Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 978: Retire after engagement

Even after applying ice for half a night, when Zhuo Yang rushed to Vaduz, he could still vaguely see some traces of fighting.

In the 21st century, the information spread quickly, and the Kou Kou family already knew what was happening. Kou Kou naturally loved his lover, but the Grand Duke couple was a little speechless to this prospective son-in-law.

It is indeed too barbaric, completely without the aristocratic grace and elegance, chasing the stick with a stick in the field, it is like a wild man in the country, which is like a gentle pianist.

Zhuo Yang is the star in the outside world, after all, football has a wider influence. But in the Duke's family, the pianist's identity is far more important than football, and football can even be ignored.

Because the piano is more spring and snow, more high-end and more expensive, and Zhuo Yang's piano is kind to the Koko family. As far as football is concerned, in the eyes of Copa and Couma, if they make more money, they are completely dispensable, so they will not understand Zhuo Yang's emphasis on the Brazil World Cup and the national team.

Zhuo Yang’s mother, Yang Hong, no longer cares about his fights, because he can’t control it, anyway, he didn’t delay playing the piano, and his son is too old. Let him go. Instead, the prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law hated it.

Too much affect the image!

Knowing that the engagement is coming soon, but still can't control the impulse, what do other royals and nobles think? Of course it was with a smile, laughing at Habsburg's son-in-law as a vulgar warrior.

But it's too late, who let the damsel die down. Besides, Zhuo Yang still has many advantages, just close your eyes and recognize it.

In order for this engagement to go smoothly, Zhuo Yang and Kou Kou both made unspoken concessions. No mention of the past, shelved controversy and tolerated each other.

The previously reached agreement continues to be in effect, and the mischief of Midaier has not been given up this time to prevent her from intermingling again. Because Xiaotong had a conflict with Florian's bodyguard Florian, Xiao Dao was dissatisfied, so Xiaotong also avoided this time.

There are no hidden dangers in Zhuo Yang’s safety, and the Kou Family and Habsburg have the ability to ensure all safety, so Xiao Tong is actually not necessary to follow up.

As for fighting, it is a completely different matter from the safety hazard that threatens life, and Xiao Tong cannot even accompany Zhuo Yang even in a fight. He is a Zhongnanhai guard, not a personal thug.

So Xiaotong in the battle of Pis Juan, after appearing, was only to prevent Zhuo Yang from being attacked by others, instead of rushing up and **** with him. This is professional, very high-level professionalism.


Zhuo Yang's coming this time is not just a simple engagement, but a series of ceremonies to be held. To this end, he also specifically asked Real Madrid club leave, will be absent for one or two games. But now it seems that it may not be needed.

During this time, after getting engaged, Zhuo Yang will be baptized under the arrangement of the Habsburg family and become a Christian, and then will be conferred the title of ‘Lord’ by Habsburg.

Engagement, baptism, knighthood, this sequence is very particular, and there is also a lot of knowledge.

Engagement is actually saying hello to the European royal family and noble circle: Zhuo Yang is going to prepare to enter the circle myself~~~~

Then the process of entry begins. If there is no such greeting, as if it were the Stephen Church in Vienna or Cardinal Shunbourne, then you will have time to baptize Zhuo Yang, which green onion do you count?

Of course, even smaller village churches can be washed, but that's too much, and Habsburg can't afford to lose that person.

After being washed, especially after being washed so high, Zhuo Yang, even if he is a man of God, is also eligible to accept the title of the knighthood. In the history of the Habsburg royal family, the pagans have never been awarded a knighthood, which is very particular.

After this set of procedures, Zhuo Yang has not yet entered the circle, but only qualified to marry Kou Kou. It was not until they were married that they touched the door of the aristocracy.

Just looking at the lines between the words, you know the meaning of arrogance and charity, so Zhuo Yang's disgust is not hypocritical, but really makes him tired.

But all the endurance is for Coco, in order to marry her as his wife. This is the only reason Zhuo Yang is bigger than the sky.


Engagement went well, and no one jumped out this time.

Midea did not come, the royal family of Morocco also changed witnesses, and Liechtenstein was Crown Prince His Royal Highness Alois. Perhaps it was to make up for the last bad effect, Grand Duke Frank Duke invited more witnesses.

Marquis Gavin Philip represents the Swedish royal family. He is the sixth heir to the throne and also has the surname of Habsburg-Lorraine.

Earl Isaac Gregor represents the Hohenzollern family in Germany, and Duke Andrew Linde represents the royal family of Belgium.

When Kou Dao calmly announced the engagement, Zhuo Yang found that he had no special feeling, and he and Kou Kou did not secretly pull their hands as they did last time.

Zhuo Yang glanced at Kou Kou with a smile, and she also just looked at it, but there seemed to be a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Maybe after the last toss, more relief for today, rather than expectation and soft warmth. Both he and she regarded today as a passing scene.

Anyway, Kou Kou is finally Zhuo Yang's righteous fiancee, and vice versa, the two finally have a reputation.

Later, in the name of Habsburg's head, Co. Dad officially informed the world of this news. The news of Zhuo Yang’s engagement has also been published in major media around the world, and the football media has made headlines.

But the front page is not the only thing, just like to specifically block his engagement, the punishment decision for Zhuo Yang in the Battle of Pis Juan also came out.

The Spanish Football Association decided to ban 15 games against Zhuo Yang, including La Liga and the King's Cup; UEFA suspended 10 games against Zhuo Yang.

The 15 domestic bans mean that Zhuo Yang will not lift the ban until more than January next year. And 10 games in the European War, that has to wait until Real Madrid reach the semifinals of the Champions League.

Zhuo Yang knew that he would be suspended, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy. Originally, he estimated that three or five games would be enough, and then he would be fined.

I have to say that Zhuo Yang is too arrogant, he is too small to see the bad influence of this matter. Especially in the scene of chasing down security and police, it is really difficult for normal people to forgive him. Although it was said that he had a reason for beating personnel, the fight was always a fight, and there was no absolute justice.

Real Madrid Club was fined 2 million Euros ~ ~ Pis Juan Stadium was fined 1.5 million for poor security management.

Real Madrid did not appeal Zhuo Yang's punishment, because the punishment decision itself was already the result of mutual compromise after negotiation.

The heavy penalty for Zhuo Yang is aimed at combating the first evil, and only against the first evil. Otherwise, according to the specific situation of the day, almost everyone in Real Madrid will have to carry a few bans, then this day will not be able to pass.

The heavy punishment of Zhuo Yang has been confessed to the outside world, and others, including De Tu, will no longer be punished.

After hanging up the appeasement call from Lafayette, Zhuo Yang was in a bad mood. He complained that Real Madrid didn't do his best to protect him, and he didn't think that the fight was too wrong.

Zhuo Yang only remembered that he didn't start first, but he forgot to stop when he could. In the case of the ability to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, it took the lead in fueling the situation.

Dao said: "Zhuo Yang, my child, I know you no longer need to rely on football to earn income. Taking this opportunity, leave football and become a dedicated pianist and music educator."

"Football is not worth it. My boy, retire."

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