Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 924: Let's get married

Frozen water seafood's "frozen water" does not mean frozen, seafood seafood, it is natural to eat fresh. Frozen water is actually just a gimmick, referring to the deep sea, where the water temperature is cooler than the shallow sea, but no matter how deep it is, no one will tell you, because they do not know.

There are in the mountains, but can anyone in the deep sea eat something? Frozen water seafood in Brazil is nothing more than some uncommon and large fish and shrimp, but with the name of frozen water, you can sell a lot of prices.

Things that cost money are never serious, and the chef in the Windsor Barra Hotel is always waiting.

Just back from the airport to the hotel, Zhuo Yang and Midel did not talk much. The front and back of the compartment are not isolated, the driver and Xiaotong have their ears upright. Moreover, the flight from Europe to Brazil is not too close, and the voyage is basically more than ten hours. To be honest, for the same long time, it is far more comfortable to take a plane than a train, even in first class.

Midale was indeed lacking, holding Zhuo Yang's arm in the car, her small head leaning on his shoulder and squinted.

Back at the hotel, wake up Mi Daier, the corner of the little girl's mouth is shiny. Avoiding and staring at the curious eyes in the hotel, I first arranged the room for Midea, put the luggage, and waited for her to simply dress up. The two then went to the small restaurant to eat Brazilian flowers that were more than two feet long. Dragon and snapper.

He didn't eat until he ate his chest, and the rest of the dishes were no longer glanced at. The two men wiped their mouths and talked with a drink.

"Brother Zhuoyang, are you still angry with me?"

"You still have a face to meet me?"

"Sorry, I blame me for being too impulsive."

"It's late!" Zhuo Yang rolled her eyes. "Look at the good things you did. My engagement with your sister Kou Koo is also yellow. How can we get married?"

Midel put out her tongue and smiled embarrassedly.

"Boss is not small, hey, why didn't you see that you didn't adjust when you were a kid?" Zhuo Yang leaned on the back of the chair and asked her: "Look, I can't get married, how do you plan to compensate?"

Midea smiled and shook her head straight: "Then I will marry you~"

Zhuo Yang sat upright and stretched out his hand and gently tapped on Midel's head: "Knot your head!"

Midea laughed out directly. Psychological closeness, Midel is such a little beauty again, her smile makes Zhuo Yang finally complained and disappeared.

"Sister Kouko and your uncle, what did you say this month?" When the smile slowly gathered, Zhuo Yang asked about the business.

Midel's small mouth pouted again: "What can I say, everyone knows to train me if they open their mouths..."


"Sister ignored me this month and didn't say anything to me."

Zhuo Yang spread his hands: "That's it? Haven't you negotiated a plan? Can't this marriage be booked?"

Midel frowned and shook her head: "I don't know, maybe they are negotiating, I don't know. I can't stand their nagging and I will go back to school."

It seems that I'm still waiting for me to go to Vaduz to admit mistakes! Zhuo Yang closed his eyes and rubbed his nose.

Midel went on to say: "I have apologized to them and admitted that the timing of their remarks was wrong, but they still have to train me."

"Uncle, mother, and Jefflin, I still scold me about this every day when I go home on vacation. Brother Zhuoyang, I can't stand it, I have nowhere else to go, I can only come to you."

Come on, the little girl is running away from home.

"Jefflin also scolded you?" Zhuo Yang asked. Jeffrin Swinburne is the elder brother of Midale, who is less than one year younger than Zhuo Yang and also graduated from Kissman Business School. During his time at school in Hanover, he knew Zhuo Yang very well.

Zhuo Yang couldn't understand Jeffrin a little, let alone say that if she had a sister, even if she poked the sky out of a big hole, she would protect her unconditionally. Doesn’t protect my sister’s short, is that still human?

"Humph! There is no curse at all." Midale said angrily: "They are all the same, and the words are tossing and turning, and I think I am decent."

Zhuo Yangdeng was a little bit angry: "Decent! You know the **** decent. No wonder you all say that these traditional nobles are hypocritical, they just want to face and suffer."

The Habsburgs and the Swinburne family are in-laws. For them, the most annoying thing about this matter is that they lose their respectability in front of outsiders. The wishes that Midel made to God on his eighth birthday are indeed things, but how big can that be? Really think that the nobles are all elm bumps in the church?

The key is because of the loss of decentness in front of the two royal witnesses of Liechtenstein and Monaco, which in turn will make the entire noble circle chew their tongues behind. Good fellow, the two princesses in the family are torn to fight for men, and they are still fighting for civilians. This is unbearable to think about. The Atlantic Ocean is the face that Habsburg lost.

When Zhuo Yang was there, he was an outsider and the focus of the problem. Naturally, he had to target him. Zhuo Yang was so tempered that he went to Brazil with his legs raised, and Midel became the only Who wouldn't scold her?

As soon as he was scolded, Midel ran back to school to hide. The Habsburgs also wanted to find a way to deal with it properly, and they had to find decent back. But Zhuo Yang was obviously guilty of bullishness, and no one wanted to touch his mold. Speaking of it, I was still afraid of losing face, so things dragged on so depressingly.

"It's good to solve problems when things happen. What do others think about you? Close your door and live your life, who you love and who. You decayed nobles, you will never understand that loved ones and families are the most important things."

Middelton found a confidant: "It is! Decaying nobleman."

"Midell, you are indeed wrong in this matter. You haven't spoken the wrong day. I also have something wrong. It shouldn't be that Ma Daha has forgotten everything you said. But should we both be damned? It’s over if you don’t make it clear.

"It sounds like a wealthy family, but in the past, it's all a little boyish."

"It's! Xiaojia Ziqi." The rebellious girl Midel became more and more happy listening.

The two men and women who were supposed to be diametrically opposed to the "engagement event", but because the same enemy had forgotten that the other was the problem-maker, at this moment they scolded the ignorant and rotten aristocracy, and solved the depression of this time. gas.

Half a bottle of wine has fallen, Zhuo Yang asked her: "Midell, what are you going to do next?"

Midale said with red eyes: "Brother Zhuoyang, I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to see any of them again. Brother Zhuoyang, I will accompany you to finish the World Cup in Brazil, OK? Then I will go to China with you again In the future, I will live in China and not return to Europe. I will leave the rotten aristocratic family and sever ties with them."

Excited flames flashed in the red eyes, and Midel was serious this time.

"Brother Zhuoyang, let me marry you."

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