When fish enter the net.

Not only Lao Liang felt it, but Father Shui also felt it.

Did the surprise come so quickly?

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

You know, fishing in the past basically relied on experience.

Wherever there are schools of fish, it all depends on experienced fishermen.

Nowadays, with technological means, many fishing boats are equipped with sonar systems.

Scan and get it right.

But no matter how advanced high technology is, it is not as powerful as Ye Sihai.

Will high technology catch fish for you?

"Is there any fish?"


"Brother, a fish really came in!"

"What kind of fish is it?"

Ye Sihai turned back to Father Shui and laughed loudly:

"It's snapper!"


Father Shui and Uncle Shui hugged each other excitedly.

Another name for snapper is gajillo.

The name is festive, and snapper doesn't come cheap.

Compared with other miscellaneous fish that cost several yuan a pound, snapper is definitely a high-value catch.

Uncle Shui shouted happily:

"That's great, that's great."

Father Shui was also very excited:

"Good snapper, good good."

Liu Hanhan was very happy to see everyone, and he also grinned widely, haha:


Ye Sihai was actually very happy.

Originally, he just wanted to vent his anger on behalf of the Shui family and grab a few nets.

Even if it's trash fish that costs ten yuan a pound, it will shock many people if it is piled up in the whole boat and taken back.

Unexpectedly, there would be unexpected gains.

These snappers are mixed together, and the cheapest purchase price on the dock is 60 yuan per kilogram.

Like golden-eyed sea bream, it costs three to five hundred yuan per catty.

The bigger ones are more expensive.

The bream that the mother whale ordered the group of killer whales to come to was not small.

"Brother Sihai, thank you."

Shui Yi looked at Ye Sihai with admiration, her eyes getting wet.

Teenagers are very sensitive.

He felt so lucky.

Ye Sihai said with regret:

"Hey, it's so shameless. The fish is a bit small. It only weighs three to five kilograms."

Shui Yi couldn't even cry anymore.

Brother, the way you pretend to be cool makes your younger brother so handsome.

"But it's okay. Anyway, it's just for fun. If there are dates but there are no dates, it will be three poles."

Ye Sihai shrugged, looking unconcerned.

The feeling of water...!

The fishing boat dragged the net in circles with increasing difficulty.

After two rounds in two hours, Lao Liang felt that the fishing net was full.

The old captain can roughly know how the net will be harvested based on the feel of the helm.

Returned with a full load.

This net must weigh at least ten tons.

Now comes the big problem.

There are only a few people in the captain. If it's a stray fish, just drag it onto the boat.

But if the fish is expensive, it needs to be sorted manually.

This thing has to be picked up in the Year of the Monkey, Horse and Moon?

There are many rewards but also worries.

As time went by, there was gradually light on the dark sea.

In the direction of the rising sun, a bright red line has appeared on the sea.

Early morning is the calmest time of the day.

The sea breeze has brought a touch of warmth.

Ye Sihai knew he had to return.

The old method is to close the network port and drag it back directly.

When we get to the dock, we slowly load the goods.


The Shui family happily loaded the goods.

Those who have bad intentions, let them hide away and get angry.

He estimated the time. If he went as fast as he could, he could arrive at the dock at about eight or nine o'clock.

Ye Sihai contacted Ah Sheng in Xiao Jianguo's store, then entered the cabin and fell asleep.

This is the first time since my rebirth that I stayed up late.

Shui Yi didn't feel sleepy at all. Seeing Brother Sihai go to rest, he stayed at the door and dreamed about the future.

Liu Hanhan was huddled in the bow of the boat, in a daze against the sea breeze.

It would be great if sister Wanwan was here at this time.

With his boss and Wanwan, Liu Hanhan felt that his life was complete.

Ye Sihai slept profusely with sweat.

He was awakened by the heat.

It felt like the ship had stopped.

There were also exclamations coming from outside.

"Lao Shui, are you rich?"

"That's right, you have to treat me."

"Don't forget, I introduced you to buy your boat."

"Did this boat bring you good luck?"

"Yes, Lao Shui, you have caught such a big net now, you can't forget your roots."

Second Uncle Shui was cursing at the top of his lungs. Father Shui was an honest man and had a dark face the whole time.

Shui Yi was so angry that he could not wait to pounce on those arrogant bastards and bite them to death.

If you hadn't tricked us into buying a broken boat, would my father, uncle and I have almost died in the sea?

He finally couldn't help but roared:

"Do you still want to show your face?"

"You lied to my father and sold us a scrapped boat with broken engines."

"If it weren't for Brother Sihai, we would be dead in the sea."

"Now you have the face to make sarcastic remarks, how shameless!"

Several men in their thirties lost their composure and opened their mouths to curse:

"Little bastard, what did you say?"

"Your dad wants to buy a boat. Did we introduce it to him wrong? What's wrong? One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Why are you joining in the fun?"

Shui Yi's face turned red with anger:


"Your master hasn't spoken yet, why are you a little bastard butting in? Aren't you afraid of getting beaten?"

Ye Sihai walked out of the cabin and stood beside Shui Yi, staring coldly at those rat-looking guys:

"Shui Yi is my brother, who wants to beat him?"

Several people exchanged glances quickly and said angrily:

"Ye Sihai, don't think that you can stand up for others just because you are awesome."

"That's right, you are a nobody on this dock?"

"The dock is owned by my Zhao family."

Ye Sihai sneered:

"Zhao Yaozu, Zhao Yaozong, I will remember you two."

He raised his head and looked around the crowd, and said loudly:

"Uncles, bear witness for me."

"Brother Zhao Yaozong, take the scrapped fish The boat was sold to the Shui family. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was cheating and stealing. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was murder for money. "

"I know that I, Ye Sihai, have little influence and am young."

"But I'm saying this today!"

Ye Sihai stood on the bow and pointed at the other party:

"Return the money in full. If you don't, your boat will not go out to sea in the future."

Zhao Yaozong couldn't help laughing and said in a ruffian tone:

"Boy, you are so arrogant! Who do you think you are? The Dragon King of the Sea?"

"That's right, little bastard, since you have said so much, don't blame us brothers for being rude to you."

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"Then let's wait and see."

I have seen people seeking death.

I have never seen people who are afraid of not dying fast enough.

The Shui Yi family's affairs must be done by someone behind the scenes.

The other party is obviously killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

If someone dies while fishing, the Zhao Group will not lose a hair if the responsibility is investigated.

At most, they will be fined.

But the Shui family is ruined.

The other party is clearly warning Ye Sihai.

Boy, don't think you are great just because you have a few bad lucks.

I have plenty of ways to deal with you.

Ye Sihai is a little troubled.

If Hu Wenfeng and Zhao Yihu are not uprooted, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles in the future.

But now, I am still in the stage of wretched development.

Borrowing power?

Whose power should I borrow?

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