On the dark sea.

Shui Yi curled up at the bow and shivered.

His father and second uncle were whispering something at the stern with sad faces.

"Brother, I think this time it's more dangerous than safe."


"What should we do now?"

Shui's father looked at the endless sea and regretted it very much.

He hated himself.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

He was blinded by lard.

It would be better to just help people unload the cargo at the dock.

The diesel engine of the fishing boat exploded and was completely useless.

The satellite phone was charged all night last night, but it didn't work for a day.

If I had known earlier, I would have brought a few more batteries.

But at the beginning, I was so excited that I forgot about the batteries.

The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and this 15-meter-long broken boat could capsize at any time.

Life jackets were useless.

The temperature dropped sharply at night, and the sea water temperature was low. People couldn't survive for a few hours after falling into the water.

This time was high tide.

With the tide, there will be sharks coming out to look for food.

Even if they don't freeze to death, they will become food in the sharks' mouths.

Shui's wrinkled face was full of regret.

Splash! !

Puff! !

Suddenly, there was a sound not far away.

Shui's father jumped up in fear and shouted in a trembling voice:


Shui's second uncle was also pale, his legs were weak, and he almost cried.

Shui Yi at the bow was stunned at first, then suddenly jumped up, opened his eyes hard, and looked towards the place where the water was spraying.

It's a pity that the sea was too dark at night and nothing could be seen.

But Shui Yi had an extremely absurd idea in his mind.

Killer whale.

This is a killer whale spraying water.

Brother Si Hai came to save him?

He suddenly burst into tears.

Shui's father and Shui's second uncle hurriedly ran over in panic.

"Child, it's all Dad's fault."

"If you want to blame someone, blame me."

Suddenly, several more water jets were heard on the sea.

It was getting closer.

Shui Yi finally confirmed one thing.

He hugged his father and jumped up and down:

"We are saved, Dad, Second Uncle, we are saved."

"It's a killer whale, it's a killer whale."

Shui's father and Second Uncle were scared out of their wits.

Their small boat couldn't withstand a hit from a killer whale.

It's true that killer whales don't eat people.

But it's also true that killer whales hit boats.

Is the child scared silly?

Shui Yi was so excited that he was incoherent:

"Brother Sihai, Brother Sihai is here to save us."

"It's the killer whale, Brother Sihai's killer whale is here."

"Woo woo woo, don't die, we won't die."

As if responding to Shui Yi, several more water jets were sprayed on the sea.

This time, it had reached the edge of the boat.

The small fishing boat, which had been violently ups and downs in the wind and waves, actually slowly calmed down.

Because two killer whales with a length of ten meters suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of the ship.

Under the dim light on the ship, the dark and shiny whale back shone.

Puff! !

"Woo woo woo!!"

At the bow, another killer whale slowly raised its head and looked at the three people on the boat indifferently.

Father Shui and Second Uncle Shui watched all this in horror.

Shui Yi jumped and waved to the terrifying huge killer whale head on the bow.

The other party shook his head coldly and retreated far away.

"Don't go."

"It's me."

"Ye Sihai is my big brother."

Shui Yi was only a 15-year-old boy after all, and fear came and went quickly.

Especially the scene in front of him was too cool.

This is not over yet.

The two adult killer whales that tightly clamped the small fishing boat in the middle actually slowly clamped the fishing boat.


The fishing boat slowly moved on the sea.

Shui's father and Shui's second uncle were so scared that their legs went weak.



There was a killer whale in front, leading the way, and two killer whales behind, speeding with their fishing boat between them.

On both sides of the ship, the killer whales' huge dorsal fins were exposed for at least half a meter.

The killer whales were moving at full speed, faster than the fishing boats.

And they were flat and stable.

This, this, this!

Shui's father and Shui's second uncle finally believed Shui Yi's words.

It turned out that these three killer whales really came to save them.

No wonder Ye Sihai could catch big yellow croaker.

No wonder he could catch hundreds of kilograms of bluefin tuna.

He is the legendary Dragon King of the Sea.

Oh my God.

Shui Yi stood at the bow of the boat and roared wildly at the sea.

In the boy's heart, his admiration for Ye Sihai had reached a fanatical level.

What else could be more shocking than a miracle he had experienced in person?

"Brother Sihai, I love you!"

"Hahaha, Brother Sihai is here to save me."

"Brother Jing, I love you too."

"Thank you."

Just like that for more than an hour.

A bright spot finally appeared on the dark sea.

"Dad, Uncle Er, look."

"It's Brother Sihai!"

"It must be Brother Sihai!"

The speed of the small fishing boat gradually slowed down.

Finally it stopped.

The two killer whales also put the fishing boat back into the water and then quietly dived away.

The fishing boat began to shake violently again.

Ye Sihai's fishing boat was getting closer and closer.

The searchlight had already hit the small fishing boat in the water.

On the bow of the ship, Ye Sihai shouted loudly:

"Shuiyi, Uncle Shui, are you okay?"

Father Shui burst into tears.

Uncle Shui wiped his tears and waved.

Shui Yi waved his hands excitedly:

"Brother Sihai, we are fine."

“We’re just so good.”

"Hahaha, Brother Whale carried us here."

Ye Sihai laughed heartily.

Very proud.

With Xiao Hui by his side, he gave instructions to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui then conveys the instructions to the killer whale a hundred miles away through his mother.

So there was such a magical scene.

It's not difficult, as long as you can communicate with the killer whales.

But who can do it?

Even the killer whale trainers in the Ocean Park can't do it.

Ye Sihai is a loser.

He can do it.

As I meditate on the thoughts of the heart of the ocean, I can communicate with marine creatures more and more smoothly.

Being as smart as a killer whale is a no brainer.

It's not even difficult.

Xiao Hui completely regarded Ye Sihai as his most trusted kindred spirit. His parents' words were not as effective as Ye Sihai's.

After all, mom and dad always force it to eat hard fish.

Only Ye Sihai, a two-legged beast, brought him fragrant cod liver oil every day.

Xiao Hui's IQ is almost equivalent to that of a five-year-old child.

Children of this age cannot be coaxed away with a packet of candy.

Ye Sihai used the tricks of a fraudster to successfully abduct Xiao Hui.

The two fishing boats slowly approached, and Ye Sihai stepped over them with a quick stride.

"Uncle Shui, Second Uncle Shui, just be fine."

Father Shui couldn't help but kneel down to Ye Sihai:

"Sihai, I...!"

Ye Sihai quickly supported him:

"Uncle Shui, you can't do this."

When Ye Sihai was unloading goods at the dock, only Uncle Shui was the best to him.

Teach him how to use skill and energy to save effort.

Teach him how to make more money.

One is an orphan, the other is poor, and they are much closer than the others.

"Brother Sihai, woo woo woo."

Shuiyi threw herself into Ye Sihai's arms and burst into tears:

"I thought I was going to die."

Ye Sihai punched him hard on the back:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

He waved to Liu Hanhan:

"Recruit, tie the boats together and let's get some food first."

Liu Hanhan let out a cry and started working quickly.

Ye Sihai said to Father Shui again:

"Uncle Shui, we won't go back tonight. How many trawl nets did you bring? Use him to make a few trawl nets and return with a full load."

Father Shui's tears fell again:

"Four Seas...!"

Ye Sihai gritted his teeth and said:

"Show them that the Shui family is not that easy to bully."

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