Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1064

In order to survive, Skeletons will do everything.

However, facing Luo, he really didn’t know.

Fortunately, the room was not large, but it benefited him.

In the final analysis, he is still confident in his hardness.

The battle flared up and the atmosphere in the room was quite tense.

“I must … take the initiative!”

The skeleton’s toe bone moved slightly forward.

In his field of vision, Luo’s behind seemed to have an unknown breath that was twisting.

If there are sweat glands, the body may be wet with sweat.

With this body, he has overcome many cruel environments, but he has never faced such a powerful individual.

It’s different from the natural environment …

Just before the skeleton’s idea of ​​being bound by the atmosphere was about to be liberated, Luo serene’s voice was like the last straw, pressing on the skeleton’s body.

“It’s useless.”

Luo said word by word.

For every byte spoken, the momentum will increase by one point.

At the last node, the skeleton was completely crushed.


Why is this happening?

The skeleton man shouted silently.

Why can’t my feet move?

Why are you afraid before you fight?

Obviously there is no retreat, only fight to the end!

“This is not Stranded Beast’s Struggle. Even if you don’t want to admit it, you can’t change the fact that you are dead.” Luo suddenly took a step forward. “Since this is the case, there is no meaning of struggle, and it is also the most critical a little.”

“You know very well, I’m better than you, not a little bit better.”

“Now your perception should be clearer.”

Luo suddenly disappeared in place, the next moment appeared in front of the skeleton.

Right hand, already through the bone gap, holding the lifeline of the skeleton man.

Suddenly this moment, the skeleton talent came suddenly to his senses, but it was already weak in Revolving Heaven.

“I knew you were like this …”

Skeletons looked towards Luo’s eyes full of resentment.

Luo didn’t speak, but separated the red light group, and went out immediately.

When his lifeline was taken out, the first thought of the skeleton man was dead.

In despair, I realized that I was not dead.

He looked at the red rays of light separated by Luo alone.

In this way, Luo summoned the book in front of the skeleton and opened the pages, but it felt a little missed.

Without continuing to think about it, he pressed the red light ball toward the book page, and as a result, an insurmountable resistance was generated from the gap between the red light ball and the book page.

“Sure enough.”

Seeing this, Luo sighed with regret.

The red light group is the lifeblood of the skeleton, but it is also the root of the mentality of the skeleton.

Therefore, there is no way to seal the light group into the page. If you want to cut off the gas and then seal it into the page, then the skeleton will definitely die first.

When seeing the skeleton’s mentality extended from the red light group, Luo actually expected it, but he wanted to verify it by himself, and of course it disappointed him.

“What do you want to do!”

The Skullman then realized that Luo not at all released any killing intent.

I was previously frightened by Luo’s momentum, so I didn’t realize it.

Now seeing Luo’s actions, the skeleton people are scared, but it is unfathomable mystery.

He didn’t know Luo’s Mind Power, of course he couldn’t guess Luo’s plan.

“It’s nothing, you are returned.”

Luo very simply pulled out the lifeline of the skeleton man, and very simply returned it.

When the skeletons reacted again, the roots of life returned to within the body.

He looked down at the red light, his mood was complicated.

I really want to go home!

“Well, let’s continue with the ‘I ask you to answer’ section.”

After returning the red light group to the skeleton, Luo called out the books and quill again, and then sat on the chair, as if nothing had happened.

The skeleton man looked up at him, and there was only one voice in his heart.

I really want to lift the table!

Afterwards, the atmosphere eased gradually, leaving only the voices of Luo and Skeleton in the room.

After such an experience, the Skeleton Man completely lost some of his hidden thoughts.

In the largest room of the 4D apartment, the crowd was looking at the situation at looks at Luo and the Skeleton Man through the screen projected by the fox.

“It’s uncomfortable to say.”

Tonpa and Nick said in unison.

As soon as the words came down, they glanced at each other, and then quickly teleportation.

Just a moment ago, Luo took out the lifeline of the skeleton people, which evoked their memories.

At that time, Nick even subconsciously touched Crotch.

“Looks, Luo wants to absorb that skeleton into the team.” Tonpa looking thoughtful.

“Maybe it would be better to kill.”

Silly, who has always been taciturn, seems to have a natural sense of resistance to skeletons.

King glanced at Sergei and said, “Skulls are indeed a factor of instability, but we cannot deny his value.”

“I understand Luo’s need for skeletons, but that’s not enough to change my point of view.” Si Jiji rarely met Jin.

“I can see it.” Kim nodded.

His senses were still keen, and he noticed that Sergey’s attitude towards the skeleton was a bit out of place, but the skeleton was afraid of Sergei.

If you think about it, Sergeant and Skeleton are similar in some sense.

To apply the common nouns in the game, is that … the breath of the dead?

“Don’t worry too much, Luo won’t do anything unsure.” Bi Siji chinned his chin and said earnestly: “If he thinks the skeleton can become a teammate, then the skeleton cannot escape anyway. Skeletons cannot be teammates, and they will decisively leave them after they have squeezed the value. “

“From the standpoint of the Skeleton, as long as he is sufficiently knowledgeable, he will not turn out any storms.”

King and Stryki each looked towards Bisji with a calm expression.

As the old man in the team, nothing about strength, Bi Siji’s speech at any time is very convincing.

After that, the topic was left alone.

Time passed in peace, under the pressure of self-produced, it took only 6 days for Nob to remove the entrance.

So the team headed for the ground.

On leaving, the Skeletons offered calcium.

Luo certainly had no reason to refuse. After asking clearly what calcium supplementation was, he actively helped the Skeletons to hunt down several members of the Bone Race, and then everyone looked at the Skeletons absorbed the bones into the red light group within the body in.

With an obvious digestive process, and subsequent feedback to the skeleton, looks at is still amazing.

After the skeletons finished calcium supplementation, the team set off.

Since many creatures in the underground world move to the ground, many passages are left behind.

It took Luo’s team just 3 days to leave the underground world and come to the World on the ground.

Under the guidance of the skeleton man, it took another week to come to a wasteland in a strange stone forest.

“It’s here.”

Skeletons, like detained prisoners, came to somewhere in wasteland to identify the scene.

Luo glanced at the surrounding environment and immediately asked, “Where’s the direction?”

Skeletons point northeast.

The crowd looked in the direction of the skeleton.

If I go there, is there a chance that I will meet Torich?

It is arguably the most human of the Legendary nature.

“If I remember correctly, go straight in that direction. About half a month’s journey will pass a large-scale relic.”

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