Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 535: We will keep going

Zhuo Yang made a pass error. This time I didn't want to tease someone on purpose, or I made a mistake.

Participated in an inverted foot on the left side of the center circle, and after meeting Sane's eyes, he drew Xhaka away in a circle, and suddenly knocked the ball to the center.

Sane ran like a dingo on the left line, and the football passed directly to Ramsey.

what happened? Zhuo Yang was stunned, and even forgot to immediately fight back to buy time for the defense.

Whoever played has not made a mistake, and Zhuo Yang is no exception. But at the moment when I was communicating with Sane, I clearly felt the tacit understanding of passing and running, but the ball passed out, but it split.

The kick is based on feeling. It's normal to make mistakes if you don't cooperate properly, but it's not normal at all to feel that it's in place, but completely miss the direction.

Ramsey received Zhuo Yang's pass and instigated a counterattack, Iwobi tapped for the transition, and Sanchez tapped himself horizontally and then responded. Lacazette doesn't care what he's going to do, he will push the far corner without saying a word.

Manchester City's defense was badly hurt by Zhuo Yang, and he was not in his position in a hurry. Fortunately, Edson was reliable at this time, Lacazette also shot hastily, and Edson threw it out.

Sanchez is very dissatisfied. He just passed Lacazette with a very obvious intention to kick the wall, and then ran out of the position much better than Lacazette shot himself, and the angle was a few 360, but Lacazette Frozen is alone in the dark.

This is the person you have come to prepare to replace me? Huh, professor? In the first three years of the Ligue 1 scorer list, this player was either the first or the second, but can you find him in the top 50 assists list?

Sanchez was sulking, and Zhuo Yang went to Sane to ask what happened.

"What happened just now?"

"I thought you were going to pass."

Do you think what you think is what you think?

Just now Delph was ready to move from behind Sane, it is reasonable for Zhuo Yang and Sane to pass and run inside. But since Sane answered like this, it means that the information Zhuo Yang just gave him was to brush off the edge, and the two people's tacit understanding that should have been the most programmed appeared rebellious.

What went wrong?

Too late to ponder in depth, the game is still going on, it is time to defend the Arsenal corner kick.

Wenger played a little trick in the formation today. From the list, Arsenal will play 4-4-2, but in fact the midfielder Coquelin is standing on the center back, and the third center back is in the middle. s position.

Lacazette hides behind Sanchez and becomes a shadow forward. Arsenal's formation is between 5-3-1-1 and 3-6-1.

There is not enough manpower to gather together, and it depends on what the old fourth grandfather of Wen is forced into.

This is not the only highlight of this round. There is also a Chelsea VS Manchester United in London, but the attention in the community is very different. Almost all the attention of the Premier League is on the city stadium.

——Who can stop Manchester City!

Today Arsenal is facing the main proposition of the season, which makes Wenger very dazed. He vaguely remembered how people were arguing about how to beat Arsenal. It seemed a long, long time passed, as long as a stamp on an envelope.

Manchester City is brand new, like the pink shoes on Zhuo Yang's feet.

Using Coquelin's speed and defensive hardness, using three central defenders to tightly stitch the ribs, this is where Manchester City is best at attacking. The number of defenders accumulated in the midfield and the midfield were high, and Manchester City was not allowed to easily play the ball.

Wenger believes that Zhuo Yang's passing error just now is the effect of Arsenal's pressing tactics.

As if to verify the professor's tactics, Zhuo Yang immediately made another mistake.

The right rib took the ball to advance, and the midfielder Sterling and Sane formed an outflank response one after another. Si 7 is in front and Sa 19 is behind. Then, they must have a true and a false one. They really attack and falsely pull preparations.

Zhuo Yang obliquely pushed the big forward point in the penalty area to send the bottom line to Sterling, and he changed to the empty cut to go to the middle, preparing to take the inverted triangle. At this time, Sane should be inserted backwards, so that Sterling can choose front after getting the ball.

The football went to the bottom line before, but Sterling ran to the back point. Instead, Sane crossed with him to chase Zhuo Yang's pass.

But Zhuo Yang obviously passed the ball according to Sterling's position and rhythm. If Sane was specifically given a forward point, the passing rate and timing would be different.

Sane didn't catch up, and football went out of the bottom line.

The City Stadium was in an uproar, and then still applauded. This is not surprising, they will applaud what Zhuo Yang is doing here.

During the retracement, Zhuo Yang had a brief exchange with the two Hanhan, but he still felt that he was splitting. Zhuo Yang's determined three-person pass and run line, but the two of them felt completely different.

It's strange, what happened today?

Others naturally can't touch the football feeling in Zhuo Yang's stomach. Professor Wenger thinks that Arsenal's tight rib defense has made Manchester City's trident in the front court misjudgment. So he put his hand in the pocket of his cotton-padded jacket very satisfied. Manchester in November is already very cold.

Nowadays, there are no zippers on the professor's coat, and the pockets of his clothes are diagonally open.

Doing a good defensive posture, but still thinking about taking a bite, this is Wenger's usual style, and never honestly put the bus.

The defensive problem is solved, the offense will rely on Sanchez's ability to hold the ball in the frontcourt and Lacazette's sharp grab points. Of course, the prerequisite for them to complete the attack, they must do a good job in the front line beforehand and do a good job defense.

However, Wenger habitually overestimates his favorites, just as he believed in Van Persie's ‘if only one player is loyal to Arsenal, it’s me’.

Only ten minutes later, Sanchez and Lacazette were hips.

Sanchez's bad mood affected his excitement for the game, and the frontcourt press was completely emotional. The emotions were rushed, and when I was not in the mood, I walked and watched the theater. However, the hierarchical nature of the press is the same as the offensive development. His looseness at the front end will cause the teammates behind to lose sight of the other.

Lacazette's defensive movement is very active, but it has no strength. He always feels that he is running with him and lacks pressure on opponents with the ball. Run with him for a while, and then the opponent will pass him, and he will forget it.

In this way, the defensive interference faced by Fei Niao and Tintin has become thinner, and they can carefully plan the quality of Manchester City's offense. Others at Arsenal had to drop their defensive targets to make up. It is difficult for the overall defensive formation to avoid loopholes.

Zhuo Yang didn't bother with two pass errors anymore, only the ants would get into the horns.

If he scores today, he will tie Vardy's Premier League record of ‘11 consecutive goals’. Zhuo Yang's goal is not Vardy, but if he wants to reach the sea of ​​stars, he must first pass him.

Looking at the new shoes on his feet, Zhuo Yang was very satisfied. It's still the same tough guy pink, but the brand has been changed to "Li Ning". It's not that Adi's shoes are not good, but Liu Guoliang's eldest brother Li Ning accompanied Li Ning's chairman Li Ning personally to Manchester.

Zhuo Yang will cherish the affection of the two elder brothers anyway, and they are also senior sportsmen he respects very much.

Li Ning's tough guy fans are ingenious, and each pair will be numbered. Today's pair is 81192, which is also the gate code of Zhuo Yang Cheshire Villa.

Well, the mistakes are not terrible, the important thing is that we will continue to move forward.

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