Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 975: Naked during a fight

Zhuo Yang did not know that Chen Jingxi was carrying such a weird story, he just saw a Real Madrid fan with a Chinese face rushed into the stadium and ran towards himself.

Zhuo Yang did not move, nor did he flash away.

Chen Jingxi came prepared. After jumping into the court, he jumped up the speed directly, so that the responding stadium security could only eat gray behind his buttocks. Both players stood on the spot and didn't care about him. They came from the other end to block his plainclothes. Interpol Pia Bruno had a full body, and was swayed by the dexterous Chen Jingxi with a fake movement and fell to the ground, his face was rubbed.

There was applause in the stands, and Zhuo Yang couldn't stop laughing.

Seeing clearly as a young Chinese teenager, Zhuo Yang smiled and said, "Slow down, slow down."

Chen Jingxi bear hugged Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Yang embraced his back with one hand, and rubbed Chen Jingxi's head with the other hand.

Two thousand kilometers away in Edinburgh, Lin Jiajia watching the live broadcast of the game cheered. Such a brave and burnt boy, he must love me very much.

Chen Jingxi was very excited. He didn't know what to say. He just kept calling "Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Yang, Zhuo Yang", hopping with his hands.

Zhuo Yang patted his back: "Don't run, and then the security guard will beat you. Go back and obey, make a mistake, it's okay."

Chen Jingxi grinned like a fool: "Eh, eh, eh, okay, okay."

The security guard and Officer Bruno finally ran, and Chen Jingxi finally remembered what he wanted to do to run in, but he didn't know how to express it, so he flicked a kiss at the direction of the camera and made a ‘V’ victory gesture.

Lin Jiajia was ecstatically happy.

Zhuo Yang took Chen Jingxi's shoulder and handed him over to Bruno, then turned to prepare to continue the game.

Bruno just slid a dog in the public eye to eat shit, and was angry now, he could not help but twisted Chen Jingxi's arm and locked his throat with one arm from behind in a grasping posture.

Bruno, the tall man, pinched Chen Jingxi's neck and dragged him outside the court.

Zhuo Yangdeng was angry, rushing up to grab Bruno's elbow, grabbing his wrist with one hand to break away his lock throat, and then slamming his palm with his palm to push him away.

"You **** can't see that he is already going down?"

Chen Jingxi did not run again, nor did he resist at all. At this time, violent uniforms are indeed very undesirable. How can Zhuo Yang tolerate such treatment of fellow fans under his eyelids.

Only this moment, Chen Jingxi has been struck with blush.

Bruno was almost pushed into the buttocks by Zhuo Yang again, making his nose breathless like a cow.

At this time, Real Madrid teammates were all around, Zhuo Yang reached out and pulled the security guard, hugged Chen Jingxi and Casillas together and sent him off the court. Bruno is the same, and can only follow the security guard behind their ass.

On the sidelines, assistant coach An Xiaofan greeted him. Zhuo Yang said to Chen Jingxi: "Go back to the stands and stop making trouble."

After all, he was still a teenager. Chen Jingxi was a little frightened by the suffocation dragged by the violence just now. He responded silly, and then honestly followed An Xiaofan to the original stand.

As long as the behavior of the fans is not very outrageous, just simply running in like this, the stadium security will basically be driven out, and the team will also make gestures to protect their fans.

When the matter comes here, even if it is over, the head referee has greeted the two sides to fight for the ball where the interruption just happened, and the game is about to restart. But at this moment, the sidelines changed.

Harvey Navarro himself has a bad temper. At that time, he was the only tough-blooded guy in the Spanish national team of soft eggs.

Grievances, banners, 0:3, no one thing is enough to ignite his anger, but human emotions are an elusive thing, I don’t know which cloud will rain, and the outbreak is often an instant, and it erupts baffling.

An Xiaofan and Chen Jingxi passed the Seville bench, and Navarro suddenly rushed out to attack Chen Jingxi.

With a slap in the face, Chen Jingxi was knocked to the ground, and An Xiaofan was too late to stop it. Bruno, who should stop this behavior, also chose to stand by. Sevilla's bench was shocked by their old captain's move.

After overthrowing Chen Jingxi, Navarro apparently was not relieved and continued to kick towards the teenager on the ground. Chen Jingxi was very clever, apparently also the one who had been beaten. He curled up on the ground with his hands holding his head, and Navarro kicked him in the arm with a few strokes.

Navarro simply rode on Chen Jingxi, slaps his fists and greeted him.

While the people around were still shocked, Zhuo Yangbao rushed over with a terrified anger.

Flying up to Navarro's door, even if Navarro put up the iron door bolt, Zhuo Yang kicked him away from Chen Jingxi.

Finding the righteous leader this time, Navarro staggered to stand his body and straightened up with Zhuo Yang.

Navarro is a man who can fight, but he is clearly not enough to see in front of Zhuo Yang. In the blink of an eye, Zhuo Yang was knocked down to the ground twice. His mouth was full of blood, and all the teeth he spit out.

But he was indeed a tough guy, and he stood up again from the ground, still full of grimace to fight Zhuo Yang.

Hula, the people around finally reacted, and the two were surrounded by water.

Not so cheap!

Zhuo Yang lifted the pedal in the gap between people, kicked accurately on Navarro's chin, kicked a backflip, and turned several people around him together.

This is the hate! Zhuo Yang finished.

Suddenly, his neck was severely strangled from behind, and there was an arm on his back.

Was twisted naked.

Once the naked twist is formed, it is basically unsolvable, only sleepy after waiting for six seconds, unless the two have a difference in physical strength and strength, such as the ballet young girl who wants to hang her blacksmith father , UU reading but at this time the enemy is obviously not.

Zhuo Yang quickly inserted his left palm between the opponent's forearm and his neck, which was the only time and method that was possible to break naked. In addition to this, it is well known that patting the opponent three times, or tapping the ground three times, the opponent will automatically release. Of course, the premise is on the ring.

The opponent was very strong and his arms were very thick. Even though Zhuo Yang prevented him from strangling the lock naked, he struggled for a while.

At a time of desperate stalemate, Zhuo Yang heard the muffled sound of hitting sandbags from behind his ears, obviously someone shot.

The annoyed officer Pia Bruno saw Zhuo Yang beating Navarro so badly, he also turned his head and went straight to the naked twist to subdue Zhuo Yang. But he did not expect Zhuo Yang to react so quickly, and failed to form a hang.

But his strength is much greater than Zhuo Yang, which is equivalent to controlling Zhuo Yang.

De Tu knew how powerful he was, and two tiger fists slammed into Bruno's face. If he didn't let go, he would surely be beaten by De Tu like a watermelon.

Zhuo Yang, who was so angry in his eyes, turned around, and the scuffle began.

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