Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1022

Demon Beast’s tough defense is undoubtedly the best grinding blade stone for Nobunaga and Uvogin.

Nobunaga slashed across Uvogin’s majestic body, chopped on the chest of Goat Demon Beast.

Just like Luo said on the tightrope, if the stable posture is slightly a little bit, it will fall into the abyss of 10000.

In this situation of high pressure, Nobunaga and Uvogin persisted.

Ten knives, 20 knives, 30 knives …

The number of hits is increasing at a constant rate, and the number of Nobunaga shots, and the number of Goat Demon Beast offense failures are rising.

Several people outside the war circle silently look at the bladeing blade light and light of light in the field. If the goat Demon Beast is not so hard, I don’t know how many times I have died.

As the battle became more and more fierce, several people watching the scene could not help admiring the tenacious displayed by Nobunaga and Uvogin.

When it comes to hardware alone, this is an unequal battle, but Nobunaga and Uvogin 愣 have the initiative in their hands.

“It’s $ 60 …” Luo said.

“Does the wound bleed?” Bisji asked.

Luo stared, looking at the white mark on Demon Beast’s chest, shaking his head, “No, but maybe soon.”

“Well, it’s hard enough. The same part was cut 60 times without even breaking the skin.”

Bi Siji frowned, and she was thinking, if she had not been assisted by Si Jiji before, could she have played Demon Beast alone?

“Nobunaga has already issued nearly 400 knives, and Uvogin has switched between streaming and hard. There are more than 500 times. Continue this way, I do n’t know how long they can persist, and there should be no leisure in that situation. Go take lichen. “

Luo frowned slightly, and he began to worry about the staying power of Nobunaga and Uvogin.

Let ’s not talk about the high-frequency switching of Uvogin ’s technique, just like Nobunaga ’s repetitive cutting out of the sheath. After attaching the mental output, it can be maintained very difficult to deal with 500 times in normal training, let alone now It is practical and requires a high degree of spiritual concentration.

As time passed, Nobunaga’s hits were about to break through 70, and Goat Demon Beast’s offense gradually showed anxiety.

After all, being cut by a human with a knife nearly 70 times not at all, but every knife is cut in the same position, it is a bit shameful, plus attack for a long time without any success, the goat Demon Beast will Anxiety is not surprising.

“Damn, these two humans are like copper mechanical lifeforms. Will you make a mistake?”

There are powerful enemies glare like a tiger watching his prey outside the war circle, and now they are still unable to resolve the 2 humans in front of them. Continue this way, hoping to be wiped out a little bit.

The meat on Goat Demon Beast’s forehead was tangled with several creases, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break through the two human lines of defense.

He used to shout words such as uselessness, but now he shuts up, because the wound on the chest is beginning to ache, which is not a good sign.

Continue this way, will it really be cut in half by humans?

Will not……!

Goat Demon Beast is fierce and continues to attack.

He believes he can stand to the end.

The battle was still fierce, and after more than 70 hits, Nobunaga and Uvogin showed fatigue before and after.

Not only the goat Demon Beast noticed, but also several people in the battle of the appearance of the Luo also noticed that their hearts could not help but even made an action to support at any time.

But soon, they were surprised to find that Nobunaga’s and Uvogin’s thoughts that suddenly showed a downward trend suddenly picked up.

From prosperity to decline, from decline to prosperity.

“what happened?”

Goat Demon Beast was aggressive, and originally saw Nobunaga and Uvogin showing a downward trend, and thought that the winning ticket was in the hands, but it was not too long before they saw that Nobunaga and Uvogin looked back in time, and all the exhausted thoughts returned.

Outside the war circle, Bisji surprised look.

Luo squeezed his chin and whispered, “It’s lichen, but …”

He not at all saw Nobunaga and Uvogin’s move to take out the lichen and pour into Paulie’s movement. Moreover, the goat Demon Beast was still on the onslaught. That kind of situation was difficult to take out the lichen, let alone Paulie. Actions.

“They held the lichen in their mouths Paulie in advance, and I heard them chewing the lichen.” Stefanie raised her slender index finger and nodded her ears.

“It turned out to be.”

Luo and Bisji stunned, and immediately smiled towards Nobunaga and Uvogin, who stood invincible.

These two guys … are pretty prescient.

The 2 people who responded to stamina and Nianli according to the lichen are the more fights the more stronger is, and the goat Demon Beast is gradually suppressed.

If the goat Demon Beast chooses to escape at this moment, Uvogin and Nobunaga alone will not be able to keep the goat Demon Beast, but they must be outside the ring of war also Luo they are there, so even if the goat Demon Beast saw that the situation was far from good, Only brace oneself to fight.

80 knives … bleeds on the white seal.

Sword 90 … The wound became deeply visible.

$ 100 … blood flow.

101 Ten Knives … Goat Demon Beast was chopped in half by Nobunaga with a look of terror. When he fell to the ground, the blue and purple organs were exposed.

Demon Beast’s life strength is very strong. Despite being cut in half, the goat’s Demon Beast body’s mind is still threatening.

“Finally … chopped off.”

Nobunaga once again stabbed into the scabbard, his eyes looked tired and looked at Demon Beast, who was stabbed by 2 and a half goats, thinking that this bastard was too difficult to deal with, and it took more than 100 knives to kill it.

Uvogin turned his sore arm, even if his physical quality was abnormal, this high-power offensive and defensive battle almost made him lie down.

The goat Demon Beast fell to the ground, growling in despair. “My clansman will never let you go, never …!”

Listening to the malicious words, the crowd just looked at him in silence.

At this moment, the black cat asked greedily, “Luo, can I start?”

Demon Beast, a goat who won’t die in a short time, was startled, staring at the black cat with his eyes wide open.

What does starting mean …

Luo glanced at the black cat, slightly nodded.

The black cat turned into a panther shape and grinned.

Soon, the goat Demon Beast understood the meaning of the move. Silly looks at the black cat first rolled the body of the ancient claw into his mouth, chewing with interest.

Later, the black cat was in front of the goat Demon Beast, and consumed the Demon Beast corpse that was killed by Sergei and Bisji.

After eating the bodies of these 2 Demon Beasts, the black cat smiled and moved towards the goat Demon Beast.

“no no……!”

With the abrupt screaming, the black cat gorge oneself, and after eating, he showed a satisfied expression.

“Jin hasn’t solved it yet.”

Luo glanced at the blood stains left by the goat Demon Beast, and immediately looked towards where the gold disappeared.

“Wait.” Bisji said.

So everyone waited patiently in place.

Five minutes later, they saw a twist in the space, and Jin emerged from the twisted space in a safe and sound manner.

The lizard Demon Beast he pulled into the game space also fell out of the twisted space, but it looked like he was so dehydrated that he couldn’t even support his body.

“En? Did you all solve it?” Jin scratched his head, said with a smile: “Yes, the rules of the game that I arrived randomly is too late stage, it will take a long time to end a game.”

“Good to deal with?” Luo asked.

“It’s a little tricky,” King said seriously.

Luo nodded, acquiesced to the ability of the lizard Demon Beast.

At this time, the black cat that just swallowed 3 Demon Beasts moved towards the lizard Demon Beast ran over, opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit the still-lived lizard Demon Beast into 2 pieces.

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