Golden Greenery

Vol 4 Chapter 534: The Wonderful World of Arsenal

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With 9 wins and 1 tie, Manchester City is the third team in Premier League history to score 28 points in the first ten rounds. The first two are Chelsea in the 05-06 season and Manchester City themselves in the 11-12 season.

The first two times, Chelsea and Manchester City eventually won the Premier League championship that season.

Arsenal lost three more games than Manchester City, so they were 9 points behind just after ten rounds. But even if they are 19 points behind, it is also Arsenal. Which European giants meets them will not be able to cheer up all their energy.

Edson, Walker, Ota, Stones, Delph. Otamendi returned to the starting lineup after a Champions League rotation adjustment. In any case, he also ranked first in the team in the number of clearances.

In the last game Walker tried to play a central defender, Manchester City lost two goals and was sentenced a bit, which was not a success.

Delph is hailed as the biggest discovery of Manchester City's new season. Although he is not perfect as a guest left-back, his ability to firmly press Danoni and Zinchenko on the bench shows that Guardiola is basically satisfied.

Fei Niao, Tintin, and Silva, these are all the thirds. The opponents knew that they wanted to attack them, but they couldn't target them.

Zhuo Yang, Sane, Sterling, the strikers are only state-of-the-art, and **** needs a little adjustment to sit on the bench.

Judging from the list before the game, Wenger arranged 4-4-2 today, and none of the 11 players started in the UEFA Cup competition less than three days ago.

In the first ten games of the Premier League, Cech made 21 saves. With his agility, it is hard to tell that he is a 35-year-old tank soldier. In contrast, Edson has only 13 saves. Not ashamed of his ancestors, only to blame Manchester City defensively better than Arsenal, can not give Edson too many opportunities to perform.

Although K6 Koscielny loves making mistakes, he is a good defender. Even though Arsenal lost the ball because of his mistakes against Swansea in the last round, he is still a good defender. Because he is not good for you, "Brother Tanshou" Mustafi is hurt, or Rob Holding has to be taken.

Monreal is the real pinnacle of Arsenal, playing 10×90 minutes in the first ten rounds, 17 tackles, 27 interceptions and 40 clearances, the highest of the team. I am afraid that Meng Lei left bright Malaga that year and came to London. He never thought that he would become so important in the future.

The 22-year-old right back Bellerin also played the front 900 minutes. He and Cech and Meng Lei are the team's three major model workers. It was rumored that Barcelona would buy him last summer, and that he would have to buy it if he spends more money, but this year there has been nothing.

Hector Bellerin is from La Masia. When he was tricked away by Arsenal at the age of 16, Guardiola told him: Not every La Masia child who walks away at the age of 16 is called Fabregas. Not every defender who leaves La Masia for the Premier League at the age of 16 is called Pique.

At that time, Bellerin was still young and didn't understand what Guardiola meant, but now he understands it. In fact, it means-go? Don't come back when you leave.

The 24-year-old left-back of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Said Kolasinac, is also nicknamed ‘Fat Tiger’, but he is not as loud as Casemiro and not as similar as Casemiro. He came to Arsenal on a free transfer from Schalke this summer.

In March 2014, Kolasinac shoveled Real Madrid Hesse's knee in the Champions League, which changed Hesse's career ever since.

In June 2014, in the Brazil World Cup group match against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kolasinac scored an own goal in the opening three minutes. It was the Chu women's goal of the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team in the World Cup. So the person who hates Kolasinac the most is not Hesse, but Ibisevic.

When Wenger bought Coquelin six years ago, he was a technical midfielder. At that time, he was still young. Everyone said that he was very similar to Fabregas. Wenger was looking forward to him and Arteta, the "third brother" card. Sola forms the midfield all-around Iron Triangle.

Six years later, Arteta retired, and his third brother's ankle had been broken after eight operations, and Coquelin had trained himself to become a beast waist. Now when people comment on Coquelin, they all say that he is like Pepe. From Xiaofa to Pepe, this is a miraculous evolutionary path.

Although ‘Reaper’ Ramsey’s ‘Goal Curse’ is not effective, his form this year is significantly better than last year, gradually moving away from the ‘hot feet’ midfielder. It's a pity that the state came out a bit late and failed to send Wales to the World Cup next year.

Xhaka completed 869 passes in the first ten rounds, ranking first in the Premier League. He and Coquelin formed a role exchange, Wenger thought he was a beast waist, but now it seems to be the hub of Arsenal's offensive and defensive transition. Look, amazing things can always happen at Arsenal.

Nigeria's 21-year-old attacking midfielder Alex Iwobi is the adopted son of Arsenal's youth academy. He is also the nephew of former famous Okocha, the Okocha whom Ronaldinho called the "master" and Zhuo Yang was enlightened by his videotape.

Iwobi has been trying to get rid of the label of'Nephew of Okocha' since he was 16 years old. It was not until he was called'Military Fist' in the first team of Arsenal because of various exaggerated ball-protecting moves. No one mentioned it.

Watching him protect the ball, it's like passing the martial arts net celebrity in the work.

Double forward. The 26-year-old Alexander Lacazette was the top scorer of the Ligue 1 in the 2014-15 season. It was the Ligue 1 with Ibrahimovic, Cavani and Falcao. For the next two years he ranked second in the scorer list, so it seems that 53 million pounds is not expensive. UU reading www.uukanshu. com Mbappé has scored more than a year than Lacazette in the past three years.

Since the start of the new Premier League season, Lacazette has scored 5 goals and is Arsenal's chief scorer. This would have been a good thing, but the media insisted on pulling out this data to compare with Manchester City's chief striker Zhuo Yang. It sounded like a curse.

Zhuo Yang scored 14, converted into specific playing time, an average of one every 38.5 minutes, Lacazette is 143 minutes. In other words, if Zhuo Yang played Lacazette for so long, he could score 19. If Lacazette played Zhuo Yang for so long, he could score three and a half.

Lacazette felt the deep malice of the Premier League world.

Sanchez finally felt that Guardiola was not sincere at all. He was purely using himself as a cover. From the winter window of last season, he still has no truth in his mouth.

The surname Gua is not a coach. He is a fake wine seller. The wine guise reads a big "hundred-year old shop", and the left and right sides are as small as "distance" and "99 years".

What Aguero wants to leave, what 300,000 weekly salary, what Zhuo Sangge's fall, a liar, a Catalan liar of dog days!

I swear that even if Guardiola gives me a daily salary of 300,000, I will never go to Manchester City. Liar, ho~~~~~ Bah!

"Hi, Alex." Zhuo Yang embraced Sanchez's shoulder affectionately. "Be sure to come in January. I know that there is a classic villa for sale in Cheshire. The Wangshanju in the front and back yards is as cheap as a piece of cake. It also gives away furniture and electrical appliances and Chunnuanhuakai members. I didn't tell anyone, I specify Keep it for you."

Really? Are you sure?

"Old Zhuo, don't leave, and tell me in detail..."

I swear, I will never go to Manchester City to play. If you can't, then I will swear another oath.

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