Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 925: 1 story of a rabbit

"Brother Zhuoyang, let's get married."

Zhuo Yang sighed softly and reached out to touch her head again, just like his brother's love for his sister.

"Middle, you and I will regret it in the future, and we will not be happy together."

"How is it possible? I have known you for a longer time than Sister Koko."

Zhuo Yang said: "This kind of thing cannot be defined by the length of time. Midale, do you know what love is?"

"Of course I know." Midale was confident. "I have read many books, some of them are about love. Love always wants to see him, always wants to be with him."

Yes, it is another girl poisoned by love.

"Brother Zhuoyang, I just want to stay with you."

"I still want to stay with the piano all day, and I am also called love with the piano? I still want to eat hot pot every day, can I still have to get a certificate with hot pot?"

"Poo" Midai was teased: "Then what do you say is love."

Zhuo Yang shook his head: "I don't know. I've been looking for answers, but I haven't found them yet."

"However, I know how it feels when love comes. My sister and you, Koko, have been in love with each other from the beginning, Midel, do you have any?"

Midel's eyes rolled round and round for several times: "I don't know what it feels like, so I don't know if it's there."

"That's not there." Zhuo Yang is very sure: "When the heart is coming, you will know without others explaining."

"Midell, there is no love between you and me. You have always regarded me as a brother, and I have always regarded you as a sister. Tell me, how can a brother and sister get married, like what?"

Midale pouted and muttered, "We are not really brothers and sisters..."

"I was in China when I was a kid, and there was a young lady in my neighbor's house. She had a rabbit, and her furry white snow and red eyes were very beautiful. The young lady liked it very much, and she held it in her homework every day. Play in the palm of your hand, and always ask other children to come and play with it."

"Until one day, the younger sister and the other child each held a handful of alfalfa...Oh, yes, rabbits don't like carrots. The most favorite thing is alfalfa."

"Sister Miss and her children stood on both sides, shouting the name of the little white rabbit, but the little white rabbit ignored her and went to the other side. I tried it three times in a row, and it was the same, and it was always around the little kid's feet. Go around."

"So, the younger sister was sad and very angry. Later she gave the little white rabbit away, and I suspect she was thrown away. Since then, she has never raised a rabbit and the little friend that day is no longer a friend. "

"Middle, you and I knew each other first, and you first called me Brother Zhuoyang. You and Koko have always been best friends, and I am your closest brother. But suddenly one day, you But I found that the big brother and the best friend bypassed you and fell in love together, but you knew nothing about it in advance, and they didn't even know when they started."

"So you feel betrayed, like the young lady and the little white rabbit."

"If I went to see you six years ago and said to you: Midale, I found your cousin so beautiful. I like it. Can you introduce it to me, OK?"

"I believe you will be very happy to introduce me to Kou Kou, and you will always say good things to each other between me and her, you will be eager to be with us, because we are all your best friends, you It's the bridge between me and Koko."

"But we just got back on your back, and you still know the news from the newspaper."

"To be frank, if I were to replace it with me, I would feel uncomfortable. Obviously I am your best friend, so suddenly it becomes unnecessary."

"Midell, Kou Kou and I were really negligent in this matter."

At this time, Midale listened very attentively.

"Then you remembered your birthday wish at the age of eight, and I was even more angry with Coco. Until I heard that we were about to get engaged, you were still neglecting you, so you don't want to take Coco's call again."

"The birthday wish at the age of eight has subconsciously become a reason for your integrity, and you misunderstood anger as jealousy due to love."

"Midale, I'm sorry to ignore your feelings. If I really have a sister, when I meet a beloved girl who will be her sister-in-law in the future, I should let my sister know her first time Exist, not let her guess, especially blindly."

"Midell, there is no love between you and Brother Zhuoyang, but I really like you very much. Even if you disturb my engagement, I won't be angry with you. Even if my sister breaks through Trouble, it will be my brother's fault."

"Midell, as I said before, which boy with short eyes will dare to bully you in the future, and I will beat him up and regret being born."

After all, Zhuo Yang spread his hands and shook his eyebrows: I don’t know if I understood?

In this month, Zhuo Yang analyzed the reasons why Midair had a big engagement engagement in his spare time. These are the results of his thinking. Obviously, it makes a lot of sense.

Midale is at the age of rebellion, and the selfishness and willfulness in his character will be magnified by rebellion. But she is always a girl from a rigorous family of tutoring. UU reads and she is smart and knowledgeable. As the bystander is clear, some things will be understood by the understandable person as soon as they are spoken.

Midel suddenly flashed her big eyes, and after a moment of thought, she nodded slightly: "It seems that... this is indeed the case."

"Brother Zhuoyang, why are you so smart, I understand as soon as I say that. At home, they only know to scold me, but no one tells me this."

Zhuo Yang said: "People have misunderstandings, they are just eager to find the person responsible for this matter, and did not seriously think about the reasons behind the matter."

"Humph! They know decent, just thinking I'm embarrassing them." Midale was angry again, looking good: "I also asked Jefflin before: What if I was bullied by a boy? He Just tell me to leave it alone. Oh my God, who is my brother in the end."

"Whoever bullied me, Brother Zhuo Yang, would you beat him indiscriminately, and Jeffrin knew that I would keep me aristocratic, and don't bother with ordinary people."

"Oh~" Zhuo Yang sneered: "Bookworm."

"Midell, I will tell you, in the future, you should never look for a boyfriend like your brother Jeffrin. You will be tired when you see it all day long, and living together will not make you tired."

"So what should I look for? Find a brother Zhuoyang like this?"

"That's too difficult! Under the sky, your brother Zhuoyang, I'm a unique existence. It's impossible to have a man like me who is still in the wind and has both internal and external cultivation and a perfect man."

"Bah, stinky big pepper."

"Hahahahaha, amuse you. There are so many more good men in this world, you should follow your feelings. But!" Zhuo Yang Yanzheng emphasized: "You must never find a man with a savage sister at home."

"Hahaha..." Midale laughed tremblingly.

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