Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 982: Foil Champion Schmolin

As soon as George Feng arrived at the Merrill Lynch, he said to Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo very seriously: "I have something that needs your confirmation."

George von is the youngest son of the late Habsburg owner Otto von. He was the most opposed person in the family. But at that time, Dad used his contradiction with his elder brother Karl von, with the help of Zhuo Yang and Li Xiaoqing, using the title of "Hungarian Grand Duke" as a bait, which eventually made him fall into the standard.

The three princes, Ko Dad, as the head of the family, have integrated most of the strength of the family. The Duke of Habsburg Karl von is a mediocre person, he is suitable for mixed eating and death, and now belongs to this force is under the responsibility of his son Thomas von.

Thomas Feng is more considerate of the overall situation. His ability to have a wrist is a personal thing. He and Co. dad have cooperation but also maintain a certain degree of independence.

The Grand Duke George Hung of Hungary was basically on the verge of family affairs, but he still controlled a certain amount of power, mainly concentrated in Hungary. It seems that he wanted to make that side his independent kingdom.

George von is currently being eroded by Cooper and Thomas von. Many things belonging to the family are gradually taken back by Cooper, including some dark family powers.

In fact, for these entrenched nobles, the family is more like a country, and the country is just a company.

George Feng and Zhuo Yang didn't deal with it very much. He didn't deal with anyone very well. Zhuo Yang knew that George was coming, but he didn't think about any communication with him. After meeting you politely, then treat each other as air, how nice!


George, Thomas, Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo, and Ko Dad, five people avoided the rest of the family and came to the small living room in the main building of the palace.

George Feng said to Zhuo Yang and Coco: "There is a person who needs your confirmation."

After all, he took out a normal-sized photo from the lining pocket of his suit and handed it to them. Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo glanced, and immediately opened their eyes.

Yellow suit!

Although the people in the photo did not wear a suit.

After the World Cup in South Africa four years ago, Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo started a warm and thrilling pilgrimage road hiking tour. On the last day of the hike, in the forest only ten kilometers from the end of Cape Finites Thunder, they Encountered by three knife gangsters.

Zhuo Yang and the three gangsters engaged in a vicious fight. If it weren't for Coco's bow to turn the tide, Zhuo Yang would be able to retreat that day. His football and piano lives were almost ended on that day.

Among the three gangsters, the one with the highest Kung Fu lead is a capable middle-aged man wearing yellow suit jeans.

This is the man in the photo brought by George Feng.

Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo looked at the photo again, and then glanced at each other again, confirming that the person in the photo was a yellow suit.

Zhuo Yang raised his head and looked at George. After a while, Shen Sheng asked, "It's him. Who is he? Did you find him?"

George brought the photo back to Copa's father, and Cocoa whispered to his father.

George said: "You can confirm that it's okay. His name is Ged Smolin. Now... if he is still alive, he should be 46 years old."

"What do you mean, he is also dead?" Zhuo Yang asked.

"No, he is missing." George said: "Gade Smolin, former East German men's foil youth champion, after the merger of the two Germans he went to France and represented France in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. He was a Fencing master."

This is even more true. In the mountain forest on the Pilgrimage Road four years ago, in the yellow suit Shi Mo Lin, no matter the physical fitness and reaction ability, or the speed of the knife, they all showed the professional quality of a class. If it wasn't for the first time that the light enemy was successfully attacked by Zhuo Yang, coupled with Koko's Invincible Divine Bow, otherwise he alone could smooth Zhuo Yang.

"After 1998, 30-year-old Ged Smolin retired from injury and has since disappeared from the public eye. However, because of his experience and career, he often appeared in the social circles of high society later." Fencing It is a traditional aristocratic movement, very popular among the upper class.

"Four families have been tracking down after you and Koko attacked four years ago. According to some clues recently, my people noticed Ged Smolin and found him hiding in Venezuela."

"But he was very alert and disappeared before my people found him, and there is no news until now."

After the attack four years ago, Zhuo Yang initially pointed the suspicion to the Feng family of Habsburg. Of course the Feng family denied it, and Zhuo Yang asked them to prove themselves innocent.

Including the Spanish police, the power of China, as well as the people of Cod’s father and Zhuo Yang’s fat men, they were tracing down in several ways, but the three gangsters just disappeared from the air.

It was not until two years ago that there was a breakthrough in the case. The Spanish police and the French police found a black market beater named Pete Axel in a backlog. However, when Axel was traced, he had been dead for almost two years. The death time was a week after the attack. The body was washed up on the reef by the waves in Toulon, France.

Axel is a Frenchman. He is a professional thug who is active in the underground dark web and works with money. On his body, there was an obvious penetrating injury on his left chest, and there was a bone crack on the skull above his head, but none of them were fatal. After forensic identification, he died of being killed by poisoning.

At that time, Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo confirmed that Axel was the plaid jacket among the three in the attack. He was shot through the left chest by Coco, and then Zhuo Yang fainted on the top of his forehead with a tactical club.

Yellow suit, plaid jacket, black T-shirt. Axel, a plaid jacket, was a money hiring agent. After digging out of him, there was no substantial progress.

Later, combined with Zhuo Yang's several other dangerous situations, it was convenient for him to turn his biggest suspicion on Sambadogi in Paris, but there was no real evidence. When it comes to politics, it is always very sensitive, and things are not so good.

Therefore, the sudden death of Sambadogi due to a "heart attack" is actually a matter of great joy.

As long as Dad took control of the overall situation in Habsburg, according to the results of his investigation and understanding, he had lifted the suspicion of the Habsburg Feng family, otherwise Zhuo Yang was not so cheap here.

After digging out Axel two years ago, things were basically characterized as hiring. UU Reading Several parties believe that the missing yellow suit and black T-shirt should also be the hitters of the dark web and black market. Such people are actually outside the world, and it is difficult to really trace them. And Spain and France Judging from the aspect that they should also be silenced.

But today the yellow suit Gade Smolin has resurfaced. Although it does not matter whether he is dead or alive, since there is news and the identity is different from everyone's analysis, naturally we still need to care about it.

"And then?" Zhuo Yang asked George: "What conclusion do you have? Is he going to hurt me?"

"No, it should not be." George Feng said: "If there is action, he will not be inaction for four years and have been hiding in an anonymous life in Venezuela."

"They were hired four years ago, but who is the employer? Is it really the Tubo in Paris?" George Feng looked at Zhuo Yang, Copa and Coco in turn.

"Gade Smolin, think about it. Have you heard of this name?"

"God!" Coco, who had been thinking about it, suddenly screamed, and she covered her mouth violently. A moment later, Koko said in horror: "I remember, Ged Smolin, he is Midale's foil coach."

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