Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1065

People will remember where they have been, but it may not be clear for a moment just by their heads.

Vague, or vaguely remembered.

Then, when I came to the place where the memory was carried, everything would come together.

As if suddenly remembering something, the skeleton’s memory of this place gradually became clear.

He was sure which direction Dong Fuli went, and he remembered what was going in that direction.

As he said at the moment, on the way to that direction, there was a large-scale relic.

“Which ruin?” Luo asked.

From the information provided by the Skeletons, there are a total of 8 ruins.

Among them, there are only 3 relics that are relatively complete and large in scale.

The other five ruins, if the archaeological value is omitted, are a pile of broken remains scattered on the ground.

“Remains of the Bronze Age.” Skeleton Man concise Kaidou.

Large scale and linked to the copper age.

Everyone who has already memorized the information will understand.

“Is there the most dangerous relic?” Tonpa hesitantly said.

Skeletons hate Tonpa and have no plans to deal with Tonpa at all.

Luo answered for him, saying, “Yes, provided that the information provided by the skeleton is correct.”

“Of course, I don’t want to make a joke of my life!” The skeleton said solemnly.


Tonpa grinned, and immediately looked towards Luo, and asked, “Where are you going?”

“What do you think?” Luo didn’t answer, but looked towards his teammates, asking back.

“Go !!!” Saran cast her first vote excitedly.

“Luo, you haven’t been there yet, so I want to see it,” Sheila said.

“Honestly, I’m not very interested in the ruins, but in the ruins, there are usually some flowers and plants, and maybe I can find some tobacco materials.” Lao Baidao.

“Uh … isn’t there the most dangerous relic there? Can I not go?” Nick raised his hand weakly.

“You can stay in the apartment.” Nob glanced at him.

“Hey, a copper monster? I don’t know if it’s hard enough.” Nobunaga’s thumb was gently pressed on the handle. Since he changed the sharp long stone knife, he has become nervous and wants to find Many opponents come to try the knife.

That way, it’s even crazy than Uvogin.

Jin calmly watched the direction of the northeast and said seriously: “There is a way to go. I believe Dong Fuli will stop at the ruins. Even if he is not there now, there may be traces or clues.”

“Jin, isn’t Dong Fuli your ancestor? Wouldn’t it be nice to call it by name like that?”

“Ha ha ha!”

Old Bai laughed loudly.

In contrast, everyone else, even Luo, couldn’t help laughing.

Looks at smiling teammates, the amount of money has dropped several black lines. Since one of the team’s goals is to find Dong Fuli, this black spot may be accompanied by the end of the road.

“Please be serious.” Kim rarely did so.

“Well, this kind of sensitive topic will be mentioned a little later.” Luo earnestly.

Sensitive to your sister …

Kim rubbed the temple.


Baha’i is well-nodded.

Bisji, Machi, Bruna and their follow-up tickets for invalidation.

Even so, more than 5% of the team voted to drop by the ruins.

The skeleton saw the entire entire group make a decision, and he was weak on time: “Well, can I go now?”

His words attracted everyone’s attention.

“I’m afraid not,” Luo said.

“You want to keep your word !?” The skeleton was instantly excited.

“No no no, because my question is not over yet.”

“Then you ask quickly!”

“Ask me when I think about it.”


Skeletons can understand it, this human in front of him, from the very beginning, did not plan to let himself go.


At first thought, the red light cluster behind the sternum reacted immediately.

But soon, he felt despairing when he faced Luo in the room alone that day.

There was only a fledgling red light group, so it simply went out.

“Do you want to … become a human?” Luo stared at the skeleton man who couldn’t swallow with a smile.

“Do not want to.”

Skeleton Man Cold Kaidou.

He took himself as a human in deep in one’s heart, but he never thought of becoming a human.

Because the current body is the proof that he can survive on the dark continent, so only a fool would want to change back to a human body.

As a result, he can more or less appreciate the Human Race-like group that changes in order to survive.

As long as they can survive, as long as the ethnic groups continue.

So why not throw away something?

Luo can’t help disappointing that the skeleton is serious.

If he wants to recruit skeletons, it is not possible to take advantage of the key points, then he can only do what he wants.

During this time, he was thinking about what reason to make Skeletons teammates.

After much deliberation, it is to make skeleton people back to human.

What didn’t expect is that Skeletons would refuse so simply.

Luo didn’t ask the reason, but thought with his chin.

also what reason?

rebuild home?

Or is it revenge?

Forget it, take a look at it.

Luo no longer thought about it, looking northeast, calmly said: “ready to go.”

The skeleton was unwilling, but was powerless, so much so that he had the same idea as Luo, taking a closer look.

The black cat emerged from the back of Luo’s hand and became a huge black panther.

Everyone jumped onto the wide back of the black cat with ease.

After the people were all together, the black cat stepped and walked in the sky, heading northeast.

Taking the empty road can avoid many dangers on the ground.

Of course, there are also chances to encounter tricky flying creatures.

Luo asked the black cat to slow down the speed, so he didn’t have to hurry, but he must be able to see the situation underneath.

There is a sound of footsteps from a long masonry groan in the ruins below the ground.

The martyrdom was dark, and when you looked further away, you could see the source of light like stars.

A silhouette came out of the darkness and headed for the source of light ahead.

That silhouette is Hunters Association President Netero.

At this moment, his left hand naturally lay on his side, and right hand 5 fingers were put together, and he crossed his chest with a prayer gesture.

The obliquely downward stretch of the center of the martyrdom that leads to nowhere, floats and stands a variety of grotesquely shaped but exudes a dangerous breath of copper mechanical life.

It is impossible to see things in the dark, but as long as the mind is condensed in the eyes, the rays of light of the energy spar of the copper mechanical life body will become extremely bright.

The copper mechanical lifeforms sensed the existence of Netero, and suddenly rushed towards Netero as if suddenly stimulated.

“Can’t waste too much thought on your body.”

Netero whispered to himself, looking at the copper mechanical life form that rushed over.

call out!

A golden arm emerged out of thin air, like a fly swatter, shooting down the copper mechanical life body that came over one after another.

Within a moment, the wreckage of a place was the only one in which the energy spar was intact.

Netero’s gaze didn’t stop at all, and he went straight ahead.

one kilometer? Or 2 kilometers?

Netero did not count, but focused on answering the thoughts that have been consumed along the way.

A few minutes later, the star-like light spot finally shined brightly in front of my eyes.

He without the slightest hesitation stepped into the light, where there was a fairly large space, like an ant’s nest led by a branch road.

Where the rays of light shine, there is a familiar voice.

“My dear father, sometimes too confident, it is not a good thing.”

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