Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1020

The cold words seemed to be spoken to a bastard waiting to be slaughtered.

Pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, once on the chopping board, there is no chance of escape.

This is an inevitable result.

However, the ancient claws will not accept, and to death will not accept.

His upper body, nailed to the ground, was struggling fiercely, and his large mouth with sharp teeth opened a lot of saliva.

“stupid people……”

The black cat’s right palm suddenly changed into a hammer shape, knocking heavily on the throat of the ancient claw.

Although successfully interrupting what the ancient claws would say next, it did not cause any damage.

After all, Luo’s target is the arm of the ancient claw, not at all to dispel the thoughts that the ancient claws gathered in the chest and neck area.

In the case of deliberate coverage, Rao is a black cat that cannot easily penetrate the defense of ancient claws.

The black cat wrinkled his nose, and only after intuitive contact did he have a more accurate understanding of the defenses of the ancient claws.

In surprise, the black cat glanced at the long knife nailed to the chest of the ancient claw, thinking that only Luo’s ability coupled with Allah, could it be so easy to cut off the defense of the ancient claw.

The throat bone of the ancient claw twitched a few times, and looked towards the black cat with a cannibalistic look, anxious to peel it and swallow it.

The black cat was sneered, thinking of your idiot’s distressed situation but still unaware of it. He immediately waved his arm, and the hammer-shaped palm knocked like a gopher, and kept saying hello to the throat and mouth of the ancient claw.

咚dong dong!

“Hmm …!”

The ancient claws ate crickets one after another, not even saying full words.

Luo glanced at the black cat, shook his head slightly, and Dissection cut the right hand of the ancient claws.

Seeing the ancient claws, his eyes trembled a bit, but how can he even compete with the black cat, struggling madly again, the strong Strength cracked the ground.

“Don’t struggle, just wait to die.”

Luo glanced coldly through the ancient claws with extremely strong will to survive. He took the right arm of the ancient claw that was cut off, and slammed his palm hard. He just squeezed 5 deep marks on the surging power of that arm.


Feeling Luo’s strange human power, the flesh on the cheeks of the ancient claws tangled again, staring at Luo with his eyes wide open.

However, Luo ignored the hateful look of Gu Claw, looking thoughtful, staring at the right arm of the cut Claw, paused, and glanced at the chest and abdominal cavity of Gu Claw again.

“Where is the point …?”

Luo glanced up slightly, staring at the ancient claws with a look at the Little Bai rat on the Dissection stage.


The ancient claw snapped his teeth violently, and he just shattered a few teeth. As a result, he was interrupted by the black cat’s hand hammer before he could speak.

The black cat is like a diligent bee, and it looks like a little donkey on the edge of the stone mill that will never be slammed. The black hand hammer is like a small electric motor. It keeps knocking on the ancient claws. .

Even if the struggle is not open, it is still so humiliated.

The heart of the ancient claws is cool and cool, and the thought of the same race watching at at the scene, I feel the despair never before.

He couldn’t figure out why a human could break his defense so easily.

Is that rusty knife a relic left by ancient humans?

In the far-flung gatekeepers’ territory, the same race of ancient claws, with the ability of the spear flower, did look at the scene where the fish at the ancient claws, such as a chopping board, was constantly tortured, and most Demon Beasts showed outrage. situation.

“Spear flower, can’t you teleport yet?” Some Demon Beast couldn’t help asking.

“No, even if it can be teleported now, Hongying agrees.”

Spear voice was cold, and there was a large pool of sweat under her feet.

“Abominable! Hongying … Where did he go at this time?”

“It’s time to see ‘gu’!”

“Goo …?”

“Isn’t that red shadow going to be …”

“Don’t be stupid. Today, unlike the old days, Hong Ying holds the key of the stone book, so ‘gu’ impossible will kill him.”

Spear Hua glanced at the attention and was easily transmitted by the teleportation’s same race, and immediately looked towards the image transmitted by True Sight, with a heavy look.

The ancient claws ranked in the top 5 within the clan will actually be …

Suddenly, Spear Hua’s eyes suddenly changed when he saw Luo’s actions in the picture.

Looking back at other Demon Beast, I noticed the change.

“What is that human doing ?!” Demon Beast growled.

“He’s … Dissection?” A Demon Beast looked horrified.


Many Demon Beast faces are covered with shadows, and the images cast by gnashing teeth looks at Eyes of True Vision.

The human, holding a long rusty knife, cut the body of the ancient claw into pieces.

Ancient labyrinth city.

When the other arm was removed, the ancient claws knew that they had gone.

Desperate and unwilling.

If we also say the opportunity to come back, we have to rely on the help of a companion.


In the painless Dissection environment, the desperate ancient claw also spared no effort to pay attention to the situation of the companion, but the result was cruel.

“Obviously your teammates don’t give it much power.” Luo cut the belly of the ancient claw slowly.


“dong dong! ”

The black cat hehe is moving.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make you die meaningless, I will squeeze all your value without reservation before letting you breathe out.” Luo’s tone was icy.


“dong dong! ”

The black cat is working hard.

And Luo, with his hands and feet cut open the chest of the ancient claws, glanced over many purple-red organs, and quickly locked on a large and vigorous heart.

“That’s the strength of your Demon Beast family.”

Luo silently looks at the organs of the ancient claws within the body.

This is the horror of the Demon Beast family, which can be described as internal and external, and it is no wonder that physique is far from being comparable to humans.


“dong dong! ”

The black cat is active.

Luo waved Allah, and moved towards the ancient claw’s chest and abdomen, but for a moment, he took out the huge heart of the ancient claw in a mess.

He did such a cruel move, but he did not know that somewhere in the mountains somewhere far away, a group of ancient claw companions were looking at this scene, and within the stone house where they were, a needle fell down Can be heard everywhere.

Because the heart can also release the mind, Luo could not seal the heart in the book and ruled it out, but he didn’t care, anyway, the ancient claws can never escape.

If also turns, it may be his companion.

But unfortunately …

Luo looked at the situation of Si Ji Ji and the others, the situation that he was worried about not at all happened.

I don’t know if I should overestimate the strength of Demon Beasts or underestimate the strength of my teammates.

Needless to say, even Shuang Ji, it is not clear what the maximum strength of Shuang Ji is.

The thought that had been strengthened by death was enough to get Sergei to reach some kind of Peak. It was not surprising that she and Bisji could cooperate to fight against a Demon Beast.

Instead, Luo was surprised by the performance of Uvogin and Nobunaga.

He never thought that the cooperation between these two guys would be so outstanding. Although he didn’t have the upper hand, he also dealt with a Demon Beast in a slowly cannibalizing style.

As for Jin, although he is not clear about the actual situation in the game space, Luo is not worried at all.

There are many reasons. One is that [Death phenomenon] is not allowed in King’s game space, so no matter who wins or loses, King and Demon Beast can safely come out of the game space.

The other is that in the space where the rules are followed, individual strength can not exert 100% effect, and of all teammates, Luo is the most assured person is gold.

“Jills …”

His eyes were deflected, but Giles’ silhouette was not seen.

Luo was slightly surprised. Thinking back to the heavy that Giles had inadvertently revealed before, how much he could guess what the other party was doing.

“There is still one Demon Beast is missing and cannot be relaxed for the time being.”

Luo looked back. Although his teammates performed well, he did not intend to waste time to torture the ancient claws. Such an approach is meaningless.

Now that the structure of the body of the ancient claw is within the body, it is time to execute it.



The black cat is constantly moving.

Luo looks at the endless ancient claw, calmly said: “I have no interest in your motives, but if you want to do something, come one, I kill one!”


“dong dong! ”

Immediately, in the ironic snoring, Luo killed the ancient claws that had completely lost their resistance, and this scene was transmitted by the eyes of true vision and was seen by members of the gatekeeper family far away.

On the other side, Uvogin and Nobunaga worked together to force the Demon Beast back.

It was a Demon Beast with the characteristics of a goat. The curved sickle legs of the lower body were explosive.

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