecrows.

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