Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 926: 1 point red in white bushes

The tremendous boos from the Maracana Stadium of 80,000 people, even though the image spread across 9400 kilometers, can already feel its violentness.

In the morning of the small forest manor in Vaduz, it is still cooler in the hot summer days in Europe. The wind from the Alps valley shakes the leaves and quietly drills into the room through the window.

Kouko sat on the sofa and heard the boos from the live TV broadcast, and could not help worrying about him. She knew that the Brazilians were booing him. But when he saw his head tilted high, with a straight nose bridge and disdainful eyes patrolling the stands without fear, she was not worried.

Coco knew that no one could beat Zhuo Yang's pride.

However, he was too proud.

Cocoo was still very uncomfortable, and when the TV lens was switched to the close-up of Midel in the stands, she was even more uncomfortable. The fiery red No. 18 jersey on Midel's body was particularly prominent among a group of beauties wearing white jerseys.

A few days ago, my aunt called anxiously and said that after the quarrel between Midel and Jeffrin, she disappeared, and her small suitcase disappeared. At that time, Koko had a hunch that Midale would go to Brazil to find Zhuo Yang, but she didn't say it.

Sure enough, just over ten hours later, Uncle Andrew called again and said that he had found it. Midea was in Brazil, and Zhuo Yang personally called him to let them rest assured.

Midel had not been to Rio. Zhuo Yang said that she would let her play there for a few days and then go back. They were all arranged and accompanied by a dedicated person. Then reiterate again that he will ensure the safety of Midale and reassure them.

Brother Zhuoyang, why don’t you know that I can rest assured?

Everyone guessed that Midel would definitely go to watch the match between Germany and China. However, Jefflin said Midell would definitely support the German team because she is German and Swinburne is a senior German noble family.

But Kokoo is sure that Midale will definitely support China because of Zhuo Yang, and because of Kokoo himself, he will. Sure enough, Cocoe guessed right again. Not only did Midel wear the Chinese team's jersey with a clear flag, but she also sat arrogantly among a group of German women.

Coco knows that it was the German wife who was so flamboyant at this year’s World Cup. There are a few of them she knows, Hedira’s girlfriend Lena, Mueller’s wife Lisa, she is a dressage jockey, Coco Have partyed with them.

Mertesack’s wife, Ulik, was not present because she was pregnant and had a large belly and was the second child, but Koko was not sure why Sarah, the piggy’s girlfriend, was not there. Wasn’t she like this occasion most?

Coco is not sure what Midel will do with Zhuo Yang in Brazil, because when this relationship is sensitive, Zhuo Yang neither explained to her, nor even called. If he was concerned about her feelings, he would have arranged for the man to be sent back early instead of leaving him alone.

However, Koko still thinks they will be fine, because Zhuo Yang is so proud that he does have the smell of demonstrating to the Habsburgs because he feels sulky in Vaduz.

Alas, Cocoe sighed while watching TV.

Brother Zhuoyang, do you know? Your temper is too big, and my dad and I dare not talk to you about anything now, for fear that you will make things more rigid after you lose your temper.


Reasoning to others is always the head of the head, and it will still make the same mistakes in turn.

Zhuo Yang's focus was to convince Midel to be persuasive, but he didn't realize it himself. He strongly criticized Habsburg for thinking only about decentness, and he was not as deadly as he was.

Pride comes from pride, and the face that is not proud at the end.

Knowing that Midel was away from home, Zhuo Yang didn't dare to hide, thinking about it, he called Midell's dad Andrew Swinburne to give notice.

Although Zhuo Yang and Andrew are not as good as each other, they are quite eye-catching. To be honest, Andrew is the least aristocrat among the nobles that Zhuo Yang knows. He is like a stubborn hero all day long, but when he encounters things, he is not bluffing, but has a real opinion. Andrew and Infantino are still buddies.

Sure enough, Zhuo Yang called the phone, and Andrew did not doubt what Zhuo Yang did in it, but expressed his sincere gratitude.

Now that Andrew is so open-minded, Zhuo Yang feels more selfless and broad-minded. Don’t you suspect me and Midale? Why don't you have any opinions about being a father

In fact, Andrew thought that Brazil’s emperor was far away, even if he was worried, he would make the same mistake with Zhuo Yang. Secondly, he would like Zhuo Yang to be his son-in-law. Andrew is the only person in the main line of the Swinburne family. He is the only one who has no title. He has never tried to pursue it.

Andrew is a pragmatist under cynicism. He even knows the value of Zhuo Yang better than the Grand Duke of Austria.


Zhuo Yang has no time to accompany Midale to play everywhere, but apart from love, there is no money to solve the problem, accompanied by senior tour guides and professional security at any time. So in the past two days, Midale ran wild in Rio during the day, Zhuo Yang concentrated on training and preparing for the battle, and had dinner together at night, that's all.

Two days passed and the game day came. At 3:00 p.m. Rio time, it is 0:00 midnight in Beijing, and 11 a.m. in Vaduz. UU reading www.uukanshu. For the first time, the Chinese football team entered the top eight of the World Cup.

The quarter-finals are divided into upper and lower halves, and the distribution of power is relatively equal. Each has two powerful players. The first half is Argentina and the Netherlands, and the second half is Brazil and Germany; each has a dark horse, Costa Rica and China; each has a second-rate team, Belgium and Colombia.

The odds for the Chinese team to win the championship have soared from 29th to 8th on the first day of the opening. It looks quite fierce and is actually the last of the remaining eight teams.

Four high-level games a month present all the details of the Chinese team in front of the world. Apart from Zhuo Yang, the only commendable part of this team is mental power, and it is crazy running on the field.

After the first four games, the Chinese team ranked first in the average distance traveled, and the second behind was Germany, and the gap was almost negligible. That is to say, even if the Chinese team can still run as before, it can't take advantage of this to gain any advantage in the Germans.

So, only Zhuo Yang was left. And today's game also has a highlight: veteran Misralov Klose started.

In the World Cup historical shooter list, Zhuo Yang currently tops the list with 16 goals, Klose 15 goals, and they are the only active players in the "Ten Ball Hall of Fame". In the long run, the young seven-year-old Zhuo Yang will continue to increase the number of goals in the future, but only from this game, the last time Klose participated in the team's strength bonus, there is no small possibility Overtake Zhuo Yang this year.

There is another person, the second baby Thomas Mueller, who has scored 9 goals in two sessions so far, and is the only one among the survivors who has hope to enter the'Ten Ball Hall of Fame'.

This list is mostly German. Including Zhuo Yang, many people still see him as a half German.

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