The boat that Ye Sihai brought had firewood, rice, oil and salt.

There were also a few bottles of wine.

Lao Liang cooked rice and gave the rest to Ye Sihai.

He didn't even need a fishing rod, he just picked up a hand net and caught fish in the sea.

"Brother Sihai, are there any fish?"

Shui Yi stuck to Ye Sihai and never left.

Ye Sihai smiled mysteriously:

"Little Shui Yi, go get a lamp."

Shui Yi hurriedly went to get the lamp.

The first release of this book is 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, which provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Ye Sihai held the lamp out of the sea, and then told Liu Hanhan:

"Hanhan, get ready."

Liu Hanhan immediately went into alert.

The whole person was like a cheetah hunting.

Shui's father, Shui's second uncle, and Lao Liang all gathered around.

They knew the principle.

On the dark sea at night, many fish are attracted to light.

When there are many fish, they will fly out of the sea.

But there is nothing here now.

How to catch fish?

"Brother Sihai, is it really possible?"

Shuiyi felt extremely magical.

"Just give it a try, what if you catch it?"

Ye Sihai laughed:

"Pray in your heart, ask Mazu to bless me."

Shuiyi immediately put his hands together and prayed devoutly.

Ye Sihai couldn't help but smile.

This little guy is simple.

Compared with Liu Xiaoer and others, Shuiyi is the most simple and honest.

Liu Xiaoer is always ready to rebel against the leader A'mo.

Because he always wants to introduce his sister to Ye Sihai.

Wang He is the most capable of the six teenagers, so his character is also the most rebellious.

Cheng Jiashu is very smart, but a little cunning.

Ronan is a push-and-pull, a bit of a scumbag.

Ye Sihai grabbed the side of the boat and half of his body was out.

Just a few minutes passed.

There were sudden crackling sounds on the sea.

A large area of ​​silver light appeared where the light shone.

That was the reflection of the scales of countless sea fish when they jumped out of the water.

"Here they come!"

Ye Sihai shouted excitedly:

"New recruits, get ready."

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Hanhan was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he reached out and caught a fish that was 50 centimeters long.

He caught it and threw it on the boat.

His movements were amazingly fast.

He reached out again.

Another one.

Shui Fu, Lao Liang, and Shui Ershu were all stunned.

The fish jumping on the boat reminded them that this was not a dream.

Although they knew the principle, they had never caught fish like this in their lives.

Obviously, there were helpers driving the fish.

Who else could it be besides the group of ocean street slickers?

With such a group of killer whales as helpers, Sihai would be the king of this sea in the future?

Who is his opponent?

Zhao Group?


You don't deserve it.

Suddenly, a huge tuna jumped out of the sea.

Judging from its size, it was at least 1.5 meters.

Fifty kilograms is not a problem.

Ye Sihai was shocked:

"New recruit, don't catch it."

Unexpectedly, Liu Hanhan's eyes were wide open, and he roared:

"I'll beat you to death!"

The muscles on his arms, which were thicker than Ye Sihai's thighs, were bulging.

He actually poked his hand directly into the mouth of the tuna, and then stretched it out from the gills.

He grabbed the gills with his backhand, and the whole tuna was firmly grasped in his hand.

But the impact was too great.

Liu Hanhan's body was blown away by the impact.

His other hand was firmly clasped on the knotted cable, and the man and the fish swung far away.

Ye Sihai was stunned.

This kid.

Too fierce.

His reaction nerves and motor nerves are simply too developed.

After some more training, even close-range shooting is not as fast as his movements.

Liu Hanhan swung back with the big fish.

He easily moved his feet towards the boat, and slammed the fish in his hand against the boat board.


"Boss, eat!"

Ye Sihai laughed.

Enough to eat.

This guy must be hungry, so he caught this big fish.

Shui Yi looked at Liu Hanhan as if he saw a ghost.

He had played with Liu Hanhan before.

I didn't expect this big fool, who was silly in words and deeds, to be so powerful.

Brother Sihai doesn't keep useless people around him.

I have to work hard.

I can't beat this big fool.

But I can study hard.

Ye Sihai didn't know that he had a lifelong fanboy in his life.

"Uncle Liang, please bring the knife."

Ye Sihai rolled up his sleeves and prepared to perform a tuna splitting himself.

This is a yellowfin tuna, about 50 kilograms. It was hit by Liu Hanhan and had a bloody head, but it was still struggling for life.

Ye Sihai killed the fish skillfully, drained the blood, and then cut it into four pieces.

The deep red fish meat looked delicious.

The best and tenderest belly was cut off and made into sashimi, and the rest was cut into thick slices and fried.

There was mustard on the boat.

The only vegetables were onions.

Everyone worked together and it was done quickly.

Liu Hanhan ate about a quarter of the tuna.

He was very satisfied.

There were a few bottles of cheap white wine on the boat, and Ye Sihai and the other four opened a bottle.

Can’t drink too much, because after eating and resting for a while, I have to get up and fish again.

But it’s just a trawl, just hang it behind the boat.

As for what kind of fish can be caught, Ye Sihai doesn’t force it.

Beg Mr. Hui to help, just catch a few nets casually.

Don’t ask how expensive it is, just ask for a large quantity to fill up.

Pull it back to shock those guys with ulterior motives.

Even if the fish is worthless, you can sell it for hundreds of thousands or millions of tons.

Envy them to death.

“Sihai, I toast you a glass.”

Father Shui raised the glass with a look of fear:

“If it weren’t for you, my family would have really been buried in the belly of the fish.”

“That’s right, Sihai, you are the great benefactor of our Shui family.”

Second Uncle Shui also looked grateful.

Ye Sihai didn’t hesitate, picked up the glass and drank it all.

Anyway, it was that kind of egg cup, not even half a liang of wine.

After drinking, he said directly:

"Uncle Shui, I was going to tell you when I go back, I'll tell you now."

Ye Sihai said, filling Shui's father's glass with wine:

"What are you going to do in the future?"


Shui's father was a little surprised, and then he looked decadent:

"What else can I do? Continue unloading, I don't have the fate to go to sea, Mazu will not give me this bowl of rice to eat."

"Uncle Shui, and Second Uncle Shui, you guys follow me."


Shui's father and Second Uncle Shui were shocked.

Shui Yi was extremely excited.


Dad, you guys hurry up and agree.

Shui's father was still a little dazed.

But he reacted, shook his head, and said repeatedly:

"No, no, how can we be a burden to you? Sihai, we appreciate your kindness."

"You guys!"

Lao Liang next to him snorted:

"Old Shui, let me tell you the truth, Sihai has his own company, I also work in his company, the salary is three times what I used to get in Zhao Group, this is just the basic salary, there are subsidies for going out to sea, and there is also a year-end bonus."

Shui's father was surprised and happy:


Lao Liang looked impatient:

"I can lie to you, can Sihai lie to you?"

Shui's father was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes:

"Sihai, uncle won't say thank you."

Liu Hanhan was chewing fish meat on the side:

"Say thank you."

Shui's father exclaimed.

Ye Sihai kicked him with his back leg:

"Even eating can't stop your mouth?"

Liu Hanhan smiled.

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