There is a maritime satellite phone on the fishing boat.

When Xiao Jianguo received the call, he was completely blown away.

"Si Hai, are you serious?"

"Southern bluefin tuna? Are you sure?"

"Four meters and fifteen? Did you measure it correctly?"

"Eight hundred and thirty-eight kilograms? Oh my God? How can it be so heavy?"

Ye Sihai was also a little curious.

Generally, a four-meter-long tuna weighs five or six hundred kilograms.

The extra one-third of weight is either fat or something in the stomach.

It is best to be fat.

The fat content of tuna is the key factor in determining the price.

"Leave it to me. I have connections in Japan. I will leave immediately. Lecheng Airport happens to have a flight to Tokyo. We can meet no later than ten o'clock."

Xiao Jianguo hung up the phone, and his face was numb.

Xiao's wife was awakened early and looked at her husband in shock.

"Is it really a southern bluefin?"

"Yes, Sihai wouldn't say anything nonsense, it's 4.15 meters long and 838 kilograms."

Xiao Jianguo said excitedly while rummaging through the closet:

"It will be auctioned, it must be auctioned, it will cause a sensation."

Xiao's wife was a little worried:

"Will your relationship in Japan work?"

Xiao Jianguo is engaged in high-end seafood and has a partner in Japan, and the other party's strength is still very strong in the local area.

But can the other party ensure that such a record-breaking southern bluefin is foolproof?

And it's still alive.

"No problem, I'll arrange it."

"Then the other party will definitely ask for a high commission, right?"

Xiao Jianguo regained his shrewdness as a businessman should have:

"According to the rules, the auction organizer can get 10% of the transaction price, but this time...!"

"I'll let them do it for free."

Xiao's wife was surprised:

"How can it be free?"

Xiao Jianguo laughed:

"Breaking all the bluefin tuna auction records in the world, who would want to let others do this? Don't worry, I just need to spread the news, and countless people will come to me with money."

Xiao Jianguo flew from Lecheng to Tokyo late that night.

The boss of his partner in Japan drove to greet him personally:

"Xiao Sang! Welcome."

"Mr. Kobayashi, I hope we can all be satisfied with this cooperation."

"Xiao Sang, please rest assured, I will do my best."

Xiao Jianguo got in the car, and the group left the airport quickly.

At 9:30 the next morning.

A large group of people stood at a fishing boat dock in Tokyo Bay.

Xiao Jianguo looked at a young beauty not far away with some surprise.

The other person was tall, with long hair and an intellectual beauty.

From the looks of the other person, was he also waiting for the fishing boat to return?

More than ten minutes later, a sea fishing yacht slowly approached the shore.

"Here we come!"

Xiao Jianguo was immediately excited.

The Japanese standing next to him was Mr. Kobayashi who greeted him last night, and there were several employees of the other company, as well as Japanese officials.

As the sea fishing yacht slowly approached, someone on the bow deck suddenly waved and shouted from a distance.

That was Liu Xiaoyu.

"Second sister, here, here."

Lin Qi's face behind him darkened in an instant.

Several people next to him almost burst out laughing.

They looked at Liu Xiaoyu strangely, and then cursed him in their hearts at the same time for being shameless.

Liu Xiaoyu's second sister is Liu Baoqiao, 26 years old this year, married to the son of a family of Liu's old friend.

But they divorced a year later.

Many people vaguely know the reason, but dare not say it.

Liu Xiaoyu's ex-brother-in-law is a lesbian.

Before the marriage, no one in the two families knew about it. That bastard thought he could hide it after the marriage.

But in the end, Liu Baoqiao told his parents about it.

Liu's father almost died on the spot.

Because they were old friends, there was no dirty talk, and they had to divorce because of emotional discord.

After the divorce, Liu Baoqiao went to study in Japan, just at Tokyo Imperial University.

Liu Xiaoyu was so crazy that he asked his second sister to pick him up?


How could it be for picking him up?

It was clearly...!

Everyone's weird eyes fell on Ye Sihai.

Ye Sihai was confused:

"What are you looking at? Is there a flower on my face?"

Liu Gang smiled strangely, gently bumped his shoulder with him, and whispered:

"There is a flower, peach blossom."

Lin Qi kicked him angrily:

"Peach your sister?"

Liu Gang looked regretful:

"If I had a sister, I would also... oops!"

Lin Qi kicked him again.

Liu Gang was very sad.

Brother, it's not good to eat alone.

Good brother-in-law, why don't you want to share?

Ye Sihai couldn't help but look over secretly.

He had good eyesight and could see the other person clearly from a distance.

Well, beautiful and pure, she is a beauty.

But no matter how you look at her, she doesn't look like a young woman?

It's not an exaggeration to say that she is a girl.


What are you thinking about, Ye Sihai?

I'll punish you to think about Qiaohuamei three thousand times.

The sea fishing yacht approached the shore, and Liu Xiaoyu rushed down first.

Xiao Jianguo and others had no time to get to know the beauties and they all hurriedly got on the boat.

One of the employees and officials of Xiaolin Company turned on the camera throughout the whole process.

"Sihai, let's go see the fish first."

Ye Sihai did not hesitate and led everyone directly to the bottom cabin.

When Xiao Jianguo and Mr. Xiaolin saw the four-meter-long super blue-fin golden gun, everyone was stunned.

Especially a group of Japanese people, who kept fighting against Si Guoyi!

It’s just a butterfly.

Liu Baoqiao was next to the crowd. She had no interest in big tuna.

Instead, he glanced at Ye Sihai cautiously.

Liu Xiaoyu said excitedly:

"Second sister, this is what we caught. It is definitely worth money."

Liu Baoqiao frowned slightly, she noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere.

She knew several of Liu Xiaoyu's friends, including Lin Qi.

But Lin Qi didn't come to say hello to her at all, and several other guys were also sneaking around and holding back some evil smiles.

"Xiaoyu, what are they doing? Why do they all look at me like this? Is there anything wrong with my face?"

Liu Gang made a sound, covered his mouth and ran away:

"Sorry, I'm a little seasick."

Lin Qi's face became darker and darker.

Liu Baoqiao looked a little dull and shouted:

"Brother Lin Qi, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy to see me?"

Lin Qixi said with a frown:

"Baoqiao, if you don't study hard, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Liu Baoqiao tried hard not to be angry and snorted:

"Brother Lin Qi, what's your attitude?"

Lin Qi is about to explode.

What's wrong with my attitude?

I also want to have a good attitude.


He suddenly laughed like a spring breeze:

"Baoqiao, let me introduce you, brother-in-law, come here."

Ye Sihai felt like he was in trouble.

"This is my brother-in-law Ye Sihai, Qiaohua's...fiancé."

"Brother-in-law, this is Liu Baoqiao, Xiaoyu's second sister. You have to call me sister."

Ye Sihai...!

Liu Baoqiao looked at Ye Sihai with a look of amazement:

"Is Qiaohua girl engaged? She's only eighteen? Hello Ye Sihai, I'm Liu Baoqiao."

Liu Baoqiao stretched out a small white hand.

Ye Sihai could only hold it gently:

"Hello, Sister Baoqiao."

Liu Xiaoyu suddenly interrupted:

"Second sister, Sihai is coming to Japan for the first time. He doesn't understand the language. You can be his translator and take him around."

Liu Baoqiao immediately smiled and said:

"No problem, I can do it. Sihai, where do you want to go?"

I want to go home.

I want to find Qiaohua.

Fortunately, Xiao Jianguo came over.

Mr. Xiao Lin, who was only 1.5 meters tall, made a 90-degree bow directly to Ye Sihai and shouted loudly:

"Yesang, congratulations, your fish has broken all world records for bluefin tuna."

Several people around Xiaolin are official record keepers of Japanese fisheries.

The weight, length and other data of the fish must be strictly recorded.

Because there's a lot involved.

The Japanese people have an almost perverted preference for bluefin tuna.

For subsequent evaluations, fish killing is left to professionals.

Ye Sihai only needs to go directly to the auction site to count the money in a few days.

And, of course, collect record-breaking bonuses.

In the next few days, it will be up to Xiaolin to see how he hypes this fish.

look forward to.

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