Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 976: Pis Juan's hunt

Pia Bruno pinned De Tu's arm and tried to knock him over on the ground.

Bruno is a criminal policeman with a professional skill in uniform. However, De Tu also happens to be a brute force. Thirteen Tai Bao's tendons are sloppy, and he has a short and low center of gravity. German Tu Tuan.

Zhuo Yang sprayed up with fire and attached two low whip legs to Bruno's knee. This product was also very well-made. His legs were bent and soft but he still twisted and moved towards Zhuo Yang.

De Tu took the opportunity to beat his heart with a set of combinations and played well. The brothers teamed up, kicking one far and one near, punching Bruno in retreat, with no power to fight back.

The immortal Xiaoqiang Harvey Navarro resembled a wounded lion and threw himself back into the battle group again. De Tu extended his hand to take over him. The two men were violently holding each other.

Zhuo Yang and Bruno are almost the same here. Bruno's major strength is good at uniforms, and he is the best at reducing strength for ten times. He always wants to rush to the body and drag Zhuo Yang into the ground.

Zhuo Yang is more flexible and richer. Although he also has some basic throwing skills and ground skills, he can use the standing fighting technique to bully his opponents better. Why not give him that opportunity.

So it seems that Zhuo Yang is retreating, but in fact Bruno has been constantly beaten.

But in a flash, the balance of power was broken, and the three security guards who were with Bruno began to reach out, and the scene was suddenly cloudy. It is difficult to judge from the behavior of the security guards whether they are pulling, deflecting, or assisting Bruno. Anyway, Zhuo Yang fell down with one enemy.

But this is only a few seconds. Real Madrid teammates Qi Qi killed, Pepe, Shui Ye, Golden Retriever, Nacho, these fierce men started without a word, and the rest included a large half of the coaching staff. There are all kinds of stealing black fists, and the sidelines are chaotic.

Sevilla didn't get much involved. They just separated De Tu and Navarro again-no separation, no, De Tu was riding on Navarro, and Navarro was basically in a coma.

The scene was very strange and turned into a fight between Real Madrid players headed by Zhuo Yang and the stadium security.

There are more than three security guards involved, and dozens of black suits are hidden in the crowd. The people on both sides are very attentive, the security is more organized, Real Madrid has better physical fitness, and the number is also superior, and there are a few fierce men, and the scuffle between the two sides has become a deadlock.

But the balance of power was soon broken, and some Real Madrid fans who saw their players beaten from the stands rushed into the stadium to join the battle group, and the excitement was even greater.

The police at the scene became entangled, and chaos tended to develop into riots, and many stands were eager to move. Many of them watched their companion Bruno being beaten in the crowd and were willing to help, but they were directly involved in the fight in uniform to find the bad luck.

Go and separate the two sides of the fight, their strength on this side is a bit thin.

Zhuo Yang has already gotten his head in the middle of the crowd, but in such a group scene, the effort on his fists and feet will be greatly discounted. He has also suffered a lot from the mess, and it is impossible to get the fist of his teammates.

A policeman in a police uniform started to try to separate the two sides, but the chaotic crowd was like a stream of water. When performing security tasks in the stadium, the police will not be equipped with guns, only the individual captain level is equipped with rubber batons.

Bruno, who was beaten dizzy, pulled out a baton from a policeman somehow, and that buddy might have stuffed him specifically.

With a weapon in hand, Bruno, the plainclothes police officer, was even more powerful, and several Real Madrid players were connected, and an empty space immediately vacated him. Bruno stabilized his mind. After finding Zhuo Yang, he would avenge him by raising his baton.

Thus, the most classic moment of the battle of Pis Juan Stadium finally came.

Bruno lifted his baton and smashed his head towards Zhuo Yang. Zhuo Yang quickly leaned forward and leaned into his arms. Bruno lifted his arms on Zhuo Yang's shoulders after being empty, and Zhuo Yang seized his wrist.

Fighting is the most energy-consuming item, and the average person will get rid of it within a minute. Bruno is better, but at this time he is also tired and dizzy. He and Zhuo Yang, professional athletes who maintain physical training all day, can't compare.

When Jinsi wrapped his wrist a little harder, Bruno let go and his baton became Zhuo Yang's weapon.

This is the real strength.

After empty-handed to capture the baton with a white blade, Zhuo Yang continued to use Bruno to make a back throw, and before he landed, he turned around and hit a stick with a volley on his waist.

The huge Bruno fell to the ground like a container and could not get up.

Zhuo Yangping picked up the short stick.

Today is the game, Zhuo Yang did not wear special fighting gloves, even if brought, it is impossible to play on the court. When fighting a group fight just now, in order to protect his fingers, Zhuo Yang does not use fists as much as possible, and basically exercises on his legs.

Stretching out the legs requires more space than punching, but it is so messed up that the legs can't be stretched at all, which really grieves him.

Zhuo Yang's short stick was directed by Xiao Tong, because this is more in line with his self-defense characteristics. Zhuo Yang originally played the steel tactical stick well. After Xiaotong's special training, a short stick is in the hands of Zhuo Yang, which can form a dimensionality reduction strike-type killer, and is suitable for melee.

The short stick is very enjoyable, but the masters use it to poke.

Zhuo Yang stabs twice in a flash, and the two black suit security guards who are playing happily whispered and then softened.

Stick in hand, follow me.

A sliver couldn't resist the itch, raised his baton and struck Zhuo Yang, and was easily lifted by him. Pulling back his arm and rushing forward, he stabbed in the heart of the sliver, leaving him to kneel on the ground to cover his heart and ‘er, er’ retching.

After seven or eight security guards and slivers were pierced, the others stopped doing it and ran away, only hating their parents and giving birth to a few Pisjuan Stadium staged a huge chase In the scene, a group of security guards died at the front. Zhuo Yang led Real Madrid players and fans to catch up behind. From time to time, Real Madrid people performed one after another flying legs, just like the seagulls flying up and down on the sea.

This is so spectacular.

Zhuo Yang catches up with one poke, one poke one down.

The live TV broadcast has already been pinched off, and the fans who are still on the spot are all stunned to watch Zhuo Yang Weifeng sternly chase down the enemy. As for how the story started, everyone has forgotten.

I have heard that Zhuo Yang is very good at fighting, but basically no one has seen it. But today, I finally witnessed how he can fight.

Too **** can hit, a dozen security guards and police have been lying along the way.

Zhuo Yang vowed to destroy the security forces of Pisjuan Stadium, and no one could stop him at this time.

Someone can, Julius Wu came from outside the field, grabbed the stick in his hand, and protected Zhuo Yang behind him.

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