Golden Greenery

Vol 3 Chapter 923: I want to eat frozen seafood

As the team moved to Rio de Janeiro, Zhuo Yang received a phone call from Midea, saying that she was also in Rio and wanted to visit Brother Zhuo Yang.

"What are you doing in Brazil?"

Midale's voice was saucy: "It's boring to go on vacation, come out and play~"

"Who came with?"

Midea said, "I am alone."

"What? Just yourself?"


Zhuo Yang is a little bit big: Is this a ghost place in Brazil that you are a random girl?

I didn't really want to let Midai come. There are many people in the hotel. There are more journalists in the media than cockroaches. If you go back and gossip, is it enough to be a headache? But Midel said that she was alone in Rio, and Zhuo Yang's sense of responsibility and flower protection consciously emerged.

"I think you're about to become a wild girl. Alas--I'm at the Windsor Barra Hotel...Forget it, I'll pick you up. Where are you?"

The tenderness in Midel's voice grew thicker and thicker, and Zhuo Yang seemed to be able to see her smug puffy mouth across the phone. "I'm at the airport, Galeão Airport."

Come on, this girl just got off the plane. Which is to come to travel, it is clearly stepping on a special trip to find yourself.

Put down the phone, Zhuo Yang did not dare to delay. It's not too early in the sky. Rio, a cosmopolitan cosmopolitan city, is dangerous for people to eat everywhere for a little girl under the age of twenty.

He greeted the team leader Yang Chen and Jie Shuai, begging for leave, and then informed the hotel to send their courtesy car, Zhuo Yang and Xiao Tong went straight to Galeão Jobim Airport on Govenado Island.

Galeão Airport, also known as Rio International Airport, is located on Govenado Island, the largest island in the Gulf of Guanabara. The city of Rio de Janeiro is located on the west bank of Guanabara Bay.

The Windsor Barra Hotel where the Chinese team stays is at the southernmost point of Rio, with the vast Atlantic Ocean outside the window. From the hotel to the airport, almost diagonally across the city, the distance is not close.

The driver drove the car, Xiaotong was in the co-pilot, and Zhuo Yang was sitting alone in the back row pondering the purpose of the trip.

It has been a month since Vaduz walked away. During this time, Zhuo Yang and Ko Koo lost contact, not to mention the phone porridge, the two did not even have a call. Zhuo Yang had picked up his mobile phone on time and wanted to call Coco, but he didn't know what to say. He said it was a brainstorm. He sighed and threw the mobile phone back on the table.

It's annoying when I think of it.

And the initiator of all this is Midale Swinburne, the double countess of the Kingdom of Belgium and Monaco. It stands to reason that Zhuo Yang should hate her, but Zhuo Yang really can't hate it.

Is there someone who has a grudge against his sister?

Zhuo Yang almost watched Midel grow from a little girl to a big girl, and his acquaintance with Midel runs through the whole period of traveling to Europe. In Zhuo Yang's heart, Midel is his sister, sister.

From Zhuo Yang's point of view, Midel's appearance at the engagement banquet was caused by mischief. I don't know the seriousness of blindness and mischief. It is purely spoiled. Generally, girls with older brothers at home are of this virtue.

Coupled with the fact that Zhuo Yang came from the province, the "joke" eleven years ago turned around and forgot everything. It was indeed a little wrong. It should be when Midale began to grow up, which is to start with Coco. When you fall in love, make a small ending with jokes.

Midel is not a bad girl at all. On the contrary, she has all the qualities of a good girl. She just remembers small things too deadly. If this is not the case, that year when the canal fell into the water, Zhuo Yang's handy move will need to be remembered for a lifetime.

The most angry part of Zhuo Yang is the attitude of the Cod family. He didn’t even ask Qinghong to blame all the questions on himself. He didn’t want to think about the ridiculous things. This is obviously stereotyped prejudice.

There is also Koko's indifference to him, a piece of broken sesame seeds, when everyone had a haha ​​and passed it, there should be no problem, dance photos, horses and horses, and wedding photos, which is so stiff.

Zhuo Yang believes that during the month when he left Vaduz, Midea, Copa, and Coco must have communicated and clarified the problem. The problem was obvious, and they must have figured it out completely.

In Vaduz, he disdain to explain the matter clearly, but he didn't blame the culprit, Midai, after all. It was actually derived from Zhuo Yang's pride, which was essentially the same mentality.


The car slanted through the city and drove onto the bridge connecting Govenado Island and the land. Looking out from the car window, the Guanabara Bay, which was supposed to be beautiful and charming, floated along the coast with huge amounts of various garbage, which is very unbelievable.

In every big city in Brazil, there are slums dotted everywhere, and there is always an extremely large area of ​​poor people near airports, and Rio de Janeiro is no exception.

Rio is not the largest, but he is the most famous city in Brazil and the leading tourist destination in Brazil. When you first arrive here when you are boarding the car and leaving the airport, the tour guide will remind you very politely: Please close the window glass, dear, UU reading lest the hand from the window let your belongings fly away.

In fact, it is not so exaggerated, and not all Brazilian people are all thieves. The main reason is that these slums are so densely populated that they scare people to death, but the sanitation facilities are very poor, resulting in the unpleasant smell of air. Even a veteran foodie who loves snail powder and stinky tofu can hardly accept this strange smell when he first arrives.

When the tour guides don’t pay the tourists money, they are all people who want to face. They are not clear about closing the window and deodorizing. They can only be a little polite. Anyway, the public security difference in Brazil is famous all over the world. It is already black and black. This above.

Zhuo Yang lifted his eyes away from the sea, raised the car window, and admired the sea sky that had been gradually rendered by lights in the distance through the glass.

I don’t know if Midel and Koko’s family explained clearly. What is the situation now? Zhuo Yang hasn't waited until Kou Kou took the initiative to call the phone to communicate, which is probably not very optimistic.

Zhuo Yang must ask Kou Kou and Kou Dao to have a wrong attitude.

But why did Medel suddenly come running and want to do? This girl wanted to come out once and again, and then there would be a big girl who turned 20 in half a year. How could she still be so rebellious?

After arriving at the airport, through contact, Zhuo Yang found Midai in the luxury duty-free shop to look at the bag in a fake and fake style. At the first meeting, Zhuo Yang knew he was right.

Stylish autumn clothes, carrying a small suitcase, and a Rio map on the box, a very standard image of rich tourists. Although Midea was not too short, Pingting Yuli and Koko were tall, but still the delicate and cute baby face.

In this way, she came to Brazil alone, not to mention the bad guys, even the **** good guys had to be tempted.

Zhuo Yang glared at her angrily, took the suitcase and carried it in his hand. "Have you eaten? Are you hungry?"

"I want to eat Rio's frozen seafood."

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