Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 977: Follow-up of the fight

The appearance of Xiaotong finally let Zhuo Yang, who thought he was a professional thug, stop.

Xiaotong seized the stick in Zhuo Yang's hand and blocked him behind him, neither letting him attack others again, and even others wanting to fight Zhuo Yang was even more difficult. As for the rest of Real Madrid who are still shouting, killing and killing, Xiao Tong can't control, he only cares about Zhuo Yang's safety.

Without Zhuo Yang's head, the others in Real Madrid were quickly persuaded by the pull, and the riot police on duty off the court also lined up and ran into the field with live ammunition. This time, the scene was finally under control.

Security guards and slivers lay a dozen, and Pis Juan stadium was full of their mourning. Real Madrid players are also almost injured, and there are many swollen noses and blue faces, including Zhuo Yang.

Several Real Madrid fans whose yellow dots were unclear were slower and were controlled by the explosion-proof police on the spot.

The culprit of the incident, Chen Jingxi was hiding in the dressing room of Real Madrid. Assistant coach An Xiaofan's only credit is to drag Chen Jingxi back to Real Madrid's territory during the chaos. The boy was beaten by Navarro with a bruised nose and bruises, and his body was bruised. He received a simple treatment from the Real Madrid team's doctor in the Real Madrid dressing room.

As for the other culprit, Harvey Navarro, he was carried back, beaten by Zhuo Yang and De Tulian, and was an iron man.

Whether Zhuo Yang is the culprit is not easy to say, just like the nature of the plainclothes police officer Bruno, it remains to be determined. However, An Fat didn't dare to neglect. When the game resumed, he quickly replaced him with Ilya Lamendi.

The referee instructed the Western Football Association to restart the game after an interruption of 30 minutes.

Today this is a fantasy. The usual conflicts in the stadium are between the two sides of the game. Today, almost everyone has a share, and Seville has almost no participation, except for Navarro.

Real Madrid and security are fighting, unheard of in the history of La Liga and the top five league football. Some small countries in Eastern Europe have happened before. Former AC Milan star Boban led the national team to a sliver battle for 300 rounds.

With such a big scene and such a big deal, the referee Alvarez felt he could not shirk his responsibility. He wanted to do something to prove that he was not indifferent. So, when he saw Zhuo Yang who was walking with the team doctor in the passage, he hurriedly chased it and filled in a red card.

Zhuo Yang shrugged helplessly from the stands. Today's things should be great, a red card can actually be ignored.

In the ensuing match, Sevilla was unwilling to fight. Real Madrid, who got up because of the group fight, scored a goal by Ramos, and Real Madrid won 4:0.

After Shui Ye scored a goal, he shouted: "You can't play football, neither can you fight."

The Sevillas didn't want to ignore him, and they couldn't afford it. The referee gave Shui Ye a yellow card.


The game ended at night, the event quickly fermented, and the parties concerned immediately took action.

The next day, the identity of Pia Bruno's criminal police was first revealed, which allowed Real Madrid to seize the loophole. Several influential Real Madrid fan organizations took the lead in condemning Bruno and Navarro for their brutal treatment of Real Madrid fans, claiming that they must be held responsible for the incident.

What is surprising is that the Manchester United fan organization ‘Manchester Scroll’, the one that pulls the banner, also followed up to stand in solidarity with Real Madrid fans and Chen Jingxi.

Then, in just one day, the main fan organizations of the four clubs of Milan, Barcelona, ​​Madiba, Bayern, and all stood out in solidarity, and then the fan organizations of dozens of European teams also issued the same statement, including Fans of Villa.

The world's fans are a family, this is really not just talking.

The world’s players are also one. The Players’ Union issued an official notice condemning Pia Bruno for not maintaining neutrality in the conflict and not stopping the conflict. Instead, he actively violently attacked Zhuo Yang. The Players Union said it reserves the right to take further action.

The chairman of the player union is Grandpa Mo, and the organization he leads is very appealing among players.

Many stars and famous players stood up and accused Pis Juan stadium security and slivers of failing to resolve the conflict in time, but instead became a party to the conflict, causing damage to Real Madrid players.

From the beginning, public opinion is trying to shirk Zhuo Yang's responsibilities, preaching that he is a proper defense, and it is unbearable.

On the same day, both the Spanish Football Association and UEFA issued a statement that they would make corresponding punishment decisions after the investigation.

The Seville police also issued an official statement, saying that it will sue Chen Jingxi and four other Real Madrid fans, and other relevant personnel will need to investigate.

Chen Jingxi was lying in a hospital in Madrid and flew back with Real Madrid. After being beaten by Navarro, he fractured the radius of the forearm and the fourth rib on the right side, and suffered multiple soft tissue contusions. Relevant parties have informed his parents in China that they are rushing to Spain.

Later, Chen Jingxi was charged with misconduct and was deported by the Spanish police. UEFA banned him from entering any European stadium within two years.

Chen Jingxi was directly brought back from Spain by his parents, and Seon lost his horse. In the future, he became famous because of this matter, and became the leading traffic celebrity in the domestic football topic, earning much more money than his dad. Six years later, he and Lin Jiajia got married. The young couple spent the whole day in the mountains and quarreling with each other.

However, Chen Jingxi has been Zhuo Yang's brain fan all his life, and has donated more than 70 million for'Football Hope Spring Buds'.


Two days after the Battle of Pisjuan, the Spanish Football Association issued the first ticket. The 40-year-old Sevilla assistant coach Xavi Navarro was banned for life for attacking the fans. He will never appear in the coach side of the court. on.

Subsequently, the Sevilla Club also cited the serious lack of sports ethics and professionalism as a reason. UU Reading announced the cancellation of the work contract with Xavi Navarro, and he was fired.

Navarro was more seriously injured than Chen Jingxi, and he recovered completely a year later. Later, he mixed between low-level and even amateur teams, and served as an assistant coach in many youth training stages, which was gradually forgotten.

On the third day after the Battle of Pis Juan, under the mediation and pressure of all parties, the Spanish Football Association and the Seville Police reached a consensus that everything that happened on the stadium will be handled in accordance with the internal affairs of the football, and will not spread out of the stadium. It does not extend to the legal level, and each packs his own stall.

Subsequently, the Seville Police Department dismissed the 43-year-old veteran Interpol Pia Bruno, and internally punished several police officers who shot in that day.

The battle at Pisjuan Stadium shocked global football. Afterwards, many scenes were circulated and the whole incident was restored. People are talking about how Zhuo Yang really can play, and they are all concerned about what punishment he will suffer.

Zhuo Yang himself went straight from Madrid to Vaduz the day after the incident, because he was going to be engaged to Coco. Marriage is his lifelong event. Football is nothing more than entertainment in life.

This time, there will never be any surprises.

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