Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 536: Retire and marry

Zhuo Yang said that mistakes are not terrible, because opponents also cannot guarantee that they will not make mistakes.

Kyle Walker pushed straight from the center and penetrated Arsenal's midfield interception line, but failed to cross left center defender Monreal.

Arsenal is also not a team that plays long passes, especially in the chaos of the formation. In front of Meng Lei, under the intimidation of Zhuo Yang, Iwobi hurriedly pushed Kolasinac across the board.

Manchester City's frontcourt press is more systematic and more efficient. Before Kolasinac could react, David Silva snatched him and the football collapsed at Zhuo Yang's feet.

Three or two steps down to the depths of the penalty area, Zhuo Yang slapped to pass. Meng Lei was afraid of the ball hitter, turned around and blocked it with his back, but Zhuo Yang's pass went to the top of the arc.

Dingbrunner drew head-on, and the tank soldier Cech made a wonderful side attack.

After Sane took the ball and knocked it back, Fei Niao actively sought to hit the wall with Deding Laoney. He didn't know that the wall was there and never left, but Ding Ding didn't have any trouble.

De Budin stubbornly took the ball into the penalty area. In the corner of the penalty area, Ramsey, Bellerin and Koscielny were in a three-person double team, and suddenly kicked and cold shot.

Tintin has been a passer since ancient times, and his love for passing far exceeds that of shooting himself. It's already quite happy to have just shot. I haven't heard that he likes to shoot twice in a row.

Cech is a veteran tank soldier, and he was also one of the three giants called Buffon and Cassie. He lacked nothing but experience.

But this ball was also the experience that delayed him. Based on his own understanding of Tintin, Cech focused more attention on Zhuo Yang and Sterling who had outflanked the back post one after another.

As a result, Ding Ding's cold shot caught Cech off guard. He fell to the ground and did not have the reaction speed of his young peak. He was slashed through the palm of his hand by this unscrupulous shot and hit the side net.

Manchester City 1:0. If you change to a young goalkeeper with less experience, Tintin probably won't be able to steal it.

Wenger pulled his hands out of his pockets, spread them out and shrugged.

Arsenal has never lacked excellent goalkeepers, and even once gathered four gates of Lyman, Almunia, Fabianski, and Szczensny at the same time, making other families drooling.

But since David Seaman retired in the past ten years, Arsenal has never had a top goalkeeper. Excellent to the top is a hurdle. Arsenal's goalkeeper, whether in Highbury or the Chiefs, has not stepped past.

Now that the four big names are separated, Szczesny is also sold to Juventus this summer, leaving only Cech and Ospina who have become tank soldiers.

Cech is no longer the same Cech when he fought Buffon and Cassie for hegemony, he was not the same year before. Ospina is still Ospina, and always can only be.

In recent years, Wenger has seen a lot of goalkeepers, and every summer Arsenal fans look forward to it on the tree. Courtois, De Gea, and especially the three-generation goalkeepers of Fort Madi, the professors have spent a lot of effort to seduce, but the Arsenal fans have always been on the tree.

Handanovic refused Wenger for three consecutive years, and then went to Inter Milan; Ter Stegen was polite and turned around and went to Barcelona. This summer, Fort Mady told Wenger that Bernd Leno was not for sale.

Thinking of Fort Mady, the professor turned his attention to Zhuo Yang.

Wenger has always believed that he discovered Zhuo Yang earlier than Ferguson, and also sent out an invitation to buy Fort Maddie earlier. That year, Zhuo Yang was only 18 years old.

Over the years, the European giants generally have a consensus: the one who wins the Six Musketeers wins the Champions League, and the one who wins Fort Madison wins the league.

Six Musketeers, Four Young Men, Four Treasures, and Five Lions have been divided up cleanly by European giants. Arsenal have only bought Alexander Song and Vermaelen in recent years, but they are no longer in the team.

That year, Miss Geff Hamilton, a 30-year-old female teacher at the Joan of Arc Primary School next to Highbury Stadium, said to her fiance: Arsenal won another Premier League title and I will marry you.

When she said this, she had O2 on her chest.

Last month, Miss Giff put a second brace on the heart. Her fiance couldn't wait and married a man in Sweden three years ago.

Before the game, Zhuo Yang came to greet Wenger and said to him sincerely: "Professor, are you interested in coaching in China?"

Wenger heard it in his ears, but it was: old man, you should retire.

The dog doesn't want to retire! I just want to retire if I win another Premier League champion, and I will retire immediately without leaving a minute.

In the past, my ideal was to retire after winning the Champions League, but now my Arsenal can no longer play in the Champions League...

If Sanchez can continue last season's omnipotent thigh-level performance, if Lacazette can maintain the efficiency of scoring in Ligue 1, Arsenal is not unable to expect the Premier League championship.

This is the last stubbornness of Professor Wenger.

But now not only are they 9 points behind Manchester City in the standings, they are also behind 0:1 on the pitch. If you lose this game, the gap will become double digits, and you will be stubborn.

Sanchez, Sanchez, you bloom for another year, okay? After winning the Premier League title, where you want to go next summer, the old man will send you there personally and organize the drum horn team of the church elementary school to send you. Miss Giff must be married, and the menopause will come as soon as it comes.

Sanchez seemed to hear Wenger's heartfelt voice, he suddenly crossed Walker on the penalty zone line, and shot in the far corner.

Although the shot was rejected by Edson, Wenger pulled his hand out of his pocket again annoyed, but the threat was obvious, and it was also Arsenal's closest attack after the opening.

Lacazette spread his hands on the other end: Why don’t you pass it to me, see how short I am here, and see...

Sanchez lowered his head and ignored him, and said to his heart: Hammer, how old are you.

Both of them neglected that the shot was rejected, but the football was still on the field, and they both forgot to go for a counter grab.

The football fell at Delph's feet, then Tintin, and then the long pass. Sterling ran like a dog grabbing food on the right.

In the counterattack, the three left, center and right went head-to-head, with Sterling taking the ball, Monreal in the middle, and Zhuo Yang on the left.

In such a situation, there is no one that takes care of both, and no one has the ability to replace it. When approaching the restricted area, Meng Lei quickly moved closer to Sterling and threw Zhuo Yang behind him to God and Cech.

Sterling was not alone, and he did not dare to be alone at this time.

Sterling is not alone, but he is very happy.

The pass was swift and oblique, and Zhuo Yang couldn't catch up even with a three-meter leg. The football did not hesitate to get out of the bottom line from the corner flag.

Seeing Sterling's active expression of panic and begging for mercy, Zhuo Yang felt a headache.

However, he did not forget the forward's responsibilities. If Cech came to the football, he had to make it quickly. Zhuo Yang ran slowly on the ball, making Cech who was approaching had to brake hard.

"Dad, I was wrong." What makes Sterling better than **** is his sweet mouth.

"Do you buy lottery tickets?" Zhuo Yang asked him.


Zhuo Yang thought of something inexplicably, something that had just happened in his hometown.

There is a fan surnamed Sun in Xi'an who has liked Arsenal for more than ten years. Lao Sun is also a lottery player and has been buying lottery tickets for more than ten years.

One day last month, Lao Sun used Sanchez's homophonic ‘374’ plus ‘04’ to buy the arrangement five. Because he didn’t have enough money, he only voted 30 times. Normally, he used 50 times and 100 yuan.

Then, the old grandson won 3 million. When accepting the award, Lao Sun said that he loves Arsenal and Sanchez, and hopes that Arsenal will be runner-up this season.

The real thing.

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