Everyone finished their meal.

It was already twelve o'clock in the night.

Shui's father and Shui's second uncle were sleepy and tired, and their moods fluctuated greatly, so they fell asleep quickly.

Shui Yi was extremely excited and didn't feel tired at all.

Ye Sihai took him and Liu Hanhan to clean up the remaining fish, cut them into pieces, and then began to feed Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui circled the fishing boat all the way without leaving.

The whale group was still far away.

Seeing that there was something delicious, the little guy was so happy that he spit out water and turned his belly, and played games with Ye Sihai.

Ye Sihai threw the ice cubes frozen from the fresh water on the boat into its mouth, and it immediately played with the ice cubes again.

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Swallow it for a while, and then spit it out again.

Continue to swallow it, and repeat it back and forth like this, having fun.

Killer whales do not drink sea water or fresh water.

They take fresh water from their food.

There are no killer whales that starve to death, but there are killer whales that die of thirst.

It's funny.

This is also the reason why they like to be picky about food.

Not only do they have to eat enough, but they also have to eat well and replenish water.

For Xiao Hui, the ice cubes made of fresh water are undoubtedly equivalent to a person in the desert who suddenly gets a bottle of iced mineral water.

This little guy is smart.

"Chirp, chirp!"

Feeling what it means, Ye Sihai's heart also moved.


Let's do it.

"Uncle Liang, is there enough fuel?"

Lao Liang nodded:


Ye Sihai estimated the return journey and said directly:

"Leave five liters of fresh water, and freeze the rest into ice."

"Okay, I'll go now."

This fishing boat is much more advanced than Shui Yi's broken boat.

There are two sets of ice-making equipment, one of which is an ultra-low temperature system specially used to store high-end seafood.

There are three cubic meters of fresh water on the boat, and soon all of them were made into large ice cubes.

Liu Hanhan was put to good use at this time.

After a few rounds, he got all the ice cubes to the bow.

Ye Sihai called Xiao Hui over.

"Go and call your mother."

Xiao Hui received the order and immediately shook his tail fin happily, swimming towards the whales in the distance.

More than ten minutes later.



Puff! !

Xiao Hui brought his mother closer to the fishing boat.

The wound on the mother whale's dorsal fin caused by the fishing net had healed a little, and it was a little red, which was very obvious on the black back.

Ye Sihai picked up a large piece of ice with difficulty and threw it into the sea.

The mother whale looked at Xiao Hui curiously, and nodded to Ye Sihai.

She slowly opened her mouth, carefully swallowed the ice cube into her mouth, and spit out the sea water.


It felt cold and icy.

The mother whale's wise eyes suddenly lit up.


She let out a sharp cry.

The huge tail fin gently slapped the sea surface.

Although Shuiyi and the others could not see what was happening on the dark sea surface, Ye Sihai's Ocean Heart could see as bright as day under the water.

You don't know until you see it, and you will be shocked when you see it.

What a guy.

The more than 20 adult killer whales that came with the mother whale rushed towards this side in a swarm.

At first, they were still rushing around, but when they were about to arrive, they actually lined up in an orderly manner.

I have to say that these street urchins are too smart.

The mother whale brought Xiaohui to the side as supervisors to maintain order, and Ye Sihai threw ice cubes desperately on the boat.

Liu Hanhan was responsible for breaking ice.

One killer whale got one piece of ice, and the whales got their share.

The remaining ice chips were shoveled into several buckets by Shuiyi, and Ye Sihai poured them all into the mother whale's mouth.

Feeling the emotional changes of the whale group towards him, Ye Sihai smiled.

It's a big profit.

Humph, you guys, no matter how smart you are, you will be fooled by my two-legged beast.

Just a few pieces of freshwater ice cubes can buy you off?

Before eating the ice cubes, the attitude of the adult killer whales towards Ye Sihai was, is this kid too much? He orders us to do this and that for no reason.

Should we think of a way to kill him?

After eating the ice cubes.

Well, this kid is not bad, no wonder our little prince sneaks out to find him every day.

So there are delicious food and drinks.

Boy, you are very smart, the more the better in the future.

Ye Sihai just had a sudden idea, but he didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest.

Feeling the intention of the whale group, Ye Sihai didn't hesitate and gave feedback directly.

What's the ice cube?

We two-legged beasts have a lot of delicious food and fun.

Do you want to try it?

Then help me get more fierce goods in the future, so that I can sell them to buy food for you.

Ye Sihai even began to imagine whether this group of killer whales could become a super selling point for his seaside resort in the future.

Which marine zoo should I go to to watch killer whale performances?

If you want to watch, go to the sea.

Not only can you watch, you can also ride.

You can make a lot of money.

Qiaohuamei must like it.

I have a money-loving wife at home, but I just want to lie down.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning.

"Shuiyi, go wake up your father."

Ye Sihai calculated that if he wanted to catch a net and get back by eight o'clock in the morning, he had to do it.

Father Shui and Second Uncle Shui slept for two hours, recovered their strength, and began to skillfully hang the net.

Ye Sihai's boat had no fishing net, and the two boats only had a trawl of 50 to 70 meters.

Although Ye Sihai felt a little regretful, it was enough.

There were definitely no schools of yellow croaker, but about a hundred meters underwater, there were schools of sea bream.

Colorful sea bream, gathered in groups, in a cluster of flowers.

Pale yellow sea bream, black black sea bream, white two-spined sea bream, red golden eye sea bream, and bright red big-eyed sea bream.

The purchase price of sea bream at the dock is 60 yuan per kilogram.

A ton can be sold for at least 60,000.

Towing the boat a few more times, ten tons is not a problem.

For the Shui family, a harvest of 700,000 or 800,000 is enough to slap some people in the face.

Let them envy, jealous and hate.

Moreover, Ye Sihai found that these schools of sea bream were not small, with an average of about 50 centimeters, and they would definitely sell for a high price.

Several people quickly hung up the fishing net and put it underwater at a depth of about 100 meters.

Ye Sihai gave an order:

"Uncle Liang, start the boat."

The fishing boat towed the small broken boat, and the small broken boat towed the fishing net, and they circled around this area of ​​about ten kilometers.

Ye Sihai stood at the bow and gave instructions to Xiao Hui.

This time was different from the last time to catch big yellow croaker.

After all, there were more than 80 killer whales working together that time.

That net of big yellow croaker, not a single one escaped, and it was truly a one-net catch.

And these bream schools were very scattered, and 20 killer whales could only drive them in one direction.

As for how many can enter the net, it depends on Ye Sihai's guidance.

But even if there are not many, it doesn't matter.

Just come a few more times.

With the order of the whale mother, the street scoundrels who were short-sighted began to work hard.

Wherever they went, the fish fled like crazy.

Various bream schools finally gathered into a large fish group with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

Ye Sihai was amazed.

The colorful sea breams crowded together and rushed towards the fishing boat's trawl net.

This time, the harvest must be quite large.

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