Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 983: Mi Daier 0 mouths

Vienna has changed, and a sudden gust of wind desperately shakes the Sequoias of the Merlin Palace. The dark clouds are pressing over the city, and a heavy rain is in sight.

In the brightly lit palace, Midale Swinburne looked around the tribe, and despair was in her eyes. And they looked at her with disbelief, anger, and ridicule.

Midel tilted her head and forced herself to grin out a little smile, but in their view, she was mocking.

"You all think I did it?"


Eight years ago, because of the sports tradition of the aristocratic family, 11-year-old Midel chose to practice modern compound bows, just like her cousin Christine Josephine, because her cousin was her idol since childhood.

In 2009, 14-year-old Midel, because she resented Zhuo Yang and Kou Koo, fell in love with her, and did not want to learn from her cousin anymore. Very respected sports.

She is the pearl of the Swinburne family and can get everything she wants. The family invited a former East German men’s foil young champion and former member of the French Olympic fencing team, 41-year-old Ged Schmolin.

After retiring from Ged Smolin, he served as a fencing home coach in the traditional noble family many times. And Midea also showed a higher talent than the bow and arrow on the foil, making rapid progress in practice.

One day at the end of June 2010, according to Midai Er, Mr. Shi Molin suddenly left without saying goodbye.

Half a month later, Ged Smolin, wearing a yellow casual suit, and two companions attacked Zhuo Yang and Coco on the pilgrimage road in Santiago, Spain. But their attack was thwarted, Zhuo Yang hit Shi Molin, and his right arm with a knife was shot by Koko with an arrow.

Four years later, Ged Smolin’s identity was revealed, and his relationship with Midel was discovered.


"Midele, you need to give an explanation now." said Frankie Joseph, Michel's uncle and Grand Duke of Austria.

"Uncle, what explanation do you want?" Midea frowned and smiled at the corner of her mouth. "Don't you already think that it is my envoy? Do you want me to explain what?"

The Grand Duke of Hungary, George Feng, spread his hands and shrugged and said, "Midel, we want to hear the details of the matter. The family killing each other is a very bad thing."

"Uncle George, since you know everything, otherwise you can tell me to pass by, OK?"

George Feng shrugged again, undecided.

Being motivated and capable is a real hammer.

Hate because of love, go crazy because of jealousy. This is a vulgar bridge, but it is also the most reasonable hatred in the world. Midai does not want to see Zhuo Yang and Ko Kou together. She can also easily obtain Zhuo Yang and Ko Kou's detailed schedule.

Four years ago, although Midea was only 15 years old, in the eyes of ordinary people, she may be just a child, just a ignorant girl, but it is never simple in the aristocracy, there are no children in this circle. At the age of 16, Princess Cethe, the ancestor of Midale, became the admired queen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

A 15-year-old double countess countess has great influence in front of ordinary people, too many people are willing to be instructed by her.

A 15-year-old double-countess Countess has begun to have her own family income, and can use her financial resources that are not her age but in line with her status without any problem.

Use his noble identity to order Ged Smolin, use a one-year teacher-student personal relationship to ask him, and use money to buy him. There was no doubt that Midea was both capable and motivated to direct the attacks on Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo, and she also broke their engagement a few months ago.


The Marquise of Ophelia cried and hugged Midea, she was her mother.

"Midele, you tell everyone, not you. You tell them, you are a kind girl, it is impossible to do this kind of thing."

Ophelia's tone is not like trying to refute everyone, but more like a mother who is desperately defending a child who does something wrong. What's more, in the noble family, there is always no shortage of knowledge, but the perception of "goodness" is different from the dictionary.

Midel gently broke away from her mother's hug and continued to stare sadly at the crowd.

Coco is also in tears, she can't imagine her relationship with Midea will be so bad, it will become an enemy of swordsmen and soldiers. Zhuo Yang wrapped her shoulders and looked at Midel.

Kouko cried and asked, "Midel, why did you do this? How can you have such a ruthless heart? Do you really want to destroy Zhuo Yang? Do you want to kill him?" Shaking his head while weeping.

Midel did not answer the question of her cousin. She looked at Zhuo Yang: "Mr. Zhuo Yang, do you think I did it?"

Zhuo Yang lowered his head, took a deep breath, then raised his head. After a moment of silence, the tone said firmly: "No!"

Everyone looked at Zhuo Yang, including his fiancee, Koko.

Zhuo Yang's eyes were fixed on Midai'er: "It wasn't you who did it, the has nothing to do with you."

Kou Kou looked at Zhuo Yang in disbelief, and Kou Dao frowned again, and many people's eyes showed playfulness.

George Feng said: "You have evidence? Who do you think did it?"

"It was Sambadogi. He did it. I have no evidence, but I also believe that it is definitely not Midel."

"why would you say so?"

"No why, I believe her."

Kokoo loosened Zhuo Yang's arm and looked up at him solemnly. Daddy Coo reminded in a deep voice: "Zhuo Yang..."

Zhuo Yang nodded and said to Coco: "Coco, Midea is not that kind of person, we don't need anyone to doubt her."

"Everyone, Ged Schmolin has only been a mother tutor for less than a year, and that's all. Please believe my instincts, and you must also believe that Midel's innocence has nothing to do with her. ."

George Feng chuckled and did not answer. Is it intuitive?

Zhuo Yang once again said to Coco: "My dear, we don't need to doubt Midea at all, we must trust her."

Coco said quickly: "You would rather trust her, would UU read books at not trust me?"

"What do you say?" Zhuo Yang took Koko's hand: "Midaier is our younger sister, my sister. I don't believe my own sister, can I still believe others in this world?"

Dear sister? She broke our engagement only a few months ago. Koko shook his head in pain.

Zhuo Yang looked at Midel with a smile: "Midell, I heard the news just a moment ago and frankly said it was dumb, and there was no response. Sorry Midel, you are wronged. Don't worry, Zhuo Brother Yang will investigate the matter clearly, and no one wants to wrong you."

Midea laughed, she smiled very brightly, and finally even laughed out loud.

"Brother Zhuoyang, you are wrong. I did it. I ordered Smolin to do it. I gave him a lot of money. I did it."

"Sister Koko, you guessed it, you all guessed it right, only Mr. Zhuo Yang is a fool. I really did it."

"Now, are you all satisfied?"

At this moment, Midea looks like a gritty lunatic.

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