Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 981: Deprived of eligibility for selection

In a remote corner of football, a 39-year-old former German low-level league player named Demiz Youssef came to the testimony that Real Madrid's Chinese player Zhuo Yang used words to discriminate against him many years ago. .

Demiz Youssef is a German of Iranian descent and belongs to the second generation. He officially started his career at the age of 18 and retired at the age of 29. In the eleventh year, he only played in the German Bundesliga, and most of the time he played in the lower level or even the amateur league.

Demiz Yusuf said: "Zuo Yang has a very bad precedent of discrimination. Twelve years ago, in a German third division, Zhuo Yang, who was still a player of Maddie, insulted me for being a "wild monkey" ', and throughout the first half of the game did not stop using similar discriminatory language to attack me."

"At the end of the first half of the game, I clashed with Zhuo Yang because I couldn't bear the insult anymore. Later I was suspended and punished, and then I went to the regional league, but I couldn't tell the truth because Zhuo Yang It’s a big player, I’m just a regular player."

"Zhuo Yang is Mr. World Football and the Golden Globe. His worth is hundreds of millions. My transfer fee did not exceed 150,000. But this does not constitute a reason for his discrimination against me, nor can it be because of these. The reason is not to blame."

The ghost knows how such a living treasure was excavated by archaeology.

Things have to start with Zhuo Yanggang stepping into football in 2002.

When he was at the Madubi youth team 12 years ago, the 17-year-old Zhuo Yang played a total of 6 regional leagues (fifth level), the second of which was with Algmissen. At the time, this Dimitz Yusuf 27 Years old, Algermissen's star.

In the game, Zhuo Yang who came off the bench abused Dimitz Youssef into scum. In the end, he was injured by Zhuo Yang's thigh muscles and let the stretcher go down. (For details, see the first part · Chapter 02 · All the tricks are rogues)

Later, Zhuo Yang and Six Musketeers followed Uncle Klopp to the first team of Fort Maddie and began to play for the German side from halfway, and Dimitz Youssef was also dug by the third-level team Stuttgart kicker, so, He and Zhuo Yang met again by accident in the third stage.

There are many unknown people who died under Zhuo Yang Dao. He never remembered them, but Dimitz Youssef could not forget the shame of a few months ago. In the C-level battlefield, he was the first to provoke Zhuo Yang, only because Zhuo Yang was ruthlessly crushed by Zhuo Yang because he was stupid.

In the first half of the game, Zhuo Yang was afraid that he had called him dozens of wild monkeys. The scene of Zhuo Yang's blood-stained stadium took place later, and Dimitz Yusuf was also beaten to death by six Musketeers and Fort Maddie. (For details, see the first part·chapter 146·Remembrance and hate monkeys for provocation)

This incident also affected the key battle of the upgrade of Fort Mady at the end of the season, but fortunately there was no danger.

Dimitz Yusuf was suspended for five games afterwards. After the season, he returned to the regional league. Originally, the technology was not bad. He experienced a serious decline in the level after the blow. After half a season, he went to the seventh-level amateur league. After a year, he simply didn't play.

After a lapse of twelve years, things were turned over again, like a scum rising from the bottom of the river.

One stone stirred thousands of waves, and Zhuo Yang couldn't refute the facts. He remembered it, and he really scolded Demiz Youssef for 45 minutes.

But the problem is, the **** was twelve years ago. At that time, the "monkey" was a monkey, and it had nothing to do with discrimination.

However, this reason could not be taken out, Zhuo Yang could not argue with the new allegations.

Demiz Youssef will not jump out for no reason after twelve years, nor will Punyar start a new round of accusations just at this time, and the two people who can’t fight with the baton cooperate so well Tacit understanding, the facts are obvious, there are people behind them.

Someone is arranging Zhuo Yang, and some forces are targeting him.

This kind of discrimination is a high-pressure line in football. The highest level of political correctness is far more sensitive than fighting.

FIFA and UEFA announced that Real Madrid player Zhuo Yang is suspected of discrimination in the stadium. Before the facts are fully investigated, Zhuo Yang will be temporarily disqualified from the 2014 FIFA Golden Globe Awards. Manchester City player Yaya Tu Lei replaced the list of 23 people.

Perhaps this is the reason why some people and forces encouraged Punyar and Demiz Youssef to jump out. This is the result they want to see with good intentions.

In 2011, he moved to Real Madrid from Barcelona, ​​and offended UEFA and Platini. In Brazil, the World Cup played a big role in the "Hero Order" and promoted personal charity funds, which was bad for FIFA and Blatter.

The news that Andrew Swinburne received from his friend Infantino also confirmed the existence of such targeting to a certain extent.

The absolute core of Real Madrid’s Triple Crown, the Wei An shooter who scored 11 goals in the World Cup. In just a few days, from being banned to being deprived of the award, Zhuo Yang is not looking at the red fairy, nor the light-hearted way. His mood fell to the bottom.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Zhuo Yang's reputation, and it has become a joke in the nobility circle. Dad once again persuaded him to quit football, this time his fiancée Kou Ke also persuaded him to end the hard work of football.

Coco is a distressed fiance. If Zhuo Yang can get happiness from football, even if she has no feeling for football, she will still support Zhuo Yang to play, but now the football brings him only infamy, only the burden, why not give up What?

"My dear, I like to see you happy and like watching you play the piano. Brother Zhuoyang, don't play football, let me play piano with you every day, chat with you leisurely, OK?"

This time, Zhuo Yang was a little shaken. There were too many twists and turns in football this year, which really seriously affected his love of football.

However, in the sound of persuasion around, no one expected that Midel would make a strong voice against him and withdraw from football.

"Brother Zhuoyang, you will retire sooner or later, but it shouldn't be the present. What is the difference between your withdrawal and failure and escape? Are you defeated by them?"

"Brother Zhuo Yang, UU reading Your football is very great, I think it is even greater than the piano."

"Brother Zhuoyang, you still have a lot of things to do in football. If you quit now, you will regret it in the future."

Zhuo Yang once again rejected the proposal to retire, because he remembered that there are still many responsibilities. National team, Hope Chunlei, once Zhuo Yang retired, these plans will be abandoned halfway. And what Midaier said did have some truth, and it was more inclined to Zhuo Yang's heart than others dismissed.

Kou Kou was very wronged. She thought Zhuo Yang Ning would like to listen to Midai's words, and would not want to seriously think about her fiancee's suggestion.

Zhuo Yang has begun to hate the weirdness of 2014, but the matter has come to this point, no matter how bad it will be, he believes that Jitai will come and comfort himself that there will be a day soon.

The Dukes of Karl and George of the Feng family of Habsburg arrived at the Merlin Palace with their feet. Thomas von also came with them.

Zhuo Yang did not expect that the photo they brought really set off the storm in 2014.

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