Everyone gathered and headed straight to the auction site.

Got to the place.

Ye Sihai found that the entire auction house was already packed with people.

There are more than a dozen media outlets.


Ye Sihai became a star and was pushed directly to the center.

Xiao Lin waved his hand.

Immediately, two employees from his company carried a sign.

Above is a real photo of the tuna he caught.

Weight and length are also noted.

First, he held the sign and took photos alone, and then Lin Qi and others came up to take photos together.

It's Xiao Jianguo, Xiao Lin again...!

There were many people he didn't know at all, who kept bowing to him and smiling with their faces full of chrysanthemums.

A burst of pats.

All in all, it took almost more than an hour just to take photos with others, which made Ye Sihai go crazy.

The executive officer of the International Sea Fishing Organization finally came over.

He stretched out his hand towards Ye Sihai from a distance:

"Congratulations, Mr. Ye."

An enlarged check template was brought up.

There are also mysterious stickers on it.

After Ye Sihai took it, the executive removed the sticker.


Everyone present cheered.

Then there was thunderous applause.

The flashlight almost blinded Ye Sihai.

Lin Qi and Liu Gang hugged each other excitedly.

Liu Xiaoyu also hugged his second sister.

Xiao Jianguo blushed and applauded desperately.

Xiao Lin and others even applauded and grinned.

Ye Sihai looked down and was shocked.

On the check template, there is a long series of zeros.

Four and a half million!

Dollars! !

This was the prize he received for breaking the world's bluefin tuna fishing record.

Four and a half million US dollars, converted into Chinese currency, is...!

thirty million! !

Liu Baoqiao looked at Ye Sihai in shock, covering her mouth slightly.

She doesn’t like sea fishing very much and doesn’t know anything about it.

That was not her area of ​​interest.


The prize money of 4.5 million US dollars is a bit too amazing.

Although she is a rich young lady, she has almost tens of millions of private funds.

What followed was another crazy photo session.



The flashes never stopped.

Ye Sihai's face froze with laughter.

Liu Baoqiao didn't come forward to take a photo before, but now she came over.

"Congratulations, Sihai."

Ye Sihai grinned and said:

"Sister Qiao, now I have money to treat you to dinner."

Liu Baoqiao smiled and whispered:

"Okay then, I'll wait for you to invite me."

Ye Sihai smiled happily and said:


No matter what it is, if it can break the world record, it must be a sensational event.

Ye Sihai is truly famous.

Go abroad and go international.

Being famous for fishing at the pier in Jinfeng Town is not at the same level as being famous for large yellow croakers in Lecheng.

Eight hundred and thirty-eight kilograms, four and a half meters of southern bluefin tuna.

This is a carnival for sea fishing enthusiasts all over the world.

Sea fishing has always been a sport for the rich.

Without money, you can’t even go out to sea.

Not to mention a set of sea fishing equipment that can easily cost tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

Ye Sihai's bonus will be calculated into his account as soon as possible.

Finally, the executive officer of the sea fishing organization came up holding a record-breaking medal.

"Congratulations, Ye. I hope you can come to visit my fishing ground. I will introduce you to many senior fishing friends."

Ye Sihai took the medal with both hands, took the business card handed over by the executive, and said with a smile in fluent English:

"Thank you, Mr. Executive Officer. It's gratifying to get a bonus, but this medal is more important to me. I will treasure it."

The executive couldn't help but be overjoyed and gave Ye Sihai a hug.

A pure sea fishing enthusiast who really doesn’t value money.

Because they are so damn rich.

What they want is the excitement of breaking a record.

The reason why Ye Sihai's bonus is so high is because he broke two records.

Length and weight.

The gold content is too heavy.

The original bonus was only three million, but now there is an extra one and a half million, which was completely added temporarily by the sea fishing organization.

The rest of the time is left to the auction.

The processed bluefin tuna has been delivered to the site in a special freezer.

The people participating in the auction simultaneously raised a lantern with black characters on a white background.

In Japan, only the top restaurants, restaurants, or kaiseki restaurants are eligible to hang white lanterns.

A white lantern represents a top-notch restaurant.

These top restaurants are not just restaurants.

They all have the shadow of the consortium behind them.

Otherwise, a restaurant like the one in Japan only has less than 100 square meters in total, and it is impossible to spend millions of dollars on it at once?

At a glance, Ye Sihai saw that there were no less than a hundred lanterns.

He thought of Xiao Jianguo's words and couldn't help but look forward to it.

In his previous life, he often ate top-quality Japanese food and knew how popular the top-quality bluefin tuna was.

The only thing that needs to be determined now is the quality of the meat.

This requires the chefs of these restaurants to personally watch the official quality inspectors inspect in public.

Ye Sihai was looking forward to their expressions in a while.

Taking advantage of the gap, Xiao Jianguo walked to Ye Sihai and said excitedly:

"Sihai, is it S-level or SS-level? If it is SSS-level, it would be great, what do you think?"

Ye Sihai smiled slightly.

It's no wonder that Xiao Jianguo was excited.

Anyone would be excited.

It's hard for Ye Sihai not to be excited.

The fresh ice freezer was opened, and the processed southern bluefin tuna with the head and tail removed was lifted by a forklift.

The top-grade bluefin tuna must be auctioned immediately after acid removal, so as to avoid the loss of taste caused by ultra-low temperature freezing.

Everyone stretched their necks in anticipation.

The official inspector took out a long, specially made hollow transparent cannula as thick as a little finger.

Under the eyes of the public, the cannula was rotated into the body of the bluefin tuna.

After pulling it out, the fish meat was shaken out from the inside and began to be tested.

A group of top cooking chefs surrounded it.

Then, everyone's face was full of shock.




One after another, exclamations of disbelief rang out.

Everyone's face was full of shock.

Xiao Jianguo was extremely excited:

"Si Hai, what do you think it is?"

Ye Sihai shook his head and said to Xiao Jianguo:

"Uncle Xiao, don't get excited."

Xiao Jianguo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and said in a trembling voice after a long time:

"How can I not be excited?"

More than ten minutes later, the quality inspector completed the test.

He raised a loud speaker in his hand.

"Everyone, after testing, the meat quality of this fish has never appeared before, surpassing the current SSS grade of super-high-quality."

Boom! !

Everyone present gasped.

And Lin Qi, Liu Gang, Liu Xiaoyu and others were so excited that they were unrecognizable, hugging each other and jumping.

The restaurants participating in the auction at the same time began to look at their colleagues around them.


Many people gathered together and whispered.

"They are in a chain."

Xiao Jianguo's face turned red with excitement:

"One family obviously can't eat it all. This fish is enough to make their restaurant full every day for a long time in the future and famous all over the world."

"Si Hai, you are really... too awesome."

Xiao Jianguo's eyes wanted to swallow Ye Si Hai:

"Why don't I have a daughter?"

Ye Si Hai didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The quality inspector gave the final inspection evaluation:

"This is a fish I have never seen before. The meat is as delicate as jade, and the meat pattern is as beautiful as the purest virgin. The fat content of the belly has reached an unprecedented 22%!"


"How much?"

"Super top quality!"

"Super super top quality!"

Tonight, I don't know how many local tyrants are waving their wallets and lining up to eat.

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