Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1063

There are no contrasts between ancient human remains on the dark continent and ancient human remains on the 6 continent.

The former’s exploration level and difficulty of interpretation are far from comparable to the ancient human remains on the 6 continent.

Asking Saling to interpret the graphic text taken from the ancient labyrinthine city is a mission with a huge workload in itself.

It’s extremely rare that she can accomplish so much.

However, this interpretation process will eventually encounter a dead end.

People standing here, breathing the air at this moment, cannot completely restore what happened 1000 years or even 10000 years ago.

Therefore, it is expected that the progress of interpreting ancient writings is blocked.

Sa Ling didn’t hide her feeling of wanting to go to the next ancient ruins, she just hoped to find a new breakthrough point.

In her opinion, the ancient human remains may be connected.

Luo understands Sa Ling’s mood at the moment, but he will not respond rashly.

“Then our next destination …” Sarin’s eyes glowed.

Luo interrupted her: “You know, the route is decided by everyone.”

Saling could not help but startled.

Yeah, she knows.

“Well, that’s the same.”

She gave a helpless smile to Luo.

It wasn’t a strong laugh, but an undisguised disappointment.

“Sister Ling.”

Luo was trying to say something, but saw that Sa Ling raised her long forefinger against her rosy lips, and gently “shushed”, then said with a smile: “I am also a member of the team.”

Luo looks at Sa Ling, after a moment it is slightly nodded.

Sa Ling didn’t stay, and turned to leave.

With the attitude of not turning back without breaking the wall, there may be a chance to cut the dead end.

Watching Saling leave, Luo shrinks to Kakuzu, the wall of 4-dimensional space, flipping through the book of the hand of God.

All the information he got from Skeletons was recorded in the book, and it was a wordless record in the form of dialogue, so after that, he must select the more important words, and then remove the useless.

At this time, the small ability he used to improve shows the benefits.

With that modernized quill pen, you can not only leave text on the pages of the book, but also correct or alter as you wish.

“A relic …”

The stroke rests above a lengthy piece of text.

Luo’s thoughts gradually settled in the imaginary picture.

In the process of “visiting” the Skullman, only when it comes to humans, the reaction of the Skullman was subtle and a little bit excited.

It can be seen that although the skeleton people profess to be aliens, they still adhere to the fact that they were born as human beings.

“In ancient times, humans were once one of the masters of the continent … Where did they go wrong in order to evolve into what they are today?”

“Even the 6 continents are called ‘Holy Land’, in the name of the Skeleton, it is more appropriate to call it the Noah’s Ark.”

“But indeed, compared to the living environment of the dark continent, the 6 continent is simply heaven.”

“Presumably the handful of humans who are still alive today are dreaming of going to the 6 continents.”

“So, where are you today?”

Luo’s strokes stopped moving again.

The thoughts that fluttered out slowly returned.

Ruins, not just 2 3 places, but up to 5 6 not just.

After all, humans had flourished in ancient times.

“Speaking of him, where is his key point …?”

Suddenly, the luster in Luo’s eyes was mixed with something unspeakable.

He was thinking, where is the key to the skeleton, the head, or the red light under the breastbone?

The skeleton man sent to the room to rest suddenly shivered and felt unfathomable mystery.


Once a 4-dimensional apartment entrance is set up, it will take some time to remove the entrance.

Until then, Luo’s team could only stay here temporarily.

Today, he came to the skeleton’s room.

“How many questions do you also have?”

Skeletons are alert at Luo who is holding a quill and a book in hand.

“This … I’m not very clear myself, just ask whatever you think.”

“Forget it, you ask quickly.” The Skeleton Man took his fate.

“Where is your crux?” Luo smiled.

“What, what?”

Skeleton man looks at Luo with a smile, as if looking at a demon.

“Is it there?”

Luo didn’t help the skeleton people’s confusion, but each minding their own business, pointing to the red light group behind the skeleton’s breastbone.

The red light in the skull’s eye socket suddenly skyrocketed, which in turn affected the red light cluster behind the sternum.

split second, the light group is like a dam of a dyke, and the condensed mind flows out from it, covering the short skeleton.

Short stature has certain benefits, for example, it can reduce the operation accuracy of mind coverage on the body.

And don’t forget, Skeletons are now free and not bound by Nianwang.

So when Luo showed signs of promise, even if he thought Luo was powerful enough to fight, he would do his best to survive.

“If you plan to keep your word …”

After the skeleton man released his mind, not at all launched an attack on Luo in front of him, but retreated back to the wall Kakuzu.

“Then I can only seek other styles to protect my life!”

The almost milky intellect contrasts the skeleton with a light sheen.

Luo was very interested in looking at the skeletal man’s thoughts of covering the body. This was the first time he saw an almost qualitative thought.

I didn’t care too much about the defensive posture displayed by the skullman, and most of his eyes fell on the skullman’s breastbone. Seriously, “From your performance, the red light group is your key point.”


The skeleton man moved the finger bone and was already thinking about the next battle.

There are several types of power.

This is not to say that there is no chance of winning.

There is also no time to think about what will happen afterwards. If this battle is bound to start, all you have to think about is how to win.

The winner is born, the loser dies.

The rules of the food chain have always been this way.

The red light in the skeleton’s eye socket gradually became weak, and finally became the size of the pinpoint that was almost invisible.

From the momentum emanating from his body, there was a vague taste of wildness.

“It’s okay to inform you in advance. My team doesn’t need a tour guide, but if it’s you.”

Luo withdrew the book and opened all the fine holes.

An aura more powerful than the skeletons emanates from Luo’s within the body, and it fills the small room for a moment.

That’s … the predator’s aura.

The Skeleton Man stepped back subconsciously, until the skeleton hit the wall, realizing that he had retreated, and could only face the gas field belonging to the predator, Luo, like the world of ice and snow. .

In the split second, a picture of Dong Fuli’s confrontation with the fluffy monster group emerged in the skull’s mind.

Is this the original feeling?

Based on this aura, ordinary creatures will not even have the idea of ​​resisting, right?

The fighting intent sprang up for the survival of the Skeletons, and that room was quickly consumed by Luo’s aura.

He knew he couldn’t go on like this.

If you do not take the initiative, the opponent will not move at all and you will lose yourself!

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