Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 83 Something happened to the Shui family

Leaving the old town beach, Ye Sihai took Liu Hanhan back home.

After taking a shower, he prepared to gather the sea-hunting team.

The butter crab season will come in a few days, and we can catch a few more at the end.

Just when he was about to send a message.

Liu Xiaoer and Wang He came over in a hurry.

When they saw him, they started crying.

"Brother Sihai, please save Shui Yi."

"He's in trouble, woo woo woo."

Ye Sihai was shocked and quickly comforted the two little guys.

You don't know until you ask, and you'll be shocked when you ask.

It really happened.

Shui Yi's family conditions are not good. His mother weaves fishing nets at home, and his father helps people unload goods at the dock.

A few days ago, everyone in the Sihai team was given a sum of money.

So Shui Yi's father took the money and bought a small fishing boat, so that fishing at sea is better than helping people unload goods.

He spent 150,000 yuan to buy a second-hand boat, and spent 3,000 yuan to buy a second-hand maritime satellite phone. He prepared it casually and went out to sea early this morning.

People who go out to sea are very superstitious.

Because Shui Yi followed Ye Sihai out and directly caught a net of yellow croaker, Shui Yi's father decided to take him with him.

He hoped that Shui Yi would bring good luck.

But he never thought...!

Shui Yi's mother received a call saying that the fishing boat had a problem, and even the second-hand satellite phone was a piece of junk. After contacting home, it was completely broken.

Now Shui Yi, his father, and his second uncle are completely out of contact.

A lonely fishing boat on the vast ocean, the result can be imagined.

After hearing this, Ye Sihai also panicked.

He forced himself to calm down:

"Don't worry, do you know where they are?"

Liu Xiaoer sobbed and said:

"I heard Shui Yi say that it seems to be going to the sea area we went to last time."

Ye Sihai's face sank.

There are no offshore fishing boats passing by that place.

There are also ocean-going cargo ships with fixed routes.

But there is no rescue equipment on the fishing boat.

Small fishing boats fishing near the coast really have nothing except a phone call.

After all, everyone fishes within a few dozen kilometers of the coast, not more than a hundred kilometers. Even if there is a problem, there will be fishing boats passing by in an hour and a half.

Shuiyi's father may have been cheated.

Small fishing boats are not something you can buy just by saying so.

Ye Sihai immediately called Liu Hanhan:

"New recruit, follow me."

He pushed out the motorcycle and rushed directly to the dock.

Liu Hanhan immediately rode up.

Liu Xiaoer and Wang He also rode on the battery car and chased desperately behind.

Liu Xiaoer cried while chasing.

Wang He scolded angrily:

"Don't cry, you're upset!"

"You're not crying, Wang He, I tell you, if Shuiyi gets into trouble, I will never play with you again."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"You're talking nonsense, don't think I don't know, you always fool Shuiyi out to sea."

Wang He...!

"I also want to make more money, so that he can get more."

"Well, I know, you want to help his family."

Wang He...!

Then why are you scolding me?

When they arrived at the dock, Ye Sihai had already taken Liu Hanhan and Lao Liang and rushed to the dock.

"Brother Sihai, let's go too."

Ye Sihai scolded directly:

"What are you going to do? Stay still, don't worry, I will definitely bring them back."

Although they didn't know what happened, everyone on the dock was alarmed.

When they asked if it was Lao Shui who had an accident, everyone fell silent.

Lao Shui is often too honest and has no bad character, but he can't avoid being laughed at, and even some good-natured or malicious jokes.

Honest people are always bullied.

Many people know that there is a problem with his purchase of this fishing boat.

Because it is a scrapped boat eliminated by Zhao's Fishery.

Don't say 150,000, even 30,000 is too expensive.

Small fishing boats of 15 meters long are all wooden structures, with only a 30-horsepower diesel engine, and nothing else.

If the trawl net is too long, it can't be dragged.

The obsolete fishing boats may even fall apart when encountering a little wind and waves because of the decay of the wood.

Everyone knows it, but no one reminds them.

Sometimes jealousy plays tricks on me, and I always wonder why Shui Yi, a 15-year-old boy, can earn 200,000 yuan at a time?

Ye Sihai is really angry.

He is angry at his lack of fighting.

They have been exploited by the Zhao family, and they are fighting among themselves, hating others for what they have and laughing at others for what they don't have, which is full of bad roots.

You are laughing at the Shui family, right?

I want to show you how the Shui family made a fortune by following me.

These teenagers followed me and made a fortune one by one.

"Uncle Liang, let's go."

Old Liang now regards Ye Sihai as a god and listens to his words.

This fishing boat is the one that Ye Sihai rented when he went out to sea last time.

The owner filled up the oil directly.

"Si Hai, saving people is the most important thing, and we'll talk about other things when we come back."

The fishing boat quickly sailed out of the dock.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still time to get to the place where they caught big yellow croaker last time.

It was as fast as lightning.

Ye Si Hai was not idle either, and the Heart of the Ocean was fully activated.

Xiao Hui should be able to receive the signal he sent, but he didn't know if Hui Ye's killer whale group was nearby.

Killer whale groups are divided into three types.

One is the resident type, one is the transient type, and one is the ocean-going type.

The whale group of Mr. Hui is the ocean-going whale group.

The sea area of ​​thousands of kilometers is their territory.

The scale of the ocean-going whale group is also the largest, and there can be as many as 200 whales.

The perception of the Heart of the Ocean is fully released, and the sonar system of the whale group can accurately locate thousands of miles away. It must be no problem to find me.

As time goes by, night begins to fall.

The lights on the fishing boat are turned on, and it is still moving at full speed.

The sea breeze is a bit strong at night, and the waves are gradually rising.

Ye Sihai can't care about so much, and he rushes all the way with the blessing of the Heart of the Ocean.

His eyes can see in the sea water as bright as day, and he is not afraid of any danger.

More than four hours passed like this, and it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

A large dark shadow suddenly appeared behind the fishing boat.

Xiao Hui followed the fishing boat at the fastest speed.

It was followed by its mother.

The mother whale came to help with more than 20 whales.

These adult killer whales, which are about ten meters long, weigh about ten tons.

Ye Sihai was overjoyed.

He immediately sent a series of thoughts to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui quickly approached the fishing boat, nodded to Ye Sihai, and then turned around and swam back quickly.

The mother whale whimpered and swam her tail fin fiercely.

The more than 20 killer whales following behind her dispersed and swam in all directions.

Ye Sihai's hanging heart was finally put down a little.

There shouldn't be any problems.

If more than 20 ocean street gliders can't find the water, it's really God's will.

"Uncle Liang, slow down and take a break."

Lao Liang stopped the fishing boat immediately.

After running at full speed for several hours, to be honest, he was almost unable to bear it.

At night, the wind and waves were strong and the visibility was poor. Few captains dared to drive the boat like this.

If it weren't for Ye Sihai, he wouldn't work so hard.

Xiao Jianguo had already signed a contract with him, so he was now an employee of Sihai Company.

"Sihai, have you found it?"

Ye Sihai nodded.

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