Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 65 Bao...Qiao Jie? Why is it you?

With Xiao Lin's guarantee, Ye Sihai and others can disembark and move around freely.

Xiao Jianguo quietly pulled Ye Sihai aside:

"Sihai, Xiaolin said that if it can reach SS level, the auction price will be guaranteed at two million US dollars. If it can reach SSS level, it will be at least this amount."

He opened a hand.

Ye Sihai smiled faintly:

"more than."

Xiao Jianguo was stunned and looked at Ye Sihai in surprise.

Ye Sihai smiled and said nothing.

Let them be shocked.

Five million dollars?


The meat quality of this fish will reach an unprecedented height.

He checked it with the Heart of the Ocean.

Everyone was chatting excitedly, and the topic was how much the fish could be sold for.

When it was almost noon, Xiao Lin enthusiastically invited Ye Sihai and others to have lunch.

And he also invited them to visit his company in the afternoon.

This is more or less a way to show off one's own strength, which is what An Ye Sihai and others want.

He was also afraid that Ye Sihai and others had other connections and would suddenly stop cooperating with him.

After all, this is an unprecedented opportunity to show your face.

Many companies rely on such opportunities to soar into the sky.

If Xiaolin's company successfully completes this auction, it will definitely become a star in the industry.

It takes three days to bleed the tuna and remove the acid.

And three days later, it will be the auction of this southern bluefin tuna.

So Ye Sihai had to stay in Tokyo for three days.

Because he was in a hurry, Xiao Lin treated Ye Sihai and others to a normal kaiseki meal at noon.

Although it is also a dinner, it is not the best.

The more important the guest is, the more enthusiasm he must show, preferably the kind of top-notch cuisine that has been reserved.

But Ye Sihai didn't have any choice and ate happily.

After dinner, Xiaolin took him to visit the largest seafood market in Tokyo.

This market is not only the largest in Japan, but also the largest in the world.

It covers an area of ​​more than 300,000 square meters.

There are many areas divided into different categories.

Vegetables, fruits, chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, and all kinds of fish.

Almost everything.

Xiao Jianguo quietly said to Ye Sihai:

"There are almost more than 2,000 wholesale companies in this market, and Xiaolin's company is among the top 100."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Uncle Xiao, you have so many channels."

Xiao Jianguo chuckled:

"Most of the high-end seafood I have is sold to him. I rely on him to sell the large yellow croaker, so he values ​​you so much."

Ye Sihai suddenly realized.

According to Xiao Jianguo, this Xiao Lin's net worth is at least dozens of times that of Lao Xiao. How can Xiao Lin be so enthusiastic when he is respectful in front and arrogant in back?

It turned out to be this reason.

In the afternoon, we visited the market and Xiaolin's company. In the evening, Xiaolin received everyone grandly.

Ye Sihai drank sake until he was in a daze, and fell asleep at the hotel.

When I woke up the next day, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

I got up and just took a shower when there was a knock on the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he was a little dumbfounded:

"Bao... Sister Qiao? Why is it you?"

Liu Baoqiao smiled and said:

"Are you surprised? Why can't it be me? I'll bring you clothes. You pack them up. Wherever you want to go today, I'll accompany you."

Ye Sihai...!

What's the rhythm?

Uncle Qi, where are you?

"Sister Qiao, where are they?"

Liu Baoqiao blushed slightly and said angrily:

"They can't get up today, don't ask, just go take a shower."

Ye Sihai suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

He hated those bastards Lin Qi to death.

Needless to say, after drinking last night, these guys probably went to Roppongi in a group.

The high-end izakaya there is said to be very fun.

Did they avoid him on purpose?

very good!

I remember you.

Ye Sihai came out of the shower and looked at the clothes Liu Baoqiao had prepared for him, feeling ashamed again.

T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, and even underwear.

Once worn, the size fits perfectly.

This is a bit painful.

He quietly called Liu Gang.

After a long while, Liu just said in a daze:

"Sihai, I still want to sleep, don't disturb me."

Ye Sihai whispered about Liu Baoqiao's visit to him.

Liu Gang suddenly stopped feeling sleepy and smiled maliciously:

"Brother, if you make a mistake, don't let it go. Let me tell you, for the honor of us men, I must support you. What a wonderful young woman. Live a good life and not be clingy."

"Get out!"

Ye Sihai was so angry that he almost crushed the phone to pieces.

This group of bad friends.

No matter what, just do whatever you want.

I have a clear conscience.

After changing his clothes, he followed Liu Baoqiao out of the house.

"Are you hungry? Let me take you to eat first."

Seeing Liu Baoqiao's gentle and intellectual look, Ye Sihai also felt a little regretful.

Why did she meet a crooked person?

No wonder I don’t dare to get married again.

That kind of damage is indeed a bit big.

"Sister Qiao, what are you taking me to eat?"

Liu Bao said with a smile:

"You can eat whatever you want."

"Then you want to treat me?"

Liu Baoqiao glanced at Ye Sihai strangely:

"Of course, you are my brother-in-law, how can I let you spend money?"

The words "brother-in-law" made Ye Sihai a little embarrassed.

After getting into Liu Baoqiao's car, the two chatted about everything and soon became familiar with each other.

Liu Baoqiao took him to an extremely high-end bakery.

"Try this bread, it's very good."

She is like a neighbor sister doting on her younger brother.

Ye Sihai tasted a few kinds of bread and found that they were really delicious.

"Sister Qiao, this cake is really good. When I leave, can I buy some to take back?"

"Do you want to bring it to Qiaohua Girl? Of course you can, but this baked bread will taste best if you eat it within an hour after it is freshly baked."

Liu Baoqiao smiled and said:

"You can take a plane when you get back. I'll take you to the airport. I'll ask Qiaohua to pick you up at Lecheng Airport in advance. You can almost eat the most delicious food."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but be very moved.

No matter what those bad friends say, this girl is too gentle and intellectual.

Is a friend worth keeping.

He ate another piece of cake.



Ye Sihai's expression changed drastically.

Liu Baoqiao suddenly became nervous:

"What's wrong?"

"Where's my new recruit? That big, silly guy?"

Liu Baoqiao was stunned and suddenly smiled:

"He has been with that Mr. Xiao."

Ye Sihai suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

Grandma drops.

He actually forgot about Liu Hanhan the whole time.

If I really lose him, I will cry to death in the toilet.

Needless to say, someone must have done it intentionally for Liu Hanhan to be with Xiao Jianguo.

Xiao Jianguo also had bad intentions.

Do you really want me to step on a few boats?

I will tell my sister Qiaohua about this when I get back.

By the time……!


the following few days.

Accompanied by Liu Baoqiao, Ye Sihai played almost the entire Tokyo.

The third day.

He finally met Liu Hanhan.

There are also Lin Qi and others.

Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Lin have already received executives from the International Sea Fishing Organization, and the officials have also sent reporters.

The executive officer of the International Sea Fishing Organization wanted to personally inspect the big tuna in front of reporters and award Ye Sihai an award.

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