Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1021

The goat Demon Beast is undoubtedly very strong. It is simply defense. In front of human Mind Power, it is Copper Wall Iron Bastion.

If it weren’t for Nobunaga’s field, it would have been possible to cope with this short burst of goat Demon Beast, otherwise, even with Uvogin’s cooperation, it would have been cold.

Destroyed again, Goat Demon Beast glanced glanced at a white mark on his chest.

“Not a coincidence!”

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the goat Demon Beast has launched more than 50 attacks in total, without any failure, and was cut by Nobunaga’s defense line to the body 4 times, and these 4 cuts were all in the same position.

The Goat Demon Beast at first became aware, but it was precisely because of that stupid personal assistance that the offense had always been ineffective and was always forced out of the weak spot.

If it weren’t for this, he would have killed the sword-making man long ago, how could he have been cut 4 times.

“Even if you let you cut it ten more times?”

After the goat Demon Beast was sneaked in his heart, his sickle-like legs suddenly burst into strength, his body flew out, and he moved towards Nobunaga.


Nobunaga’s eyebrows crease a killing intent, the right hand climbing on the handle is slightly exerted, and there is no defensive meaning in his thoughts.

All he can do is believe in the defense line Uvogin has constructed, and then find out the only trajectory of the knife. Under the premise of ensuring that Uvogin will not be hurt, let the long knife pass through the gap between Uvogin’s body and then chop the goat Demon Beast’s chest!

Obviously this is not so easy.

Goat Demon Beast bullied himself, and twisted suddenly in the air, using the strength of the waist to twist, driving the sickle’s long legs to Nobunaga and beheaded.

At this point, Uvogin, who was within Nobunaga’s realm, came across, his strong arms crossing the goat’s Demon Beast’s leg.


The fierce energy sputtered away, and the dust accumulated on the ground was thrown away Thoroughly.

Behind, Nobunaga’s hair and clothing were blown by the strong wind, but the eyes and the right hand climbing on the handle were still.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in the quiet eyes, just like the stars in the dark suddenly burst into bright rays of light, which was directly drawn to Nobunaga’s right hand, and then, a long knife came out of the sheath.

Blade Aura crossed Uvogin’s body almost, chopping directly on the white mark on Goat Demon Beast’s chest.

This knife still only added a few marks on the white seal, and even the blood was not cut, but the force attached to the cut killed the goat Demon Beast.


Nobunaga quickly withdrew the long knife, and looked coldly at Demon Beast, the goat that had been hit.

After the goat Demon Beast stabilized his body, he touched the white mark on his chest coldly, and then said in a crappy lingo: “I just want to hurt me because of the lethality of the ants that can only be trampled down. Go dreaming! “

Nobunaga and Uvogin were unmoved when they heard Goat Demon Beast’s words, and still stood up, waiting for Goat Demon Beast to attack.

When the goat Demon Beast saw this, he felt that there was a trace of fire in his heart, and he stepped on it and attacked again.

A few seconds later, the goat Demon Beast was chopped off again.

“It’s useless!”

The goat Demon Beast roared and rushed forward again in an attempt to break the lines of Nobunaga and Uvogin.

However, it was another cut.

At this time, Luo was on the verge of war.

His arrival immediately attracted the attention of Uvogin Nobunaga and Goat Demon Beast.


When he saw Luo, the goat Demon Beast was suddenly shocked, and looked subconsciously in the direction of the ancient claw. After seeing the terrible death of the ancient claw, his face changed dramatically.

“Luo, don’t step in.”

Nobunaga and Uvogin said almost simultaneously.

“it is good.”

Luo first glanced at Bishi’s situation and immediately responded, standing outside the circle with the black cat.

Goat Demon Beast only felt that he was being underestimated and his mood was complicated. Looking towards Uvogin and Nobunaga’s eyes were filled with Rin killing intent.

Then he moved again.

Under Luo’s gaze, the goat Demon Beast was cut by Nobunaga again and flew out, and the white mark on that chest was only a little deeper.

“This warfare is the same as walking on a tightrope.”

Luo stared at the situation in the war.

Nobunaga takes the lead and Uvogin takes the lead.

The former entrusted the defense to Uvogin, and Uvogin absolutely trusted Nobunaga’s offense.

If Uvogin had been negligent, he might not have been seriously injured or died on the spot, but Nobunaga, who was defensive, would definitely have died instantly.

However, if the trajectory of Nobunaga’s knife deviates from any point, Uvogin will be accidentally injured, which will cause Uvogin to suffer the enemy on his back and fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

This is a battle for which the two of them cannot make a mistake.

Whether it was Nobunaga’s precise knife-out or Uvogin’s [Stream] and [Hard] excellent switching, Luo startedled.

Throughout the journey, I only looked at Luo in front of me, and realized that Uvogin and Nobunaga’s strength was already so strong.

Within the war circle, the battle between the two sides was thus deadlocked.

“I told you everything, useless, useless!”

The roar of the goat Demon Beast resounded, while Nobunaga kept the sword out.

“My knife is not as sharp as Luo, but what about it? Chopping you ten times does not work, then 20 times. If 20 times is not enough, then 50 times, even if it is 100 times, I can do it for you. Look.”

The luster of Nobunaga’s eyes was full, and she released a sharp momentum, said solemnly: “Wait, bastard … I will let you see your organs flow out from within the body!”

Blade Aura flashed away.

The roar of Goat Demon Beast came to an abrupt halt and was cut off with one stroke.

So far, the white mark on the chest has been cut ten times.

Standing outside the circle, Luo watched in silence.

Nobunaga’s cutting accuracy is terrifying, but in terms of sharpness, it is not a grade compared to him at all.

In this battle, it’s all about who has more endurance, but in terms of fault tolerance, it is obvious that Nobunaga and Uvogin have to withstand mountain-like pressure.

As the battle continued, Bisji and Shuangji resolved Demon Beast and came to Luo’s side, wondering what looked at the court.

“Why don’t you help?” Bi Siji asked.

“Nobunaga refuses to help.” Luo Kaidou.

“What time is it, still so wayward!” Bi Siji stared, this is not a test, but a battle between life and death.

“They can solve it.” Luo calmly said.

Bi Siji heard that he continued to pay attention to the battle in the arena, and soon saw that the mystery came. Subconsciously, he looked towards the side with a cold face.

Indeed, in the battle with Demon Beast, if humans want to win Demon Beast, they need to overcome the difficulty to break Demon Beast’s defense, which is precisely the most difficult point.

With Nobunaga’s slash that converged on a single point, it can only leave a white mark on the Demon Beast body. If it falls on the human Mind Power body, it will definitely be cut out very deeply without the [hard] defense Wounds can even be fatal.

However, the goat Demon Beast used [Jian] to fight from beginning to end, but it was in this state, but it could prevent Nobunaga’s chopping.

“The one who can break the defense of Demon Beast, except Luo, is Shuangji …”

Bissie glanced at Sergey’s side face. The reason why she successfully solved the enemy Demon Beast was thanks to Sweezy’s attack.

Maybe, the battle strength of Stefanie should be stronger than gold …

It is said that Nobunaga and Uvogin are too nonsense. If a mistake is made, it will collapse.

“As for this?”

Biskey solemnly asked.

If they give 3 help, they can definitely kill the goat Demon Beast, and let Nobunaga and Uvogin continue to fight like this, there may be casualties.

“Well, that’s fine.”

“Aren’t you afraid of accidents?”

“I’m afraid.”

“That being the case, you should not stand here, but do something.”

Luo tilted his head and looked towards Bisji with a serious expression. “Of course I also want to do something, but the problem is, if we do, Nobunaga and Uvogin will be very upset, and I believe them.”

Bi Siji sighed and rubbed his forehead no longer to discourage him.

Swieji looked at the two and immediately followed the battle on the field.

The presence of their three people put a lot of pressure on the goat Demon Beast, despite not making a shot.

“How could this be……!”

Goat Demon Beast couldn’t figure out that his side would be defeated so simply.

Is humanity really strong to this extent?

He didn’t want to understand.

However, he knew what to do now.

That is, taking advantage of the human side, kill these two difficult humans first.

At the very least, he hasn’t felt any threat at all in the current battle. Instead, he always feels that he is about to kill the two humans.

Just hate is always a step behind.

But don’t worry, he will do it, just in front of those 3 arrogant humans, kill the human with the knife and the silly big human!

Goat Demon Beast wants to kill Nobunaga and Uvogin, but no one knows that Nobunaga and Uvogin also regarded him as a grinding blade stone.

Stepping here is the real beginning.

As a team member, do what you can.

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